My yoga classes in Brooklyn, NY here…

I am Veranika Antanevich. This is a free yoga self-study site, a library for learning yoga from the beginning, created by International Open Yoga University. All materials here are free. Everything here is friendly and open.
YouTube: Veranika Antanevich
Telegram: @veranikabhakti
Instagram: @veranika_yoga

On this site you will find more than 60 kinds, types and sections of yoga from the simplest to the most advanced and difficult to understand. This site also has a Yoga Blog, Yoga Forum and a link to free online yoga courses.
Translation into English is currently underway. Despite this, you can already study articles that have not yet been translated using google translate. See here: Google Translate. Email me:

60 Types of Yoga…
Free on-line Yoga Courses…
Yoga Forum…


How to start free studying here? What to do?

Step 1. Start exploring the articles on this site on your own.
Step 2.Start chatting with like-minded people on our forum. Here…
Step 3. Start systematically learning yoga on Free Online Yoga Courses . Here…

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