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- YOGA-ARTICLE: What do chakras begin with?Chakras … There is something mysterious and captivating in them … That’s why the interest in this topic has been growing recently. When we study the information from different sources, we can come to the conclusion that chakras are some kind of “a magic pill” that can change life for the better in an instant. …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Jealousy managementFor many centuries relationships between a man and a woman have been a topic of great concern. There are always a lot of disputes, discussions and theories around it. Various teachings try to explain the “sacred conflict” of a man and a woman from their side. Today we’ll talk about jealousy. This is the side …
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YOGA-ARTICLE: The practice of using pseudonyms in yoga. Feedback Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: The paths of yoga lead to the heights of self-knowledge Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: The benefits of doing yoga outdoors Read More »
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: Feedback. Three things that impressed me at IOYUWhen I decided to study at IOYU, I didn’t have any clue what was waiting for me. We are familiar with the main approaches in the educational process from the early days of school and barely anything changes at a later stage. “Learning is just learning” – but this is so only at the first …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Feedback. Three things that impressed me at IOYU Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Restrain yourself today for a better tomorrow Read More »
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: Keeping Secrets Or How the Success in Yoga Can Be Destroyed by OversharingNowadays Yoga is becoming more and more popular. There is a huge amount of information on the internet and in books about this ancient teaching. Modern spiritual seekers passionately share their experience or information that is yet to be discovered by practice. It helps to spread spiritual knowledge and increase the welfare of everyone. The …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Keeping Secrets Or How the Success in Yoga Can Be Destroyed by Oversharing Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: The importance of keeping good company Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: The agony of creation, its origin and death Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: The agony of creation, its origin and deathRealizing a creative idea, quite often we are confronted with a situation where at first, everything goes “like clockwork”, and then at some point, we get stuck and can’t move forward. This state is sometimes called “the agony of creation”. Why does it happen? Why, in some cases, we can easily bring our ideas to …
YOGA-ARTICLE: The agony of creation, its origin and death Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Our mind is our friend and assistant Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Start With Yourself And the World Will Change! Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Fasting as a Method of Spiritual and Physical Transformation Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Modern technology at the service of ancient knowledgeStudying at International Open Yoga University (IOYU) gives us the opportunity to receive an additional profession as a teacher of yoga in English and Russian, as well as to acquire additional competencies. This opens broad prospects and significantly expands the degree of our freedom. Let’s see what innovations are being introduced at IOYU and what …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Modern technology at the service of ancient knowledge Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: The effectiveness of studying yoga in a group Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Sail the ocean with a little inspiration Read More »
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: Bhakti Yoga: to believe or not to believe?Our modern life is very diverse. There are many theories, teachings, doctrines, religious organizations with distinct worldviews. Each one of us at a certain age faces a choice: to believe in a Creator of the Universe and predefined processes or to succumb to randomness and Fortune. People are eager to know their origin! This is …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Bhakti Yoga: to believe or not to believe? Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Learn, understand and accept the principles of yogaWhen you start to take interest in yoga as a system of self-exploration, you learn about its three pillars – the three principles of yoga. Considering these principles comprehensively and from different angles, we receive Knowledge about them. Logically and consistently accepting and applying them in our life, we are more and more convinced: that, …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Learn, understand and accept the principles of yoga Read More »
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: Universal yoga practice for every dayThere is no accounting for tastes. However, the tastes themselves are not disregarded, and even among yogis can be found various preferences regarding practice. Someone will say that Hatha yoga is boring because of its static nature. There will definitely be those who do not like the repetitive movements of Kriya yoga, but someone, on …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Universal yoga practice for every day Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: The Three Principles of Yoga – Three Pillars of a Harmonious Life. No Suffering!Our world is multifaceted. For some it is full of suffering, for others it is filled with happiness, joy and love. Different people perceive the same event ambiguously. Where do sufferings come from in our world? How to eliminate suffering in the outer and inner universe and fill life with joy? In the two previous …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Three Principles of Yoga – Three Pillars Of a Harmonious LifeLogic Everywhere! Everyone in their life has faced some form of illogical behaviour of others or their own. Often, we waste our time, money and life resources unwisely. As a result, it seems we are constantly in short supply. Is it possible to find an inexhaustible source of strength and energy? In the previous article, …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Three Principles of Yoga – Three Pillars Of a Harmonious Life Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Three Principles of Yoga are Three Pillars of Harmonious Life. It All Starts with Kidness.There comes time in life when we lose our way, and everything gets mixed or confused. Our own system of principles and beliefs, which seems pretty harmonious, falls apart. We start to doubt our own abilities, not being able to complete our tasks or achieve our goals. What should we do in this case? What’s …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Trick or treatA good leader knows that every employee needs a different approach. Some need to be praised to get the job done efficiently and on time. For others this method does not work, and only imposition of fines or salary deductions can get them moving. Why are there such differences: some people are motivated by the …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Phobias – Memories From the PastWe all face manifestations of certain fears, apprehensions, anxieties in life. A part of them lends itself to a logical explanation — we ourselves can find their cause and, therefore, overcome them; some fears are justified and appropriate because they warn against dangers. Others, on the contrary, have long lost their relevance, but continue to …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Our children are our teachersChildren are born and entrust themselves to their parents. The influence that father and mother have on their children is essential especially in the first years of life, when children are completely dependent on their parents. It is very important to help our children find their way in life, to contribute as much as possible …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Pay your debts and expand your freedomEach of us strives for freedom, but not everyone succeeds in achieving this state. The concept of freedom cannot be explained logically. Everyone understands it in their own way. Let’s think about freedom from the yoga perspective. Is there Freedom in this Universe? There are two opposite opinions on this subject. According to one opinion …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Pay your debts and expand your freedom Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Tomorrow is born todayEvery day gives us the opportunity to change something in our lives. However, sometimes we consider ourselves hostages of the circumstances and think that nothing depends on us. How are the situations in which we find ourselves born? How to get out of the cycle of events that affect us? How can the right attitude …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Dancing Through Life“What brings happiness to our lives that makes the soul sing so that any deed turns into a bright moment and takes us straight to freedom? Or what is that sometimes oppresses us and we can’t take a step forward, when every new day is a disaster and makes us believe that the world is …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Life in Rita Rhythm 1. Energy Method and Consciousness Method in yoga practice 2. How to feel harmony? 3. Bhava as a well-deserved gift from the Universe 4. Move, feeling the rhythm of the Universe 5. Practical application of yoga knowledge in life In yoga, we often encounter the concept of harmony. This happens so often that the meaning …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Working with a voice is a way to self-transformationPeople who are proficient in their language have a very strong power of thought. They can influence other people and generally succeed in life. Beautiful, clear and harmonious mellow voice, literate and competent speech is fascinating by its expression. However, regretfully, not every person can speak perfectly. Is it possible to improve the world and …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Working with a voice is a way to self-transformation Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Anger: From Fear to Self-ImprovementEach of us has felt anger at some point. Everyone gets angry from time to time, but the range of intensity of this feeling is different for everyone. Often people evaluate anger negatively. They are convinced that experiencing it is harmful and unworthy for a conscious person, so they try to fight it. Anger arises …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Anger: From Fear to Self-Improvement Read More »