2011_08_07 Seminar. Rita and Yoga Mudra. Vadim Zaporozhtsev

Rita Mudra Yoga Seminar on August 7, 2011


The more you refer to its memory address to some moments of practice for some moments when you something opened, the faster you go yoga. But! Memory is covered with dust. And sometimes, after a lapse of years, you know, like Gorky such phrase is: “Was there a boy?” And if it was me? And when you read their own written notes of your hand, involuntarily pops up in minute detail the state. So, let’s say you have an exam tomorrow, or some responsible decision must be taken, you jitters. Here’s how these politicians are now – they do not have to do anything. And tomorrow may be a different world! This can be compared with the World War I, by the way, also began in August. Also all such: “And nothing will happen!”

And that’s when you start to beat the jitters and you can not calm yourself, sometimes took out their old records. Read them tuned in to practice and calmed down. Superior to all antidepressants!

I therefore appeal to you. Any workshop – this is a serious job. Work with your ignorance. Maybe you do not even realize are now all the subtleties, nuances, no matter! The main thing is that then you have met with some difficulties in its karmic fully prepared. Therefore, I demand from you, first of all, a comment on the seminar. Why? Because it structures your thoughts. Second, I will ask you some notes. That thought came some new chance, and generally lazy people: “Ah, well, then write it down.” Not writes!

We must overcome our laziness. Getting to take a pen, take a piece of paper and write. Forcing yourself, you break the veil of its darkest karma that may be you will change lives for the better in the future. When force yourself on the principle outlined-made, it is quite a different level beyond the mind. Mind Work in this respect amenable to transformation. You develop qualities that perhaps even now can not even dream. Excellent memory. Mobilization at the right time. All will emerge. Extremely effective. You spent your time, your money, your effort to come here. Get something that can be given here for the full program. To do this, please buy the pencil and paper leaf. You can not write something – a different way – to paint a picture. Sometimes even better. This section Yantra Yoga. Came the idea – to draw a picture. With the passage of time take a look at the picture – immediately thought emerge. Either that, or so. Or a little of that, a little bit different, as you like, but only to hand worked!


Friends we have today August 7, 2011. My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev, I teach yoga, this is our seminar on Rita yoga and mudra, ie Rita mudra yoga.


We are with you two should consider today these are very good important topics to learn how to make practical use of this knowledge in their daily lives. Any yoga is valuable only in that it can apply in their everyday life. Therefore, all the questions we will consider from the ground up to heights we need, from simple to complex. And we start as usual with our series of seminars on yoga rita with a brief explanation as to what exactly is Rita yoga. Those of you who have heard it, try to catch the new faces, the same of you who have never encountered this concept, pay attention to it because it is the heart and core of many practices of yoga.

So, we are studying yoga. Yoga is an ancient knowledge that has come to us from the East, in particular the countries situated on the territory of modern India. If we trace where it came from this ancient doctrine, we will sooner or later come to the source of all knowledge, which is so nice and rich in India, namely, we will come to the Vedas. In essence, all the knowledge, all the religious and philosophical systems, all systems psycho who, one way or another, existed in ancient India, all the systems of any opinion, mythological, and so on and so forth, all of them in one way or another connected with the Vedas. Part of the exercise, they say, are a continuation of the Vedas, the other part is teaching the controversy or attempt to appeal against the Vedas, but somehow it all revolves around the Vedas. Even systems that deny or do not recognize the authority of the Vedas are generally built their system on this denial that is, from the back, even atheistic system, one way or another refer to the Vedas. That is in fact the source of all knowledge, of all religions, of all systems, including yoga, it is the ancient Vedas.

We have heard only a few of the Vedas. Such as Ridveda, Yadzhuveda, Samoveda, Atharma Veda. The Vedas were written extremely difficult, hard language, which is called the Vedic language. Vedic language is the language from which the later Sanskrit occurred. So the language of the Vedas is extremely archaic, difficult to understand, in translation as well as allegorical and multileveledness. At the same time, any expression can be interpreted as a literal context, as in the allegorical and in the so-called transcendent sense, as each verse of the Vedas is the mantra, or a special set of sound vibrations that set the mind on certain vibrations of thought, and those in turn, resets all our body structure and includes the abilities that we never knew existed. So my friend, Veda from generation to generation passed on memorizing by heart. And so it went very, very large amount of time, until a few thousand years ago, they still are not recorded, but even after recorded, they still continue to be transmitted to the present day in the oral tradition, that is, from teacher to student. Each letter, each word, sentence. That is a guarantee that there is no distortion in the Vedas. And best of all, that the line of oral transmission, less exposed how the corrections than in writing.

So, everything depends on the Vedas. And the question arises, as a matter of fact, what the Vedas? If you start to analyze the basic idea of the Vedas, the most for us it is clear today will include semantic core of the Vedas – the science of life. That’s life. That is, here we are living around us, the universe is alive and that’s the essence of life, this is the essence of the Vedas. And all Vedic knowledge is essentially an attempt to solve the mystery of life.

In this sense, the Vedas, as if they were on the other side of all religions, philosophies, beliefs, doctrines, and the like. Why? Because that there is a good philosophy, at least I need a live person, and as long as there is life in man and man is not alive or can not speak of any philosophy or religion. So it turns out that, in fact, on the basis of the Vedas can be constructed as a religious system, what people actually do to this day, and atheistic system. They do have a few schools of philosophy with a millennial history that openly advocated materialism and materialism is so, even Marxist – Leninist far from it. For other systems, one way or another, reveal to us the mystery of existence. Therefore, we can not say that the Vedas it is a religion, not to say that the Veda is atheism, we can not say that is the philosophy of the Vedas, one can not say that the Vedas are a collection of what that psycho or psihopraktik. Veda higher than eto.Itak all, the essence of the Vedas is life. If there is life, everything else will follow.

Finally, following the basic idea of the Vedas, and how to use life? The life of each of us is given, we were able to come here today and could go in a completely different place. We have some sort of free will, we have some conditionality but either way, we are in principle free to have a part of his life as we please.

And the main board of the Vedic following: Use today’s freedom so that your freedom has increased tomorrow.

Because it is possible to equate the concept of the essence of life and the concept of freedom. That is, things inseparable. Freedom is another facet of the concept of life. And each of us from living creatures, has somehow amount of freedom, but we can take advantage of this capacity, so that tomorrow will become less free, and can use, so tomorrow will become more freely. So the basic idea of the Vedas is to live life so that every day become more and more free.

And finally, the third is a very important point that you can interpret from the analysis of the Vedas, as well as the fact we have to live the life that every day becomes free? And the Vedas answer is as follows. There is a law of Rita, the law of harmony, the law of meaning, or some unfathomable reason the ordinary law of logic or sverhlogiki, which in general, that the whole world was created. And if we every thought, desire, intention, action will be doing in harmony law Rita, we will not meet obstacles on your way, we will not deal with the pain, disappointment, sickness, some sort of shocks, and so on and so forth, on the contrary, our every effort will be doomed to success. We seem to be in resonance with the universe. We are what we thought and thought about this universe, we have something to do and makes the universe and, therefore, every time we find ourselves on the crest of a wave.

Therefore, the task of every living being to understand and realize Rita, that is where when you have to stand up and say that both, run the attack. Where and when necessary, on the contrary, it is necessary to hide in the trenches. When it is necessary to start somewhere when you need something to do. What to get involved, by all means not to get involved, what to believe, what not to believe, and so on and so forth. That is all our living universe as it breathes in the Rita Law, and if we caught this resonance, we are, in fact, every day of his life are increasing their freedom. That is, from a variety of options for actions that we can do, since we are free if we select those options that are consistent with the law Rita and universal freedom we are every day becoming more and more free and even our smallest effort leads to enormous achievements result.

All the great men of the past, present and future, these are the people who feel the law Rita, all great military leaders, all great scientists, businessmen, politicians, those who have left their mark in life, it was the people who felt the law Rita, and even little action at a crucial moment changed the world for the better. They themselves became free and they have done a better world. So, to know the law, Rita is very important. Unfortunately, we are due to initial ignorance does not always get into resonance with Rita law. And once we start to do the action in the opposite, that is, in spite of the universe, then, vo-pervyh, all our efforts lead to smaller results than we expect, and most importantly, come concepts such as fatigue, frustration, depression, pain, disease , shattered hopes, not an accomplished dream.

Therefore, my friends, there is a very good rule to determine whether or not you Rita in Rita. It is necessary to analyze the day, come home from work, broken, in the absence of power and hope for the future, then you have not done it, either now something is not doing something. It’s time to analyze.

But we have a seminar a few of the other. So, the Vedas task – is to transfer the momentum of knowing that if we live according to the international law, Rita, everything will happen quickly, accurately, beautifully, naturally. Encountering obstacles our freedom will expand our life better and therefore realize the law Rita is extremely important.

Now take the next step, what is yoga? Yoga friends, it sets practical exercises, physical, mental, psychic, what you like, that just helps us to realize, first of all, the law of Rita, and thereby expand their freedom. Therefore, yoga can be defined as a system of knowledge allows us to live in Rita or in harmony with the whole universe, or on another, this yoga is the system that increases our freedom. Yoga can not enslave you, or vice versa to make you more unfree. If this happens it means this system can not be called yoga. That way any exercise, whether headstand, whether breathing alternately through both nostrils, whether any mental exercise and meditation in yoga, they must have, firstly, result in an increase in the state of freedom, and secondly they should give a feel for what is Rita. Because all the words we said until now: rita, harmony, good, great, it’s just a word. And the law, Rita, is higher than the words, know it, something inexpressible, the same thing that you can turn into words and thoughts.

Therefore, the task of yoga, just to give you recognize or experience this state of life in sverhlogichnoe Rita. In hatha yoga through static postures, pranayama yoga, through the breath, in other yogas differently. The main thing that attended this vector of freedom. But there is also the following method to capture the harmony of life, which strictly speaking is called Nritya yoga. But historically, that when they say Nritya understand Rita, Rita when they say, understand Nritya. Here’s some confusion there, thank God, this knowledge came the confusion.

So, the meaning lies in the fact that when in your life you encounter harmony with the true law of Rita, let’s say you’re the greatest scientist discovered the law of the universe, or you are a politician, and finally made a fair political system, whether you are a businessman and finally then your factory to work, began to enrich you and all your relatives, friends and all the people of your country. Suddenly you start to feel some, a feeling of joy, which is not just an abstract joy, and the joy of life backed up. Here you are a businessman and you realize, yes, you get rich, but not in terms of what you wealth comes, and in terms of what your plant, how gears work, produces a product that with a bang at odds and that facilitates people’s lives and that actually it makes you free. You are there, the great physician, opened some medicine, and you do not just rejoice that won any disease, you can see how really works and really is changing the world for the better. And the taste of real life change for the better, both for himself and for all the surrounding countries of the world, it is with nothing comparable. People who have once tasted the taste of it, it would not change ever more, so scientists are ready to do their science, even if it is poor, even if no one recognizes his work. Businessman with clenched teeth, it is still a company builds, not in spite of everything, the politician – his party, and so on and so forth. That is, if you at least once a taste of Rita, you never it no matter what will never change.

But at the same time there is one such small feature, when we feel we are ready to dance with joy. Well, really, the man got five on the exam, preparing for a long time and here it goes, zachetku shows and shake a leg, like all great. That is such a bunch of that as soon as we feel the taste of Rita, our bodies, our thoughts, our feelings, involuntarily begin to somehow spontaneously, harmoniously, in some obscure way this manifested and it’s called dancing. Therefore, there is a very tough ligament between the internal state, and when you have a good condition so that the hands – the legs to dance and do all these very, very good.

And here follows this technique was born. And if you do the reverse? Unless dance, as they say, the soul is singing, and thus, maybe we catch or feel the taste of the same Rita, which feels a politician, businessman, scientist, military chief, anyone, when that is accomplished? And this is just built Rita yoga. Although, once again I want to say, then it may be called Nritya. Therefore, if we so happily dancing spontaneously, then we have a chance to get closer to Rita.

But the next problem is that the spontaneous, joyful, we can not-too many in our ignorance, clamps, representations of themselves, too many thoughts, inappropriate emotions, too much even toxins in our organizme.Chut bit whirled and you already dizzy, already sick, bad, how to crawl to somewhere, somehow, to prisest.To have all this noise.

And Rita yoga provides such a basic good way of return, or a small amount of poison is transformed into a medicine. Therefore, the method Rita yoga is to first special dance ugly, bad, provocatively inharmonious, ie reverse and thereby cures like. As in small doses, the poison is transformed into a medicine, just as well here. Dance in Anrite, if not strange purifies our pollution, our ignorance. But this is a very difficult exercise, dance in Anrite. So those of you until today, danced dances, or want to please someone, to remember, my friends, we are not dancing, we are not competition, as figure skating, who is more beautiful pas some do. So forget those dancing schools that where ever poseschali.Zabyvaem all his experience numerous discos, which ever you have visited and seen, forget everything that is connected with the concept of dance. Becomes pure as a child, as a white sheet, as if we never know what the dance and never danced. And only from this standpoint that we first begin to dance ugly, and then it will turn out, and the glory of God. Here is the basic idea of Rita yoga.

Therefore, the task of every living being to understand and realize Rita, that is where when you have to stand up and say that both, run the attack. Where and when necessary, on the contrary, it is necessary to hide in the trenches. When it is necessary to start somewhere when you need something to do. What to get involved, by all means not to get involved, what to believe, what not to believe, and so on and so forth. That is all our living universe as it breathes in the Rita Law, and if we caught this resonance, we are, in fact, every day of his life are increasing their freedom. That is, from a variety of options for actions that we can do, since we are free if we select those options that are consistent with the law Rita and universal freedom we are every day becoming more and more free and even our smallest effort leads to enormous achievements result.

All the great men of the past, present and future, these are the people who feel the law Rita, all great military leaders, all great scientists, businessmen, politicians, those who have left their mark in life, it was the people who felt the law Rita, and even little action at a crucial moment changed the world for the better. They themselves became free and they have done a better world. So, to know the law, Rita is very important. Unfortunately, we are due to initial ignorance does not always get into resonance with Rita law. And once we start to do the action in the opposite, that is, in spite of the universe, then, vo-pervyh, all our efforts lead to smaller results than we expect, and most importantly, come concepts such as fatigue, frustration, depression, pain, disease , shattered hopes, not an accomplished dream.

Therefore, my friends, there is a very good rule to determine whether or not you Rita in Rita. It is necessary to analyze the day, come home from work, broken, in the absence of power and hope for the future, then you have not done it, either now something is not doing something. It’s time to analyze.

But we have a seminar a few of the other. So, the Vedas task – is to transfer the momentum of knowing that if we live according to the international law, Rita, everything will happen quickly, accurately, beautifully, naturally. Encountering obstacles our freedom will expand our life better and therefore realize the law Rita is extremely important.

Now take the next step, what is yoga? Yoga friends, it sets practical exercises, physical, mental, psychic, what you like, that just helps us to realize, first of all, the law of Rita, and thereby expand their freedom. Therefore, yoga can be defined as a system of knowledge allows us to live in Rita or in harmony with the whole universe, or on another, this yoga is the system that increases our freedom. Yoga can not enslave you, or vice versa to make you more unfree. If this happens it means this system can not be called yoga. That way any exercise, whether headstand, whether breathing alternately through both nostrils, whether any mental exercise and meditation in yoga, they must have, firstly, result in an increase in the state of freedom, and secondly they should give a feel for what is Rita. Because all the words we said until now: rita, harmony, good, great, it’s just a word. And the law, Rita, is higher than the words, know it, something inexpressible, the same thing that you can turn into words and thoughts.

Therefore, the task of yoga, just to give you recognize or experience this state of life in sverhlogichnoe Rita. In hatha yoga through static postures, pranayama yoga, through the breath, in other yogas differently. The main thing that attended this vector of freedom. But there is also the following method to capture the harmony of life, which strictly speaking is called Nritya yoga. But historically, that when they say Nritya understand Rita, Rita when they say, understand Nritya. Here’s some confusion there, thank God, this knowledge came the confusion.

So, the meaning lies in the fact that when in your life you encounter harmony with the true law of Rita, let’s say you’re the greatest scientist discovered the law of the universe, or you are a politician, and finally made a fair political system, whether you are a businessman and finally then your factory to work, began to enrich you and all your relatives, friends and all the people of your country. Suddenly you start to feel some, a feeling of joy, which is not just an abstract joy, and the joy of life backed up. Here you are a businessman and you realize, yes, you get rich, but not in terms of what you wealth comes, and in terms of what your plant, how gears work, produces a product that with a bang at odds and that facilitates people’s lives and that actually it makes you free. You are there, the great physician, opened some medicine, and you do not just rejoice that won any disease, you can see how really works and really is changing the world for the better. And the taste of real life change for the better, both for himself and for all the surrounding countries of the world, it is with nothing comparable. People who have once tasted the taste of it, it would not change ever more, so scientists are ready to do their science, even if it is poor, even if no one recognizes his work. Businessman with clenched teeth, it is still a company builds, not in spite of everything, the politician – his party, and so on and so forth. That is, if you at least once a taste of Rita, you never it no matter what will never change.

But at the same time there is one such small feature, when we feel we are ready to dance with joy. Well, really, the man got five on the exam, preparing for a long time and here it goes, zachetku shows and shake a leg, like all great. That is such a bunch of that as soon as we feel the taste of Rita, our bodies, our thoughts, our feelings, involuntarily begin to somehow spontaneously, harmoniously, in some obscure way this manifested and it’s called dancing. Therefore, there is a very tough ligament between the internal state, and when you have a good condition so that the hands – the legs to dance and do all these very, very good.

And here follows this technique was born. And if you do the reverse? Unless dance, as they say, the soul is singing, and thus, maybe we catch or feel the taste of the same Rita, which feels a politician, businessman, scientist, military chief, anyone, when that is accomplished? And this is just built Rita yoga. Although, once again I want to say, then it may be called Nritya. Therefore, if we so happily dancing spontaneously, then we have a chance to get closer to Rita.

But the next problem is that the spontaneous, joyful, we can not-too many in our ignorance, clamps, representations of themselves, too many thoughts, inappropriate emotions, too much even toxins in our organizme.Chut bit whirled and you already dizzy, already sick, bad, how to crawl to somewhere, somehow, to prisest.To have all this noise.

And Rita yoga provides such a basic good way of return, or a small amount of poison is transformed into a medicine. Therefore, the method Rita yoga is to first special dance ugly, bad, provocatively inharmonious, ie reverse and thereby cures like. As in small doses, the poison is transformed into a medicine, just as well here. Dance in Anrite, if not strange purifies our pollution, our ignorance. But this is a very difficult exercise, dance in Anrite. So those of you until today, danced dances, or want to please someone, to remember, my friends, we are not dancing, we are not competition, as figure skating, who is more beautiful pas some do. So forget those dancing schools that where ever poseschali.Zabyvaem all his experience numerous discos, which ever you have visited and seen, forget everything that is connected with the concept of dance. Becomes pure as a child, as a white sheet, as if we never know what the dance and never danced. And only from this standpoint that we first begin to dance ugly, and then it will turn out, and the glory of God. Here is the basic idea of Rita yoga.

1 of the questions on the practice

The main thing that you have not been feeling like someone doing nicely. Of course, making Anritu, you can not help yourself, go for it in ritm.Na it all and built, so think of this transition is not critical, as you think about the transition from a state of wakefulness to sleep or, conversely, from the sleep state to the awake state .Vot how it goes, and the glory of God! But the slightest idea of their selfishness: “Here I am – a man, here I am – a woman … and the way I look, and I like me or not like me,” Beautiful, ugly – is selfishness friends?. Any thought of selfishness, you must lead to the fact that if you Anrite, efforts Anritu if Rita – go to Anritu. As soon as all the … wait! And Anritu on the rise. If you are doing the same Anritu, and without a sense of egoism, but it rastvorilos.Ono dissolved in dance, in fact, in principle, all built on this – that in the dance, you then do not understand where you have come to an end, where the Universe begins. Because you are Rita and the surrounding universe in Rita. And you can see that there is no difference between the Atman and Brahman, the Absolute between you and between your self and the universe around you. There is no difference! Erased the boundaries! Erased and erased. Iboga with him! You continue to act in the same manner in which it is. But as soon as I once complex, once you behold, the fifth, the tenth, that makes you consider not what you are, you will immediately begin to pour poison all Anrity.

Remember, the water was alive and dead? Here Anrita – is dead water. I poured to the ego died. You know, it is the sacrifice of selfishness – poured over Anrity, and he fell off like a cockroach. Therefore, if there is no sense of egoism and, thank God! Let it be, though Rita, though Anrita. But if there is the slightest: “Oh, I probably ugly dance. Oh, I was at a disco, and there are pranks threw, they would throw out there … “Mark, stop or you go into some kind of a dance school where you teach: do it once, do two, do three. Here once again, two, three, and again begins to wake up, stop!

There are, what questions? Yes please.


Q: If I do Anritu, and these movements are as harmonious rhythm?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Absolutely right! That is, it turns out Rita in Anrite. You know, like beauty in horror.


Question: If, for example, do Anritu and no strength, fatigue appeared, then perebaryvat yourself? Or do all in the rhythm now where you comfortable?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: it is a question of many factors, you may recall that this is a very fine line. The line is that if you are doing any yoga, you should feel joy or to perform, either by overcoming himself.

If you have really flopped helplessly to the floor, and there is already ele-ele hands, and you have the joy that you have already worked through the pig karma, if there is joy in the background, I want to force myself to barely come home from the seminar, and in general sleep and rest, it’s a conversation. But if blocking the pain, discomfort, dizziness, you just forgot where you were, what you are doing here – Yoga has disappeared. Therefore, in this case, would have to stop and rest, and make Anritu holiday – ugly relax.


Question: For children Anrity practice, probably not so relevant, as an adult? The plan, if at the time of teaching, giving Anritu you probably need to give a little.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Babies the most it! They are something pobesitsya, jump! Children, they recently in this world, they came from the Absolute, they still remember the taste of the Absolute, ie., The taste of Rita. They do not even open-minded. So he ape, ape as he does, so without a second thought as it will be evaluated, the child does not expect that it will be a masterpiece, it is easy for himself draws, he does not care about the results of their labor. Occasionally when a child says, “Oh, Mom, look what I built!” When he builds, it’s all in the process, he did not think that his praise or derision. Therefore, children, oddly enough, this is easier, rather than with the older uncles and aunts, who already have a concept. All the same, you know, there is already an idea. Now, we drag this view itself, as a suitcase without a handle.

Who wants to talk about their experiences FEELINGS?


Answer: The first pro Anritu. But after Anrity lightness felt in the body. I usually at the computer has to sit for a long time, even an ordinary yoga does not help me, but after Anrity absolute ease, feel good. More particularly I want to stress yourself – when we were lying, resting on each other, at first I went, and it was uncomfortable, and I think the best will not even move, so as not to disturb sosedey.I only the fourth time a leading said: “Stir and you The universe will understand. ” Only then I took, moved, and has become much easier, and better.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: So we’re friends in zhizni.Zhivem sometimes at work, at home and do nothing, and we are uncomfortable, and we think, “We suffer, others to be comfortable” .And we do not suspect that this universe is a balance here! happy either all or one or the other: at each moment, at each point in space, the universe of enlightenment. That is, if there is somewhere a desire, in the same time it becomes possible to satisfy the desire. And the fact that it is not satisfied, simply says that your karma is negative too thick or your ignorance, like a wall, through which can not be your desire and satisfaction of your desire to merge.

And when you are doing this practice, you lie on raskoryachku like something is wrong, and the person feels that the swami that something is not right, and too tense and both napryagaetsya.Naoborot, you have come to themselves and others more easily! So happy people – it is good in the universe, and any unfortunate person – this is a problem for the surrounding land. Very good, great!

There is a wish? Yes, pozhaluysta.Tak before … friends, I am the workshop with mathematical precision counting on a second, well, not nasekundy on minuty.Ya no matter what do not spend too much time, according to the second principle yogi.No note I spend the time that you write a review and to have expressed their oschuscheniyah.Kazalos, you can do so later, after the workshop, but, my friends, is what I’m doing consciously! for what reason? The most important thing in this world – it is necessary to communicate with and to neobschatsya unnecessary. And the question arises: “Where is the need to find where their own kind”? Find you can only one way – to express themselves, to see these dates, you are there. How can you say about yourself? Statement can declare as follows – leaving a review and all your thoughts, which can then be read by other people will like sito.Teh people who, like you will attract it, regardless what it will review, positive or otritsatelnyy.Potomu- I already know all the consequences of the practice. On the contrary, people who work in a different mode of consciousness in the universe, it will scare. Willow, so bragging rights, ie, attract the necessary and unnecessary to show that they have nothing to do. And so I spend time on it.

Therefore, I ask you to seriously think about it. You have half the problems in life because you do not communicate with people, not in the circle. And dials, firstly, by their foolish habits, here and waste time. And where to take these necessary? And of course the other part, when you write, you are imprinted state. And then read your own review after many years, a person produces this condition.

There was a case when a person has to create MOYU, then was still a center for the training of teachers, he came to us to learn. He began to learn, went to cheer. One practice, two, three, then, as is usually the case, began experiencing kanikuly.Kanikuly few, if serious karmic problems, ie, doing nothing sharpens. The man was gone. It took several let.Natknulsya at your own review. Friends, your own tip to what is already understood – a karmic situation – why he left. His work is jammed in the family has some problems were, and it was not until yogi.Ushel and tossed. It was a catastrophic mistake, because of problems only intensified. Well, then, finding their own experiences, I read, and said: “After all I have been here a number!” And vernulsya.Ponimaete, it prints questions of our experience, it is very difficult issues.


Review: In the beginning, when she went to a meditation on the sound, then it is the desire to meditate with the use of energy, and the result was, because that is very much involved. However, there was no such a view that something prevents move some sensation obstacles. Blood circulates, each cell was filled with energy and a practical part flashed without problems, and no blocks just leave.

Comment: The first time I attend a seminar. I wanted to share. I had a feeling. That’s when people take a drug, that feeling is different, here these cockroaches, monkeys. Such feelings but when you do it, you can not do it at the moment, but feel it. Maybe it’s mind games. Float some associations. But the Anrita for me is associated with the fact that we are fooling around in his childhood, but so that egged each other so that we do is more distorted, we brushed against each other. And everyone is trying to do here in this klyuche.Nu, probably as children do. The heavier the doping, the more we lower the animal rolled into the pit, well, and what is easier, yet somehow keeps on his feet.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Friends, against dope yoga position clearly not subject to review, and very tough! All nonsense should be excluded in principle! For what reason? I will not touch on ethical issues, it’s bad. I will not deal with health care, it’s you in the grave will be reduced. I will not touch the moral that you will become a terrible grave for others and for himself. The question suddenly. Principled.

Yoga – a system that expands your svobodu.Lyubaya crap you the gives a lift and thereby reduces your freedom.

You see, what fundamental thing? Therefore, if someone would say that with the help of the dope kto-to meditation reaches kakih-to special ecstatic states, do not believe it – it is, indeed, the game razuma.V any case, the highest state of yoga, samadhi, you are using dope which would not be nature, not reach. Because that is now coming up with more then anything. You basically, friends, via reach chemistry. You do not jump out to a thin layer! So those of you who have not tried the crap, that’s such a good piece of advice: never try! If you will say that the person should try all means let him who calls you, try it yourself. All! You understand, right? Do not believe it! Huge bloody list who did not survive. Thank God, there are people who have gone through this and show us clearly, that is, people who really, who have been through it all. Iedinstvennoe, what they will call you: “If you have not tried and do not try to never”! All advances, all kinds of books in there who fungi some went over and stuff, stuff, friends, this is a PR hells! That is, people are starting to read their captures, went into the woods, toadstools drunk, it then led to three days of light and views. This book gets youth. Young people reading and also all the shoals into the woods, and then a buried another. In general, God forbid! It passed stage, friends, past stage for a long time.

Hence, on the other hand. If you are looking ecstatic states, those who give crap, you can get any state that gives nonsense, but only fair legal way, when you:

a) never becomes exhausted it

b) it is completely safe, legal, moral, and will lead you on. After all, what the crap? Dur – it is that we include a little thin structure, and then turns off. And for that you still have to pay.

There are practices that unless of course you want to. They have their full. Special mantras, special breathing techniques, special methods of physical exercise, I am sorry for Slang, inserted as no nonsense does not stick, in terms of what you have, indeed, changed view of the world. But it will be completely under your control, you’re not from this zaviset.Eto come from freedom. How is this achieved? Very simple! If you correctly go from coarse to fine system, from thin to cause you, in fact, legally get to the structures and make them work, which includes the nonsense illegal and barbaric way.

Now further. The second point in relation to this behavior. Indeed, when a person, what to do with alcohol. Alcohol, of course, reasonable, friends, scale, well there on New Year’s drink a glass of champagne, you will not die. But the problem lies elsewhere – no one knows the faces and, of course, jumping over that line. And leave it to a multi-day binge, and in any case, the karmic imprints float behavior of bodies of animals, which is why drunk behaves like an animal. And to what extent people are hooked on it, because they are very clever, they begin to live in his thoughts, problems. And then I get drunk, I apologize to the pig squeak pokolobrodil-pokolobrodil means, then it is bad. Sick for a week, but clean as a white sheet. And many hooked on it, you know? They want to give up the intrusive thoughts, but it is also irrational. And, of course, when their animal instinct starts, and somehow, really play this role, and as if all these compressed springs relax. Man, like how to let go.

Well, who’s stopping you vRitayoge to work all the same, but only from the standpoint of your complete control? Here you are consciously behave like this: yes, I’m here now in a cattle state, that I am a monkey, peacock, pig, sheep, and practicing it, you oddly enough work off those karmic imprints that still drag since then? That’s why then, as it were in vain. Again! What nonsense, when it can be done in the usual way that’s normal?


Meets free listener: I appreciate more and more the practice Anrity. When started seminars on yoga, I could afford a more or less free to dance with your eyes closed. As soon as I saw people, I was immediately knocked out. Now I can with my eyes open, and I really like it when people come to meet and interact. Even Victoria is very helpful – look, really, as its mirror and it still increases. And this practice Anrity – an opportunity to some emotions are expressed somewhere, maybe in real life, to express the physical body. There is a promise to thin, and it’s incredibly liberating, it is a huge step toward freedom, it is a very huge experience!


Another free listener: felt, the beast, the predator, the infernal devouring Cyclops and the expiration of the time release went amazingly pulled out a lot of aggression or dirt that has accumulated and when they came to a bestial state, after that time, and all went purity kakaya-! something. When lying pigtail, also went visualization. Thank you master! When he included the female and male music that everyone worked on himself, and many come to the revelation during this practice.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: First, if you start doing yoga, you have to Sanskar pull out of his subconscious or unconscious imprints of previous experience, we still drag with him since the days in the life of animals. Our reaction, like an animal, even though we are in the bodies of people. We sometimes behave like animals though so it was not necessary. Through this are many yogis and Yoginis. When you start to deal with, even ordinary yogis, sometimes a sudden spontaneous transformation, all of a sudden you want to present yourself cow – do not want to work, I want to chew grass. Sometimes it reaches you had hooves instead of hands and being in this state, you can stay for a long time, and then, indeed, you get tired of the way and you have an aversion, and as if thrown off.

Sometimes you get that from a cow as it separates and goes, and you look after her, and the impression that you thought forms previous ego previous ideas about themselves. They seemed to live inside of us, we are fueling their energy of their own, and they seize control.

And we need them to initiate, as if they have become, and then let go home. Why? They badly needed for other things. Other creature say, ferret wants to get the image of a cow is increasing by sluzhbe.Tochno for him and for us. Jump from a state-polucheloveka polukorovy to some more exalted state of an enlightened yogi or yogini, and as soon as we want it, the image of yoga and yogini automatically reaches us. Ie, is the cycle of matter in nature, is the cycle of the ego image. And, first, we must get rid of what we have to drag ourselves before coming a lighter image. Very fast method! This is one of the fastest methods of yoga.

Or are you a criminal, and it grabs you so much stronger than the actors in the theater, so this ability to transform a very strange and very interesting thing. Sometimes, with the help of real maniacs can pull out of this world. Here, for example, we saw on TV about a maniac, and again! This wave, which supposedly, you have become a maniac. You like to have it pulled out this way, passed through himself, untied him and let him in those layers Vselennoy.Vselennaya very much! All places enough where the maniac feels very good. The fact that here there is a maniac, it is said that he came here by accident. He should get in one area of the universe and hit the druguyu.Vot have to pull that image, to work at the level of, well, as you say, rituala.T.e, real maniac will really kill people, and you visualize:. “This is I’m a maniac, ritually killed. You have nothing to do here, so go away. “

But it’s as if the person passes through itself. And why is he coming? And because it is probably in his past life he contributed to the factor that these manyachnye beings began to come. Somewhere was responsible creature, took bribes. You know, not doing his duty and now it’s all gone-gone. Therefore it is necessary to work.

Although you can be on such a level that it seems that you, why work? You’re in the enlightenment sobralsya.Vot after such dynamic images kotoryenado as theater actor replay, put the karmic check to the image and left, then begin to come light images.

But just as yoga teaches replay bright images and let them go, because the ideal of yoga – is freedom from all the images that are just there. Yes, the first time, of course, does not work. Rita Anrita. Years it goes sometimes.

In yoga there are different practices, including sexual practices where men and women show their sexuality, and interact at this level. We have these yoga, but we give them only to a narrow circle of devoted and trusted people that there was no marginalschiny some. In all other events, we try not to use sexuality. Not because it’s bad, it’s very good, but the question is – it is very expensive, effort. Therefore, when there is a pair interactions, whether Nyasa yoga when doing each other Nyasa. Or recreational exercise, which we called a pigtail (or train) we sometimes do, where there is a man-woman-man-woman.

This is done not for sexual energy, it is done for the other: in order to align your inner balance. If your inner balance dopoluchaet not, you begin to feel a very strange sensation. What a man, when a woman around him begins to be more sensitive to react to them. Pilots have an autopilot. As a rule, the majority of pilots men found a very interesting fact. What’s in a moment of crisis, well, such as a test pilot, oddly enough, a man more receptive calm female voice, he makes fewer mistakes, and in more extreme cases, remains zhivym.Avtopiloty guide men voiced a calm female voice – is derived experimental fact .

Yoga tells us that for thousands of years-if you were born a man, you were part of this world, perceiving the world as a woman, that is as energy. And you must be a balance or zero option. We, by the nonsense, do not perceive the world. Not that the world is living. We do not perceive it in the form of energy or consciousness. We do not dopoluchaet and tormented. In doubles yogis there is no sex, my friends! There is just leveling the balance, that is, there is zero, there is a negative scale, there is a positive range. So, positive sexuality scale – it is when you are on the ground and very cool go vplyus. In all of these practices, you’re a very big minus reaches zero, to its natural state.

This is extremely important in your life! Why? If you are a long time in the negative state, then you have a chance to make greater mistakes in his personal life when choosing a husband or wife, partner or partner. Cause any males you first pull up to zero by the fact that he muzhchina.A you will think that it’s your fate, your husband or wife. Many in this burned – they go down to zero, it becomes good. It’s not sexy. This return of balance. And to choose a husband or wife for closer communication, people who already plyus.A where do you recognize when you are in the absolute cold -273 degrees Celsius? Where did you recognize zero or something positive? For you, anything above – is better, so you grab the first available for a man or a woman and you think that it is your destiny. And you just regained his balance, the natural balance of life in the universe.

So that you do not do such errors, it is important to practice such joint practice between men and women. There is no sex, my friends, is a balance! Well, now with the balance level when you have an adequate perception of the universe, as men, if you are a woman in this background will already be very clearly seen the man, and vice versa, those who you do not want, go into the negative region in infrared light you do not see. Therefore, these practices are essential. But I have to emphasize to you, there are also purely sexual practices. Before them away. This is a separate issue. There is not even a hint of sexiness! No! There’s just one more time, you would like to drink a long time and now you drank the water, and you suffer, but only because you were swimming in the ocean of good water and do not bother to get a drink from it. Here your consciousness again and unfolded!



So, friends, we are now going to do the second half of our practices. You warmed Anritoy and Rita. Now we come to the main theme of our seminar: Mudra. Who is Rita – Anrita, and you’ll work out gestures. Dance invitation dance removal, the dance of praise, or vice versa. As in ancient Rome, when the thumbs up, the life of a gladiator, and if downward, then finish him off. Dance when you show others that he is not in his mind, and in someone else’s mind is. Dance, when you tear yourself vest and beat his chest: “I am!”. Just, please, no, “Hai, Hitler,” and that still does not understand correctly, it is still being recorded. But there may be, honor to pay, for example. That is, we are working on associative connections associated with hand gestures and relevant situations that characterize a particular gesture. Here are just iterate all, all, all the gestures. But we will certainly help. And in the future, will still try to play with your fingers. Coming up with the gestures! But it later.

First, we fulfill the familiar gestures, and then – come up with gestures. Just come up with finger gestures, hand gestures. Your task – to rediscover yoga. Yoga can not be taught, but yoga can be learned. My task and the task of all those who will organize a seminar – to create the conditions so that you rediscovered yoga themselves. Then it will stay with you for life. If you have shown by something you do, and two weeks later you forget about it, about everything. And it is important that you learn the practice, which would help you to live. It brought practical benefits. Any questions?


Q: So, do social gesture?


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Yes! First, ordinary, from daily life, and then all the rest.


2 of the questions after practice


A voice from the audience: When we sounded out the channels and centers, purified them from all unnecessary, I wanted to add just what you need. Specifically I felt that I interfere in certain principles. When smells were taken to the Anritu lacked tactile sensations, to penetrate, to see the whole entire show themselves in tactile sensations. And I remember those people who it turned out.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Stop, stop, what it means to add?

A voice from the audience: I remembered those people who receive tactile interface. One could say that they rediscovered me Nyasa yoga. And I built into these people in the principle of air. As if it was me too. I tried to touch someone – it would be just as fully. It seemed very efficient. Then he liked to catch the tail of thought, and it seemed to snakes in my head. And from there they supplant? And just the very movement of the hands, fingers, allowing the idea to grasp. So it is all so brisk. And then do the movement, and she grabbed. That’s all. I threw it without any problems. She disappeared. Without any problems she had disappeared. And when was the rest – is “tail-train”, when we were first time … all the same anyway, my relationship with the universe as a lover. The first time this lover was a specific name, a particular sense of its identity, there was a sense of her presence. The second time was the impersonal presence. I’m lost at the beginning: I can not grasp it, give it a name for a name. And just give the nameless Absolute.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: intricately …


A voice from the audience: The first time and the second time it was very different feels.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: There are different facets of something united. And it is in this something lies wisdom. In one second can be with the same face, and then with the other face, so call, you do not throw out so dramatically experience, it’s an experience!


A voice from the audience: At first it was demarcated, then this limit is erased. It’s great. If talk about their feelings, I guess. I lose what you earned. Therefore…


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: No, I will not lose! In fact, the situation is this: you can not lose what you have earned in the yoga classes. If you start to shoot the breeze unauthorized, estmomenty, usually they can not speak, until things happened, but in separate, specially stipulated cases it is necessary to talk. Why? Because it is very easy to lose the distinction between the principle of transparency and the principle of confidentiality. And, roughly speaking, you have to find. Therefore, the last word for each one of you says that you want, do not want – do not tell. But on camera and everything else seminars – it is psychologically to develop specially in you a principle of openness. But I’m not forcing you.


A voice from the audience: In principle, we can say that the line between you and the outside world is blurred not a bad plan, and takes it seriously. And this importance goes somewhere. And it’s great!


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Wonderful!

Friends, I grated the loaf, which is only a yogi does not pass. And I can only confirm – there are two principles: the principle of secrecy and openness principle. If you learn to harmoniously combine these two principles, you will automatically throw up to the level of Rita. What is the impression made by people in the West, where he was combed, and he has written a book, “My Awakening Kundalini” – a violation of the principle of tayny.Nu, kundalini, kundalini so, practice practice, get the fruit, and then ringing all over the world. Extreme must be discarded. You must have your internal personal secret – your practice. It applies only to two – you and the Absolute. Sometimes even a husband or wife does not even know better. Why? They do not adequately perceive! Over time, both husband and wife will be the Absolute, and then they will take the right. Then you talk.

The other side – this is the principle of openness, if you are closed – you will not find their own kind, the husband or wife, which will have it all to hide. That is, this harmony. In our country, more people have reached such heights – a hat shoot! And they do not light up, no one knows about them, everything is closed. Remnants of the system, when that little extra vzboltnul night came, and only you and the saw. totalitarian systems do not allow to anyone to show off. Shot, then planted, then in a psychiatric hospital – in descending order. Now hush. You do not have to experience illusions. It is bad that people frightened to an extreme degree. People do not open, no one knows where they are, you can not find their own kind.

If you can not find their own kind, it is – everything! It – crash! You know, we estnervnye brain cells, and the man, if it develops, grows and processes many nerve cells are intertwined, and we have intelligence. If each nerve cell lived apart, we would be just morons. If you do not have the relationship between people, you do not do this and the system will be very cool to play. Therefore closed as dangerous. You should feel free to say about yourself, then you will attract their own kind. If you will attract their own kind, then half of your problems today, if not all 100% – will be solved! Therefore, where it is necessary to keep quiet, and somewhere in any case it is impossible to be silent. I know a yogini, does her husband could not afford to find decent and this yogini! Until then, she could not find, yet did not give lectures. It was noticed. Noticed future husband! You see? And so here, take the brute force of their kind, torment! You do not impose their vision of the world, simply state that you are!


A voice from the audience: shake out all the delicate patterns! All the dirt! I wanted to stomp their feet and vibrate, as if hung a lot of dirt. And when lying in pigtails, I sensed current. So obviously! Ocean energy! When lying between the two bodies of men, feel masculine energy.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Immediately will correct – from the point of view of the axioms of Yoga – Eton male energy, this consciousness of man.


A voice from the audience: There was a harmonious state. You begin to understand where women, soft power, where men, tough. You see only at the level of energy sensations.


A voice from the audience: I am for the first time. Thank you so much! Yoga on my personal feelings was so alive! A life! Paints! I came to this emotionally enslaved, and I, of course, was able to reveal much. Chic exercise! I want to breathe!


A voice from the audience: Elena, the group Catur: I would like to share two moments: the first thing that surprised a few moments when I thought of my old dreams, fragments of very old dream. And second, when we were in the chain, perhaps inspired by the music, a way that we are the DNA molecule, in which there is information. And in the world in the same way, through someone else is information.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: I’ll say this. We – Yantra. After all, as we were – this Yantra complex. After that something higher is connected to the earth.




Vadim Zaporozhtsev: As you know, these practices are quite heavy on the physical plane. Do not be surprised if you wake up tomorrow and everything will be sick. What is more important! It is important that you start a different attitude to the usual things for you. And if before gesturing for you were just gestures, but now you start thinking about it. Do you have someone questions that I need now would highlight?


Question: If the practice has turned out, we can figure it out by its fruit. What can be regarded as the fruits of this practice? What you get scheduled?

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Hard to say, yoga – a very mysterious. Sometimes you outlined yourself one, hoping to get it, and then accomplished such a great thing, as stated in the “Ananda Lahari”: “You get more than I could wish.” You wanted something one specific, but I got more than I could imagine. So, by the way, very often in the yoga, when people come to yoga to engage for a variety of reasons: some lose weight, some get fat, some of the stress to get rid of someone, on the contrary, such as to shake their lives, diversify her, someone to be calmer, some more actively. And they get it all. Some faster, some slower due to various factors. And then they find that they are all free makeweight dumped what they could not think. Therefore, there is a technique in yoga: to engage in without expectations. In fact, it can even be called an indicator. People who feel yoga, they come to a workshop simply because it is yoga. And the people who for the first time, they need to be sure the condition. Will yoga, and you get so-and-so. But it is our mind is designed. But sooner or later, you will come to the level where you will not care what kind of result you are interested in the process itself. And the result, as a reward, as a free add-on. You’ll be happy, “Oh! So also it happened! “.

So, there are still friends, questions? No problem, so we come to the next, the third part of our practice. Traditionally, this Nyasa.

What Niassa? You and I have a tactile feel. We can to anyone to touch. There is a science, based on tactile sensations, it is called Nyasa yoga. Very powerful yoga. It is largely accelerates all yogic processes. And Rita yoga, when we make a spontaneous dance, if there are a number of somebody else, we can do this exercise – to touch the other, and feel the touch myself. That is the other person for that matter is a mirror of ourselves. And if we start doing yoga, Rita, and around us other people. And if we have a certain way to be touched, then we get the effect of reflection on itself plus person gets the same effect.

There is a certain order in which you want to touch. We start with the spine, from the base of the body to the top of the head or vice versa. And in the future, before any other parts of the body in the following scenario: I feel that good to me hand held, and I spend the other person’s hand, where would you like to me spent. That is, it turns mirroring. This is an extremely accelerates all yogic processes. A particularly strong effect is achieved when there is a pairing. When a man makes nyasa woman, and the woman does nyasa man.

The logic is the following: it is not any sexual interaction, and only the balance of alignment. Once again, when we are born, when we were born men, we perceive the universe as a woman. And we lack only the feminine aspect to break even. And accordingly, vice versa. A woman does not get the male perspective.

Therefore, making nyasa woman, a man makes this nyasa the entire universe, and through reflection – himself. It turns out that the microcosm and macrocosm merge. Consciousness and energy merge. In principle, nyasa can do both women and men. But more effective interaction between men and women. Once again, I stress: yoga a lot of sexual practices, and we give them sometimes. But in this case, this practice does not apply to sex. It refers to the practice balancing your life balance. Another thing is that you can impress the novelty interaction with male or female. But it says only that in life you do not get. All, nothing else! Nyasa yoga takes you on an even neutral level, already on the basis of which you can exercise or not to exercise their sexuality in their everyday life, if you want it or not want. That is, the zero mark your normal, balanced state. It is desirable that are now in practice, when you do Rita with Nyasa, you it did the one who’s arm was caught (spine first, then other parts of the body, from head to toe) in turn: a man a woman, the woman to the man, then We went further. Remember that everything that happens around us – it is a single universe, but a woman a man can learn a little more, and vice versa.

But once we add the next thing, friends: We are all the same wise. Therefore, if you do nyasa, observe and experiment with the position of the fingers or a hand. Take, for example, nyasa by connecting the thumb and forefinger. Or do nyasa with one hand as you are comfortable, and the other hand is made wise that you spontaneously born from experience. Experiment.

You must rediscover yoga. Yoga – it’s not something that is driven into the head, and imposed from the outside. Yoga is something that you should feel as referred to in the ancient treatises, as indicated by the teacher, and then play it. Only in this case, you will comprehend yoga.

Are there any questions?


Question: Nyasa center channel should be a continuous line, or can be interrupted, take your hand?

Answer: Yes, as you wish! Doing Nyasa another, you are doing it yourself. That check their skin and how to behave. If you feel that this time you continuously it would be nice, do continuously. Another time – you want to be interrupted, do so. Do as nice!


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