YOGA-ARTICLE: Nyasa Yoga. Experience of the world through touching
A person can live to an old age without vision, sense of smell or hearing, but even if all these sensory organs do not function, we shall still have one very important sense — a sense of touch. Many people do not pay due attention to tactual sensations. A person builds up his/her own world …
YOGA-ARTICLE: Nyasa Yoga. Experience of the world through touching Read More »
Knowledge and practice
So our course on the treatise “Shiva Samhita” has ended … and how many have not yet passed through themselves and have not been disassembled into cogs. Even before I entered, I got hold of this priceless scroll of knowledge, presented to us by the Teachers. An indescribable feeling of delight and admiration flooded me …
What is yoga?
We use to think that yoga is something, that came to us from India, that it is a kind of gymnastics or meditation, or breathe techniques. We see Indian people making sometimes strange poses, standing on their heads or sitting motionless with closed eyes. Or we see in the internet beautiful fit girls who make …
What is the “asana”?
Everyone seems to know the word “asana”. Well, the yoga pose. The component part of most names of yoga poses looks like this: “ear head knee buttocks asana”, etc. In Sanskrit everything is written (most often) together. Use the names of body parts, famous characters, plants, animals, gods, or abilities. There are quite ancient names …
Evolution of consciousness. Relations Psychology. Tantra Yoga Philosophy. Kate Karani
English text – Anastasia Bhargo “Hello everyone. My name is Karani. Today we have a new video devoted to Tantra yoga, the relationship of man and woman [pl] from a position of yoga. These lectures are more general. At the last lecture, we considered how birth, sex and death are related. If you have any …
Evolution of consciousness. Relations Psychology. Tantra Yoga Philosophy. Kate Karani Read More »
Openyoga YouTube — Digest #1
Principles of Tantra by Shivaсhandra pp.257-270 Types of asanas according to primary sources/ Виды асан в соответствии с первоисточниками Йога: путь к развитию человечества / Yoga: the path to the evolution of humanity Как преодолеть Майю? / How to overcome Maya? Родовая Йога. / Generic yoga Our free online yoga course at Theory and …
Hatha Yoga
“… he who has seen it once, will achieve mastery in yoga…” Hatha Yoga Treatise We’d like to present you this video about hatha yoga. The video was filmed based on a rare treatise “Hatha Yoga Narrative”. The treatise is written as a conversation between a yoga student Adya with his beloved teacher Shakti (also …