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I am Natalie Ananda. This is a free yoga self-study site, a library for learning yoga from the beginning, created by International Open Yoga University. All materials here are free. Everything here is friendly and open.
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: Modern technology at the service of ancient knowledgeStudying at International Open Yoga University (IOYU) gives us the opportunity to receive an additional profession as a teacher of yoga in English and Russian, as well as to acquire additional competencies. This opens broad prospects and significantly expands the degree of our freedom. Let’s see what innovations are being introduced at IOYU and what …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Modern technology at the service of ancient knowledge Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: The effectiveness of studying yoga in a group Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Bhakti Yoga: to believe or not to believe? Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Learn, understand and accept the principles of yoga Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Universal yoga practice for every day Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Three Principles of Yoga – Three Pillars Of a Harmonious Life Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Pay your debts and expand your freedom Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Working with a voice is a way to self-transformation Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Harmony In Breathing Is Harmony In Life! Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Yantra yoga. The cognition of the world through forms Read More »
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- Hello Dear Friends!My name is Elena Beznikina. I’m an Open Yoga teacher in Williamsville NY USA 14221. I lead classes in English and in Russian. My number: +1-917-826-36-81
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Having Many Children is Not a Judgment Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: How much does the spirit evolution cost? Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: Raja yoga. Tips for a newbie leader Read More »
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: A sound mind in a sond body!Using physical exercises yoga helps to keep the body in harmony and to reach the next level in self-knowledge. Yoga teachers passed the tradition of leading a healthy lifestyle through the ages. Men and women trained hard their bodies to feel their physical and inner strength and to bear and bring up healthy posterity. The …
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- YOGA-ARTICLE: PREHISTORYAs part of the IOYU’s mission to keep yoga knowledge from disappearing, the Open Yoga Journal was created. The purpose of the Journal is to convey yoga knowledge in simple language for all those interested in yoga: for both experienced practitioners and beginners. The Journal is adapted to modern conditions and the rhythm of life, …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Yoga is the way to human evolution!Yoga for beginners, yoga for men, yoga for women, yoga for seniors. So, what is yoga – is it a way to enlightenment or just another method for making easy money? Where did this teaching come from? What are the basic laws of it? How many types of yoga exist? Let’s try to figure this …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Yoga is the way to human evolution! Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: It is never too early or too late to practice yoga!Yoga is a system of self-exploration that includes physical and mental exercises and helps to expand our freedom. When should we start practicing yoga to make the process of engaging in practice as easy as possible and to build the habit faster? How can you understand that a person is ready for yoga classes? Is …
YOGA-ARTICLE: It is never too early or too late to practice yoga! Read More »
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YOGA-ARTICLE: How to get rid of importunate thoughts Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Creativity as a type of Yoga«The ability to create is a great gift of nature; the act of creativity in the creative soul is a great sacrament; a minute of creativity is a minute of great sacred rite.» V. Belinsky Yoga is a process of self-knowledge, it is when we direct all our attention to studying ourselves and the world …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: The soul is in pain, but yoga will help!Have you ever felt pain, either physical or mental? Surely, each of us at least once in a lifetime had a feeling of physical or emotional discomfort of various degrees of severity. Have you ever wondered what exactly pain is? Where does it come from and is it possible to avoid it? We shall try …
YOGA-ARTICLE: The soul is in pain, but yoga will help! Read More »
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Life is everything!Life is the most important thing in the Universe. All living beings, from the simplest to the most complex, desire to bear life. They support life by giving birth and fostering a new generation of their own species. “If not for the source, the river would dry up.” A proverb The Universe, allowing us …
- YOGA-ARTICLE: Who to blame for our failures?At least once in our life each one of us has been in a situation, which was dissatisfying or unpleasant for us, and caused suffering and pain. Someone did not get the desired job or did not achieve the goal. Someone had a serious illness or could not build a relationship. When something negative happens …
- Nyasa Yoga. Experience of the world through touchingA person can live to an old age without vision, sense of smell or hearing, but even if all these sensory organs do not function, we shall still have one very important sense — a sense of touch. Many people do not pay due attention to tactual sensations. A person builds up his/her own world …
Nyasa Yoga. Experience of the world through touching Read More »