026. Rita Yoga. Yoga dance of the universe and man.
Dancing Through Life
“What brings happiness to our lives that makes the soul sing so that any deed turns into a bright moment and takes us straight to freedom? Or what is that sometimes oppresses us and we can’t take a step forward, when every new day is a disaster and makes us believe that the world is …
2011_10_28-site seminars. Rita Kundalini Yoga laya. Vadim Zaporozhtsev.
Roving seminar. Rita Kundalini Yoga laya. Vadim Zaporozhtsev. So, friends, we have today 28 October 2011, my name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev – I teach yoga. That we have a retreat. We are located in the suburbs. The seminar is held for students of the International Open Yoga University “Rita Kundalini Yoga laya”. All historical …
2011_10_28-site seminars. Rita Kundalini Yoga laya. Vadim Zaporozhtsev. Read More »
2011_07_01-site seminars. Rita yoga. Vadim Zaporozhtsev.
1 part Today, 2 July 2011. My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev. I teach yoga. That we have a retreat, we spend it in the suburbs and in this workshop we will touch upon different aspects of the underlying Rita yoga, and other practices, just coming out of this yoga. Let me remind you …
2011_07_01-site seminars. Rita yoga. Vadim Zaporozhtsev. Read More »
2012_03_25 Seminar. Rita yoga.
My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev. This seminar Rita yoga. Are we culturally “Enlightenment” center near the Avtozavodskaya metro. All historical data on sites openyoga.ru, yogacenter.ru, happyyoga.ru. I also remind you that we have a course for independent, free study of the theory and practice of yoga at kurs.openyoga.ru. Today we will have a workshop on …
2011_08_07 Seminar. Rita and Yoga Mudra. Vadim Zaporozhtsev
Rita Mudra Yoga Seminar on August 7, 2011 Introduction: The more you refer to its memory address to some moments of practice for some moments when you something opened, the faster you go yoga. But! Memory is covered with dust. And sometimes, after a lapse of years, you know, like Gorky such phrase is: “Was …
2011_08_07 Seminar. Rita and Yoga Mudra. Vadim Zaporozhtsev Read More »
2011_05_01 Rita + Mantra. Vadim Zaporozhtsev.
“Rita Mantra Yoga” workshop on 01.05.2011 So, friends, we have today May 1, 2011. My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev, I teach yoga. That we have a seminar on Rita Mantra yoga. All historical data on sites openyoga.ru, yogacenter.ru, happyyoga.narod.ru, as we have kurs.openyoga.ru courses which can be studied remotely theory and practice of yoga. …
2011_03_27Seminar. Rita + Yoga Visualization. Vadim Zaporozhtsev.
Seminar. Rita + Yoga Visualization. Vadim Zaporozhtsev. Friends, we have today 27 March 2011. My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev, I teach yoga. That we have a workshop on Visualization Rita. We are located in the city of Moscow, near the metro station Avtozavodskaya in the Yoga Center. All historical data on our sites openyoga.ru, yogacenter.ru, …
2011_03_27Seminar. Rita + Yoga Visualization. Vadim Zaporozhtsev. Read More »
2011_02_27 Seminar. Rita Nyasa yoga. Vadim Zaporozhtsev.
SEMINAR RITA Nyasa Yoga Brief description of the workshop: The concept of “Rita” can be translated as “harmony”, “Dance”, a kind of supreme cosmic law, living in which everything starts to work for you. This notion of how we should treat yourself to incorporate their desires, impulses, movements, actions in the universe around us, …
2011_02_27 Seminar. Rita Nyasa yoga. Vadim Zaporozhtsev. Read More »