Homosexuality, incest. Sexual fantasies. Relations Psychology. Tantra Yoga Philosophy. Kate Karani

English text – Anastasia Bhargo.
Hello everyone. My name is Karani. It is the fifth lecture from the cycle of man and woman[s] in yoga. We analyze basic concepts. Based on this theory, all practices of Tantra Yoga are built. This base is necessary to understand what’s going on. So that later it is possible to communicate the same language. Because we know, we say some words, mean one thing, other people use the same words and mean different.

A lot of confusion arises in terminology [[tɜːmi’nɔlədʒi]], not to mention that the concepts themselves are also constantly confused. Some people say one thing, and mean something completely different, other people hear one part of it and miss the other part. There are many unpleasant moments because of it. And when there are lectures that you can listen to and understand what is this about. On which you can refer or send someone to clarify the situation, to clarify an obscure story for someone, this is very good.

Among other things, it is possible that these lectures will help someone to understand some of their personal karmic situations. We do not analyze specifics, we can only, analyzing specifics, reduce it to some general cases and try to help from this position at least somehow. I have already said many times that certain specific things, of course, are interesting in themselves, as cases, but we cannot give specific advice, I cannot give specific advice. But, nevertheless, I will be very glad to your stories and questions. They can be sent to asktantrayoga@gmail.com.
“Today we will talk about very difficult topics, all three. Two of them are a continuation of our previous lecture, and we will address the third big topic and we will continue it, probably either a few lectures, or we will come back to it periodically in different videos.

So today, first of all, I want to talk about what we finished last time. The fact that other living beings should not suffer from the manifestation of our sexuality. It is highly desirable that this is still effective, that we do not use our sexuality in such a way that we waste it vain, become less effective, that vitality is spent on nothing and so on.

“What Tantra Yoga says about it. Please watch the previous video. Everything in the fourth lecture is explained in sufficient detail [sə’fɪʃ(ə)nt], in my opinion. Today I want to talk about the most popular things that pop up in people’s minds usually when we talk about some kind of sexual liberties or deviations, so to speak. That is, the very first topic is a topic that is slowly coming out in a civilized society of the taboo and from the category of perversions.

The topic is homosexuality. In more civilized countries. This topic has already entered the legal field . Gradually, society begins to accept it more calmly than it was recently, than it happens in the countries of the former USSR and so on. Somewhere it’s difficult. I’m not talking about Asian countries. In some Asian countries, until recently, this was even considered as a crime. And it was punished, moreover, by the criminal code. I don’t know how they are doing with this now, but until recently, about ten years ago, it was.

The Red Cross struggled with this, they tried to do something. There were a lot of public figures who tried to somehow work with this and to fight for human rights. But I’m not sure how I feel about this. Every society knows best how to qualify all this and how to relate to it. This is very much connected with the cultural environment and with the influence of historical events that formed an attitude to this topic.

Let’s start with this topic. What Tantra Yoga says on this subject. First of all, if no third parties, suffer from the manifestation of some homosexual relationships, homosexual tendencies. I mean those people who do not participate in these relations, that is, people who are in no way connected with this, ordinary heterosexuals [ˌhetərōˈsekSHo͞oəl] or just some single persons, some other people, so to speak. If they do not suffer from the manifestation of your sexuality, then it cannot be said that this is perversion, deviation, and so on.

This is everyone’s personal free will. Each living creature has the right to realize its sexual potential, its love, its good attitude towards others, in his way, and if at the same time other people also consider it acceptable. If it is mutual [ˈmyo͞oCHo͞oəl]. 5:44

“they often debate about the gay parade. Some turn it into a big show. I heard that when the next gay parad is planned, sanctioned or not, priests with crosses, police, morality fighters also begin to prepare. That is, all this turns into a clash [klaSH], although the question is simple.

If most of society condemns, then why demonstrate it publicly? It would be also possible to arrange heterosexual orgies [ˈôrjē], the same parades. But none do this.

If society accepts it well, then, please, no one can stop you. This is a normal civilized approach and it should not be prohibited. If people find each other, if they are comfortable with each other, if they do not try to impose their lifestyle on other people.

“We remember that yoga calls not to impose anything on anyone. We don’t have to hide the way we live. It is our personal business whether we hide it or not, but we have no right to impose. The free will of other living beings is above all. The question of homosexual relations completely falls under the law of freedom, the law of free will sanctity .

Therefore, everything is simple. If no other people suffer from your relationship… Imagine a gay parad and small children walking. From the fairytales they know about male and female fairy tale characters. And here there are two men, sorry, rather aggressive-looking masculine [ˈmaskyələn] they suddenly begin to kiss and touch each other for private parts. It may cause shock to the small child. That is, cognitive dissonance will arise, and, first of all, not even with him, but with his parents.

Because they will think, first of all, what the child thought and then there will be many unpleasant explanations. Of course, it is clear that parents need to devote attention to children sexual education, and each parent decides for themselves how to do this best for his child.

But the question is in demonstrating this to random people, to those people who did not agree to be publicly shown and imposed on them. Here, of course, there are violations of the first principle of yoga, that is, this is not correct from the position of yoga.

Judge for yourself, if this is normal for you, then there should not be a desire to impose it on someone, demonstrate, or something else. This is your absolutely private lifestyle. Just like all other people. There is no point in actively promoting this. Those who need it, they will find it themselves, who do not need it; you will not impose it on them. the question is exclusively in this.

Again the question of free will. Therefore, there is such an attitude that, yes there is such a thing in the world. Yoga does not agree that this perversion it is unambiguous. Because, as I said in the very first lecture, the soul is without sex. In one life, we can be born a woman[s], in another life – a man, then it can happen that somehow we feel like one gender, and the body of another gender. Or everything is standard, but at some point we meet a person with whom we have been in love with each other for many lives and it turns out that we are same sex and some feelings arise.

A lot of different scenarios happen. If this is considered within one life, then, of course, some may say it’s not normal, deviation, and so on. But if we consider the period of many lifes, then this is possible and this is natural process. Indeed, this is possible. I do not want to say that it is always, it is absolutely not necessary for everyone, not at all. But this happens and you just have to live with it.

If it so happened that people found each other, good. The only thing, of course, is that there is no chance for procreation specifically from these two people, you see. Of course, it is clear that in a homosexual couple, each of the partners can have their own child and it is wonderful if this happens, as life should go on. But no one can be born from their union, it is clear, it is impossible. 10-17

What to do in this case? Here, of course,no Kin yoga, because it is biologically impossible, it is a biological dead end. But now people are already finding variants on how to do this. Someone resorts to artificial insemination, if it is female couples. Male couples somehow find surrogate [-ˌgāt,ˈsərəgit] mothers or something else. They find some variants. I know such couples, they solve these issues. But the question is, is there a Tantra yoga for such couples?

I don’t know, maybe someone is engaged in adaptation. But in general, Tantra yoga is not possible without Kin yoga. From the position of Kin Yoga, such a relationship is a dead end for the continuation of life. Therefore, very serious restrictions arise here and I have to say about them. Unfortunately, it is so.

If you want, consider it intolerance, or something else, I’m just saying how it is. Initially, this is all based on the fact that sexuality is close connected to the continuation of life by nature. If there is no continuation of life, respectively, and talking about working with sexual energy also very difficult. Of course, if we all interpret in the right way.

Here is my answer to this question. It is often asked, in fact. Is Tantra possible for same-sex partners and how yoga relates to this. I think I gave an exhaustive reply. If the first two principles of yoga from such a relationship are not violated, then yoga is quite loyal to all this. Free will is complete. 12:03

As for the practices, now I have already explained that from the position of Kin Yoga this is impossible. If some elements of something, someone can adapt, I do not know. I only know I read in some sources that, in principle, India, before the Muslim conquest, did not know anything about same-sex relationships. At least between men. There might be something between the women[pl], I don’t know. But India is a complex issue.

There is such a cult, people are called Hijra – they are kind of androgynous creatures. I don’t know exactly how it happens, but they are very respected people. Children are brought to them for a blessing, they are invited to weddings. It is believed that they have some kind of great and positive power. Therefore, this question is not simple. On one hand, society seems to be supressing it , on the other hand, opposite behaviour. Therefore, in different societies, as I have already said, in different cultural environments, the attitude is very different. It is the answer from the position of yoga.

What’s next? Further, if there are any questions on this topic, only please, without comments with a personal opinion. Ok? I am not voicing my personal opinion right now. As I understand it, it is not interesting to anyone and I am not interested in setting it out. I tell what exists from a position of yoga. That is, I convey the theory without regard to myself and therefore someone’s personal opinion on this subject does not interest me at all, please do not write anything.

But if you want to ask some questions on this topic and get an answer from the position of Tantra Yoga, then please write. Either in the comments to the video, or anonymously at asktantrayoga@gmail.com. In case of interesting questions if I will understand that it will be useful for other people to hear answers to them, then, of course, I will answer in lectures, as I sometimes do.

The next question. Well, if this is more or less clear, then what about the topics that are still completely taboo in society? One of the most famous topics is incest [intsest].

On the topic of incest at that time, a huge number of all kinds of psychologists, psychoanalysts, all kinds of people working with some kind of sexual manifestations, with sexual disorders, conditional, imaginary or real – it does not matter. The topic has always been interesting, but it has always been closed. It is a taboo and that’s all.

Tantra yoga is a very open teaching. There can be no blind zones. As I have already said, what I generally say about this is, in principle, all who give the real Tantra Yoga theory the attitude has always been uniquely such that we must remove from the blind zone everything that makes us not free.

All that makes us feel some our disability. Or makes us blush internally, so to speak, if we understand that some karmic seeds are inside us, some moments that sometimes pop up and come out in dreams, by chance in some transition states or just in the form of some fantasies that are difficult to control, or controlled, but we understand that it’s hard for us, that is, we always balance between conditional public morality and what we have.

It is in everyone. I’m not talking specifically about incest now. There are all sorts of points. Starting from homosexuality and ending with some I don’t know, things like having sex with extreme, anything at all.

It turns out that, as I have said more than once, for someone, a girl just posted a photo in a social media in a short skirt or in a swimsuit, and this is already a perversion and deviation. For someone, some things that are completely condemned by the whole society are normal. Everything is very individual. As for the society, here we have legislation [‘leʤɪs’leɪʃ(ə)n] , it regulates such things, really forbidden, that violate the principle of freedom and attempt on life. Thanks to the lawmakers for this.

But there are moments that are not regulated by law, but at the same time, public morality is quite intolerant of them. One such topic is incest. Why? Because, as Tantra Yoga teaches, incest is the last chance for procreation when there are no other individuals of the opposite sex. That is, this is a last chance for life to continue and this has a very powerful potential.

It is not recommended just to spend it because of some attraction, you can’t do that. Why? Because this power wasn’t laid there to spend it without special need, but precisely on such cases when there is a threat to the whole population. I don’t know, for example, famine [ˈfamən] , epidemic [ˌepiˈdemik], war, anything. When another continuation of life is impossible. Or the choice arises – it’s some absolutely primitive wild society and in it there are two last representatives, of a civilized society and that’s the question of whether to reproduce among themselves or slide into a level lower. This is also a question, it is not known where and what is better.

Imagine such a fantastic picture. Humanity went into outer space, and something happened to the earth. It so happened that only a few people master a planet. Let’s imagine a scenario from good science fiction. Naturally, sooner or later, they will all become relatives. From their union children will be born and these children will be forced to engage in incest, that is, in connections with each other.

And here is the question. It is clear that life must be continued, otherwise extinction in the future. If this were completely impossible, then from such unions there would be no children at all, but it is not. History knows examples of this. it is possible biologically between close relatives. And what’s the deal?

there are two options. Either this offspring can be very bad, that is, with some genetic disorders, with some very scary mutations . Or, on the contrary, the result is super good. And just in case of the last push, as a rule, remains super good result.

and when this last chance use primitive narrow-minded people, who, under the influence of drugs, or under the influence of strong alcohol slide into the level of bestiality [ˌbes-,ˌbēsCHēˈalitē], come into contact randomly with everyone, even with their close relatives, this results in very poor offspring, sick and degrading.

“This is not an easy subject. In fact, how does this happen and why does this evolutionarily happens? Because, everything is very simple, let’s go back to the level when we talked about how we got death. Once there were the simplest unicellular that multiplied by simple division. It is clear that, for example, there was one body and it split up and became two bodies, then another one – it became two.

At some point there was a division into two sexes. Guess who were the first who interact at the level of these two different sexes? Of course they were close relatives. Obviously, that’s probably where it all started. Even just looking back.

Then the next question. Is it being used somewhere? This is used by breeders of new animals. new breeds of dogs, cats and other animals. They mainly use this method. There is even a special name for this. And there everyone is looking at it good 20:49

That’s how it works. Usually, indeed, the offspring is very good. in this way, animals get some additional qualities. For example, if you need special service dogs or something else, like this, they get a good result by crossbreeding of dogs.

Another conversation for people. I know that until recently, in some Asian countries, clan relations were very strong.

That is, big family has some capital, some big amount of money. To avoid the leakage [ˈlēkij] of this capital somewhere to another place, to another clan, to another family, they start to marry close relatives, close enough. First they are third cousins, fivth-cousins, then cousins, and sometimes it even comes to incest. As a rule, the results are bad. Because, in the end, those who abuse this last chance, those nature does not spare.

Well, understand that we are made so that you can’t fool yourself. Initially, this was given for one. If they begin to abuse it, then everything goes in the opposite direction. The same thing, they say, was in Egypt that the pharaohs did not shun incest. I don’t know for what reason they had it. Maybe there really was some kind of superior caste that could not be mixed with others, I don’t know.

I am not a specialist, orientalists study this. This is a question for them, with what they associate it and how they interpret it, but it seems to be so. So. And they had quite good results for some time, but then, as we understand it, it all died out in principle. That is, it’s either somehow completely mixed up or died out, but there are no pharaohs now and no one really proved that he came from Tutankhamun [tutankamun]. Maybe someone argued, but I did not hear.

So it turns out that as a chance for life to continue it is, but this should not be abused. That is, you do not need to use what is reserved for emergency. There is nothing either good or bad , there is a question of relevance. Just like with homosexuality. Manifestations of it may be appropriate and inappropriate. Everything, on this point, there is nothing more to talk about. In terms of incest – the same thing.

Of course, if there is no other chance, biologically, to continue life, of course, this will be appropriate. In all other cases, of course, this is inappropriate. The society has unambiguously resolved the question – it is taboo; You can’t even think about it. I know that, in some primitive society it was sometimes punished very severely, up to the death penalty.

There were probably bad experience and some wrong results were obtained, respectively, society understands that it is easier to ban it. If a person, in principle, is exclusively interested in such a method of reproduction and get even worse offspring, then it is easier to get rid of such a branch in the family than to continue this somehow. If there are other people who can make up for it.

This is cruel, but in a primitive society, as you understand, we cannot talk about any humanistic values, this should also be clear.

I say again that Tantra yoga is for conditionally normal people who try not to abuse such things that recognize common, standard, family values.

Here the issue of family values is also very shaky. In the modern world there are a lot of such moments. the institution of the family, it still, thanks Adinatha, holds, but the institution of marriage as such, official, has long been shaken, a very long time ago. Not that many people want to enter into formal relationships. At least until the birth of the children. Although earlier, remember, even under tsarist Russia, it was incredibly for people to enter into some kind of sexual relationship before marriage. 25:10

It was condemned, it was considered something completely unacceptable to society. Now it is an absolute norm. I don’t know, maybe somewhere else this is condemned, but in the modern world, in civilized countries, as a rule, they look at it loyally. It’s always changing. Here we come just to the topic that I wanted to start today and in future lectures we will further develop it.

This is the topic of procreation protection mechanism. I already mentioned this term in previous lectures. Now let’s figure it out what exactly it is about. Once again, those taboo topics, the topics are not simple, which I talked about before, the discussion is open about them. Everyone understands that each, so to say, cultural environment has its own opinion on this matter. From the position of Tantra Yoga, I also explained. If you have questions, pls write.

Now we move on to another topic, which, of course, is connected with the two previous ones and with everything that I said before. At some point, when we were divided into two sexes and began to interact with each other, a mechanism of death arose and at the same time, occurs something that in Tantra yoga is commonly called the mechanism of procreation protection.

What it is? It turns out that we seem to have renounced immortality in favor of the fact that our freedom has expanded. We have more chances to take care of our offspring. We have more chances to develop bodies faster. In addition to all this, we have the opportunity to develop such add-ons as intelligence, reason and work more in the subtle structures sphere. If earlier evolution was exclusively at the level of gross bodies. They became more complicated, the mind developed in parallel, but not much. So from the moment we split into two sexes, it all began

“Some scientists assert that our mind was formed under the influence of the fact that we were looking for the opposite sex, we were looking for a partner for procreation. And then, as we became more complicated, we started choosing to find the best. Best configuration for the most successful offspring, but at the same time risks arose immediately.

How it was earlier ? You have a body and it is enough. You divided, you have no questions. No risks with reproduction, unless you were killed, of course.

And now from the moment of division into two sexes, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that we will find a partner of the opposite sex to continue the genus. Indeed, see , in the world of animals or in the world of insects, is not so simple, you know. But somehow they find each other. But, on the other hand, they may not be found. They are small, and the world is big. The same thing in the world of people. Now it seems to have become easier with the Internet. We can, without leaving our hometown, know, at least from other people’s reviews, what is happening on the other side of the globe.

To get acquainted with them also in absentia [ˌin əbˈsenSH(ē)ə]. Just like you are watching my lectures now or will be watching them in the future, but you are not here personally, I don’t see you, I don’t know you, but you know me, at least visually and by speech. This has never happened before. If you lived somewhere in a Nowheresville, then you did not have much chance to find a suitable person of the opposite sex. At some point, apparently, it became quite obvious that it was necessary to somehow compensate for this. That is, you need to compensate for the risks.

It turns out that mechanism of procreation protection arose simultaneously with the fact that we were divided into two sexes and death arose. That is, nature very wisely began to compensate for this all. At the beginning, it was at the level of self-preservation instinct. this instinct was probably present in the protozoa too, because no one wants to be killed. Everyone wants to save life.

But there was no need to take care of the offspring or anything else. And here it all starts to get complicated. Gradually grow into maternal instincts and all sorts of other things, which, in turn, then, starting to grow thinner, formed some subtle mental structures, what we call mental activity. If we are talking about the subtlest level, intuition and so on.

That is, from the moment the human body is received further, the mechanism of procreation protection begins to work at all three groups of our bodies. For animals it is possibly physical level, gross body. We simply by smell or by some other things find a partner of the opposite sex. Plus some rudiments [ˈro͞odəmənt] of intelligence, maybe I don’t know.

Then from the level of the human body, we have the opportunity to look for a partner for more parameters.

The so-called intuition or something ultra-thin, something impalpable [imˈpalpəbəl], is already coming into play, at the level I like it – I do not like it, I want it – I do not want it, mine or not mine. That we cannot even logically explain to ourselves with the help of intelligence. Here, oddly enough, it is from the level of the human body we get the opportunity, as they say in Tantra Yoga, to achieve immortality very beautifully, without ignorance.

That is, by fully developing our bodies and learning to use everything that’s inside us. At that moment, when we begin to be able to use all three groups of bodies, work at all three levels, the prospect of the realization of the Yoga of Amorousness begins to be possible. The realization of the Yoga of Amorousness is complete unconditional freedom. Then, when, as it is believed, we become masters of our lives, strictly speaking, we may not die.

It sounds like in a fairy tale, but they say that yogis, those who have achieved complete liberation, the Masters of life, they could continue to exist in the body as much as they need. Another conversation, who needs it. This is not rational, it violates the first principle of yoga, to a large extent , if you think about it

In fact, we do not seek immortality, but happiness. It only seems to us that we want immortality. In fact, we want to be happy. Of course, as long as possible, but immortality, on the other hand, for an unfree creature is eternal suffering. That is why death was invented. Including that there was a chance to start all over again.

Here we come to the fact that the mechanism of procreation protection, at some point becoming more complicated, as our bodies become more complex, as we evolve both in terms of the body and consciousness, the mechanism begins to conflict with what is called the mind, intellect. Why? I will explain. Yes, we are talking about the fact that the mechanism of procreation protection uses the mind as it wants. But, look, what else is the matter. Mechanism of procreation protection has only one task, so that the human race continues. This is like a huge database, which is constantly receiving some new experience.

With each generation, some new experience. With each situation experienced- a new experience. And then from this whole experience, this mechanism begins to choose those strategies that are most likely from the point of view of some of our internal structures, although I am not saying that the mechanism of procreation protection does not have its own consciousness. He uses our consciousness, he uses our energy and our mind. But with all this, he can quite calmly correct our behavior so that we behave in a way that once in the past led to the conception and birth of children.

Do you understand? Maybe I explain it confusedly, but, indeed, he is able to include such behavior algorithms so that it most likely leads to procreation. But what do we see from the other side? On the other hand, we see numerous sectarian formations, which say that sex is taboo. Move away from that topic. There were so many in the world, there is, and, unfortunately, it will probably be. And what do we get from this?

From this we get very interesting effects. Why does the mechanism of procreation protection allow this in general, if it cannot lead to the continuation of life? Yes, because there is also a lot of variants for activity. Sexual energy will always find a way out. it will find how to rebuild brains so that it is either hidden, or through some other moments realized. The question here is that this, indeed, at some point does not enter into opposition with life itself.

That is, so that it does not begin to violate the first principle of yoga. Here, of course, you need to be very careful. On the other hand, the mechanism of procreation protection makes us behave in a similar way that we, for example, can sacrifice our own lives for the lives of children. This is a well-known maternal instinct. It is said that one of the parables [ˈparəbəl] about Solomon, said that two women[pl] came to him with one baby and each claimed that she was the mother of this baby.

The wise Solomon said, I will help you. He drew his sword and carried it over the baby. At this moment, the real mother rushed and covered the baby with her breast. He said “”it is your child””. And the second stood aside, because only the mother is able to sacrifice [ˈsakrəˌfīs] her life for the child. Again, this line of behavior was laid down precisely by the mechanism of procreation protection, because if the offspring survives, then, of course, it is able to give life further. That is, you do everything to make this happen.

It is in us. That is why it is so difficult with it. As intelligence develops, at some point we can, work more deftly with it. We do not realize that it is, but at the same time, we understand that something encourages us to constantly, again and again, realize our sexuality. Search for the opposite sex. This does not necessarily mean that the mechanism works specifically in that we want children.

Although for many people this is exactly so. It can work completely differently. But if we have any interest in sex life, in principle, then, believe me, this is from there. There can be no other. we must coexist with mechanism of procreation protection at all times. Tantra Yoga claims that you can work with it, but in no case should try to clamp it or turn it off. In previous lectures, I have already said what this can lead to. It is very dangerous. But as a fact, we have such mechanism.

It formed precisely because we became more free. We have two sexes and we are able to choose a partner. And then, when there is a choice, and, moreover, if this choice becomes more and more when we get the human body, you see, it is no longer enough for us that the male or female of the opposite sex is simply healthy. We already need some intellectual abilities, some financial availability, and something else it depends on each person.

“Of course, there is a risk that we will continue to choose until the reproductive period is over. This is where the mechanism of procreation protection come into play. It begins to work with the help of our own brains, our own instincts, our own fantasies and everything connected with it. That is why it is not recommended to set any strict bans on a subtle mental level. Even if you understand that in your dreams or in some fantasies you have some homosexual fantasies or something about incest, which we talked about today.

What does tantra yoga advise? In no case do not try to stop, do not try to supress it. In no case should this be done. This is perceived by our internal structures as an attempt on the impulse of life, do you understand? But you should in no way develop this and give it a way out. You just have to watch it. Essentially it leads to standard yoga work with our thoughts.

What do we do with obsessive thoughts? We just at some point observe them and do not give them any emotional resource. We note to ourselves, yes, it is, yes, I try to understand where it came from. I try to analyze what kind of nature it is. I gradually follow, maybe even write down, remember, note for myself, yes, here there are samskaras and some clues. Yes, there it is. That’s all. This is enough for it to disappear over time. Is that clear?

If we do not focus our prana to the thought, if we do not try to supress it, if we are not involved in it, as in standard meditation. We just understand that we have some thoughts and do not direct prana to it. Then, eventually, it’ll all go away. Of course, I understand perfectly well that in some schools of Tantra Yoga there is the so-called superfast path and there is nothing inappropriate. They use absolutely everything. But the question is should we use this method or not. Or use some replacement points, it is the second question. The third point is to use the Energy of these thoughts in order to work it at other points, without realizing it.

If it is very difficult, please ask questions and I will explain more specifically. But again. We have several options for working with these kinds of fantasies. It is generally believed that Tantra is yoga for conditionally normal people. Who do not see their mission in reproducing with incest, or being heterosexual having obsessive ideas about homosexual relationships. If you have it, I do not mind absolutely, please. But, again, what I was talking about is very important. If we understand that this is not our lifestyle, we do not need it, but we monitor that we, from time to time, have such tendencies, there are several ways of working. Tantra yoga offers them.

Because in order to get involved in the practices of Tantra yoga, you also need to take a lot of vows. I’ve already talked about them separately. Some information about it you may find on the same YouTube channel .

But if this information is clear that you have to work with it then you of course, it makes sense to work exactly the way we work in meditation with all other thoughts. Do not direct all your prana to this thoughts, that is, do not get involved in it, but do not try to supress it, in any case do not try to stop it with the willpower. Calmly, gradually, note, yes, it is, yes, I can track it. Yes, I can try to unravel this tangle somehow mentally, but I may not do it. I can just say to myself that, yes, it is. That’s all, okay. Over time, this becomes less and less. If we direct our prana and concentrate on those things that we want to strengthen, so to speak.

If follow the path of yoga, then we understand what we need to strengthen. We need to strengthen our personal practice. We need to strengthen the implementation of two or three principles of yoga in our life, who accepted what. And try to focus all your prana into the correct associative links, redirect the prana to where you need

That’s it. That’s all I wanted to say today. So the lecture became a real concentrate without dilution. But if something is not clear, write questions, I will answer. I am always very pleased with your questions and pertinent [ˈpərtn-ənt] comments, some stories of personal experiences. I reply them in lectures, please listen. But for today, in general, that’s probably all. “

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