2008.12.13 Love Yoga. Part 1-I. (Vadim Zaporozhtsev)

Yoga lovers. Part 1-I.

Love Yoga – one of the most powerful yogi. At the level of the body works in Love yoga? Is it possible to generate the Love? Love sverhlogichna is vnekarmichny gift. What is the role of yoga in Love? Why should strive to be in love as long as possible? The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love – Love is in the present state. The second stage – the stage of humility and repentance. The difference between love and love in terms of yoga lovers. The third stage – Love as a merit. What is the double effect of maya? Love from the perspective of the axioms.

Author: Vadim Zaporozht

Brief description: Love Yoga – one of the most powerful yogi. At the level of the body works in Love yoga? Is it possible to generate the Love? Love sverhlogichna is vnekarmichny gift. What is the role of yoga in Love? Why should strive to be in love as long as possible? The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love – Love is in the present state. The second stage – the stage of humility and repentance. The difference between love and love in terms of yoga lovers. The third stage – Love as a merit. What is the double effect of maya? Love from the perspective of the axioms.

Date and place of the lecture read: 2008.12.13 Cultural Center “Enlightenment”.

The main text of the lecture.

Today, December 13, 2008. My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev, we are in KC “Enlightenment” in the city of Moscow, near the metro Novoslobodskaya. And that we have a lecture for the Open University of Yoga, all information is archived on our sites www.openyoga.ru www.happyoga.narod.ru www.yogacentr.ru


I urge you to comply with the first and second principles of yoga: to do no harm to any living being and not to waste time in vain.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev. We go more in the direction of our theme. Logically today should be the theme of “Maya” (illusion). That is, we come to you for consideration of our “I”. What is it? How it manifests itself here? Why do we see this or that some aspects of their behavior, their life, their development? But today, we will make a sharp move to the side. Some will break the slender chain of lectures. Because we have come to the last lesson with you, on the last lecture to the theme: “pleasure, joy, happiness.” Therefore, in this chapter we will touch upon what is called Yoga of Being in Love.

So, yoga lovers. In the tradition of yoga schools Anandasvami everything connected with global interaction of male and female, he falls under some Triad. These are three of yoga, they are called: Yoga Union, Tantra yoga and yoga lovers. We can not say which one is more important, some less important, what yoga who is subordinated. Rather, they are three components of yoga, which are inseparable, in the long run. So it called Triad.

If briefly explain why they are divided into three components, in a very rough approximation, we can say that the Union is engaged in yoga our physical interaction, Tantra Yoga – our emotional, mental interaction, yoga lovers – at the level of the causal body. According to the axioms of Yoga, we have three groups of bodies, and each of the yogi works primarily with one of these groups. We can not say that each of these yogas works only with his band, say, yoga Union only to the physical body. No, Yoga Union works with the gross body, and thin, and causal. But the work begins, as they say, the first steps through a rough start to thin. Tantra Yoga is an intermediate value, and not through the subtle and not through the rough, and some intermediate layer of our lives takes that touches our emotions, feelings, thoughts, images, dreams. Start with the first steps to do this level.

Yoga is Love affects a third group of bodies or third body, which is called causal. One of the most difficult in understanding. Nobody really knows what that group of bodies, and that it is for the body. The only thing in all the treatises of yoga and all yoga schools more or less sane, always comes a warning: “The yogi, fear causal group of bodies.” The most insidious, most incomprehensible, the most mysterious group of bodies. She is responsible for the likes and dislikes of love and hate, of ardent feelings. Hence, the vast majority of issues relating to ethnic or religious hatred that seems to be the same people suddenly begin to hate each other for skin color, for the nationality of any view: philosophical, political, religious, all sorts. When suddenly there is hatred that is not treated nor persuasion, nor explanation, nor some arguments of reason. All the same, a person agrees, agrees, and then at the most inopportune moment, boom, and it wakes up again the hatred that leads to a huge war. This is a terrible topic completely on one side. Why? Because the level of the causal body, he is more profound than the level of the mind. And mind the arguments just before it do not reach.

So, Yoga Love immediately starts from this level. That is why yoga Love is one of the most powerful yogi. One of the fastest yogi. One of the most mysterious and at the same time, one of the most sought-after little. This yoga is actually very few people are interested. Actually for this reason, it is so poorly preserved, in contrast to Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, where everything is clear. Here it is the physical body, let’s borrow and so on. Why? I do not know, I can not judge, for some reason, but I can only say my experience this issue, and all that relates to the Triad, things are absolutely not attractive. People do not want to think on the subject. I kept saying now repeat that, say, on the subject of Yoga Tantra was a series of lectures, a course of lectures. Three years in a row the same. We have to work up the people. While people understand what the topic is. Moreover, doing at the same time error, the answers to which can be found in the lectures. Perhaps it is something karmic. Probably, when the greatest mystery of us want to hide, then somehow the universe comes to us as something we have leads away. I always have this analogy, I remember one time at each station sharps metro deceived grandparents. When they were chasing a ball, and they have three cups, chase, chase and say, ‘where the answer – you will receive a prize. ” Obviously, no one had ever guessed. In it was everything and calculated. Although everything seems to be transparent, all on the surface, a number, but still did not grasp it. Also in humans. Somehow, these higher yoga them uskalzyvayut. It seems to be close to you it seems to be caught once, and instead of the treasure in his hands again shards. More precisely, not to shards, somehow life shook her, shook her, and took her. I certainly do not mean the marginal segments of the population. Marginal populations are very interested in everything that is connected in one way or another, the issues of interaction between man and woman. The word sex to them the sweetest. We do not take into account because they place in a psychiatric hospital, but not in the study of yoga. We had a sad experience, and when we began to openly advertise Tantra yoga, irresponsible people came to the polls. Just though stand, though fall, at least smile, at least write a thesis on the topic “slice of modern society.” Sane people are not interested. Insane useless to explain. For this reason, it is so weak and survives to this day. And now, once again I say, not what I see to it especially someone interested, this Triad. Again, if you do not consider the marginalized, from which all the bribes are smooth. They do not achieve, in principle. Why? Because it is necessary to first and second yoga principle is followed, only then to the supreme Yogis approach.

Love Yoga works directly with the level of the causal body. Why I decided to wedge this topic? In the previous chapter we have come to you for such a fundamental point, that all pleasure, joy, and happiness is our essence, is the essence of our displays in a pure form. Therefore, the joy and happiness is not outside, but inside us. Outside, only the key, which opens the inner happiness and joy. The source of pleasure, a source of joy and happiness, it is over-limit, it applies to any depth or the beyond the level of our “I”, or the structure of the universe. This is the level of the principles on which the universe was made general. Later, he slyly transformed through motivation system through a system of some incentives for us to develop. What would we have from life to life is not sitting still, and tried to get a more complex body, to develop the mind, sooner or later, do yoga.

Yoga Love just refers to this very appealing depth and the root causes of our property or our “I”. This property is Ananda or happiness property that, and so to us. This is not limited to yoga, she says that there is a complex interaction between the individual and the universe, which also laid the highest manifestation of happiness, joy. There have generally difficult to say whether they are to the level of our individual “I”, whether they relate to the level of the “I” of two people, or refer to the level of all the fundamental principles, of which there was a universe. It is as if the joy and happiness of the interaction of our particular “I” and if anything, the Absolute, if anything, the whole universe. This topic is precisely the topic of yoga lovers. Love is not generated.

Immediately I want to voice the most frequently asked questions from the outset there was a correct understanding. There is in nature no one yoga, that could generate Love. Sometimes people think that yoga is such a Love Yoga, which will deal with, and you will come to love. No friends, yoga, like all other methods, which only can give mankind, in principle, is not able to generate Love! From time to time, I, like all of you, watch TV, read a book, I read some reports that scientists have so cunningly all built, that if a person affected by certain impulses, where you have to smile, where you eating chocolate and so on and etc., then you will fall in love very, very much. Or, conversely, someone brings love to the form of hypnosis that’s supposedly de, we are poor, and we unconsciously manipulate someone that can make a person fall in love.

Love – it is a gift.

Here, of course, a question of terminology, despite what is meant by the term love. You know, the theme of the terms, it is very, very serious. Each individual in his own way understands it. Therefore, what is meant by yoga Love love, this is a condition that is not generated by anything in principle, absolutely nothing. Where does it come from, if it does not generated? It is believed that this condition – a gift. Gift from the area of the underlying principles from which life originated, the universe was born. This is a most profound, the most over-limit, the most ineffable layer, and everything else is just a pitiful display. This level comes what is called love. Love with a capital letter. Again, this term different people understand different things.

Any love that comes into our world, it is not logical, it sverhlogichna. The laws of logic, laws of cause and effect, even impossible to describe in general how this gift is manifested and how it begins to create. Rather, it is something that most destroys any logic than is derived from logic. Next position that love sverhlogichna. It is not possible reasonable arguments to explain it, to justify, and so on. Accordingly, it is not possible and reasonable cause, as we call it, the arguments. Just like it and remove. It is completely out of other areas. Therefore Yoga Love from the outset warned, this is not some set of techniques, practices, they’ll do and supposedly you will love – do not come!

What does the yoga of love?

What, then, is engaged in yoga in Love? Yoga Love claims to a more modest role, but at the same time, and it can not be overemphasized. The role of this is to prepare us to ensure that we have received and used this gift. Love Yoga teaches us that we tend to destroy themselves in love, it’s the gift that came to us with exorbitant heights. But our karma no one has canceled, and our karma, turning, tends to breaking this gift.

Imagine a person – Vandal, who walks in the parks and benches breaks or paint gloss over the wall. Now there are many divorced, artists are not recognized. Imagine that this person gave the castle, beautiful and with benches. He foolishly, just as he did in all other cases, begins to break what has it that it was necessary and could save, but much of the karma-go? This program carries it, so he unconsciously begins to break all. Also, we are with you, we are not prepared for this feeling. We are inclined to destroy it. We are inclined to dispel love. Once again, stay with nothing – absolutely trivial situation. During the honeymoon is a month of bitterness or whatever it’s called? It does not matter. That’s all folk tales.

Yoga Love comes down to how to neutralize the most typical manifestation of our karma that we have not broken love as long as possible. The question that if this feeling has arisen, how do we behave with you, that it survived as long as possible.

What you need to keep the love as long as possible?

Immediately following the issue, and what to keep as long as possible, if we are still inclined to destroy it? What is the difference, the day before his crush, a day later, when still tend to destroy because of their negative karma. The answer, in fact, the following: the longer we are in a state of love, the faster are the processes of our yogic transformation. Figuratively speaking, one second is equivalent to love, the lessons just any harsh yoga, such as Hatha yoga at the top of the Himalayas. By its action on the deepest, the most, the most subtle levels of Love works much faster. Another thing is that it is so rare gift that sometimes is much easier to work out for forty years and reach some sort of state, rather than wait, whether love or will come, and when it comes, to keep, not to destroy it.

Therefore, yoga is love, as it were, is the reverse. It is, if you remember the analogy between living and dead water, as in fairy tales, dead water heals all wounds, but it does not give life. So it is these teachings that we find in the Triad, they are likely to eliminate the most common errors, rather than provide at least for a moment that you will love or do not come. No one and nothing can guarantee neither be created nor generated and the more it is to destroy the highest state. It comes from the most profound, the most transcendent beyond logical principles on which our universe is arranged.

In this sense, for example, the concept of other yogas, such as yoga Sri Vidya, all comes down to the wording, that the whole world was created for us, as a springboard to we rediscovered the love, but most of it is absolutely not necessary. It makes no sense by itself. Once reached this highest state, all the rest of the world does not need, you can throw it, because it becomes empty as a husk of the seeds, it is not interesting. The whole world was invented just for this purpose. But this approach, I once again remind you of certain schools of yoga. The fact that different schools of yoga interpreted differently, that what is done.

Love – is a gift karmic higher realms.

Let’s go back to the yoga of love. From time to time we are presented with this gift. Someone often, someone rarely, someone, as it seems, never. In any case, it’s like winning the lottery a million, and is karmic win. We can win the lottery a million. Why? Because we are a million lives before it lost every time to buy a lottery ticket. Now, in the millions of lives, we won. But it’s not the winning, it’s as if deferred payment of what we have lost in previous lives. It’s all in the framework of the law of karma. Love – a gift that is karmic. We karma as deserving of it, and did not deserve. Or rather not even in the sense that we deserve because of their positive karma, some positive things, and love us and can not attend. Or, on the contrary, at first glance, a person absolutely horrible karma, and he fell in love you see. Such is the gift from the higher spheres.

What these gifts are necessary based on the Yoga of Love? The answer is very emotional. The universe is very good to us, the universe always gives more than we deserve. If she did not give us these gifts, in the plane of the universe, where we live, where the majority of the law of karma acts or otherwise we can say, the law of cause and effect, it is the law of karma, or also known as the law of the linear unfolding of time. So, here we have a debit credit does not converge. Our world, in general, very long ago would have liquidated itself, destroyed. We are doing everything in their follies, to destroy all the prerequisites of life, and the life, however, continues. Why is this happening? There is a poetic, beautiful explanation, that the higher levels of the universe propels us. Give more than we deserve.

Love, when it occurs suddenly, by definition – a gift. The longer we retain in ourselves, the more we use them. We are increasingly able to raise himself to a new spiritual level. So the game is called, it is worth the candle. It is necessary to study yoga in Love, in case there was a love.

And for people who are already in love? Let’s say they have never studied any yoga lover, but already in a state of love. For such people, yoga lover, says: “Leave them alone.” As long as one is able to love it, in a good sense of the word, insane. Irresponsible to all the words, advice, attempt to be clever, including yoga lovers. When breaks down, then let them drawn and understand at what stage destroyed, it is necessary to understand where and when we demolish it.

Again, dead water, it heals wounds, but does not guarantee a life. Life is a gift, or to the higher realms, it’s a matter of us independent. Formally yoga love that is divided three stages. Three major milestones, which are usually faced by any yogi that this subject touched. There is one such small note, a small disclaimer that when Love Yoga talks about love, she is referring to the yogis and Yoginis. That is, men and women who practice yoga. But not the rest of humanity. So when I start to cause a whole slew of examples – and in a city, in a certain apartment on such a floor lives an alcoholic and his wife, who was in love with him, how do you comment on this? There are no friends, this is a topic from the field of yoga, but not from the people who live on whatever their rules of the game. In this sense, the universe, it is universal. We will explore with you the following theme – Maya. Maya is a very strange thing. Maya – this is the principle of the exercise of freedom. On the one hand, thanks to this principle, we can get all the slaves of ignorance, but on the other hand, Maya assures us that everyone will be free, do not depend on other living creatures. How many people gather together, so that they, as they say, each other is not killed and not one imposed view the rest? Playing the role of Maya. It is, indeed, will be the next topic of the lecture.

Therefore Yoga Love does not concern ordinary people. Here you need to understand that everyone has the right to live as he pleases, and no one and nothing, even yoga, whether it at least three times a yoga lover, has no right to impose any views of a man who does not need them. But, if a person adheres to the first and second yoga principle, moreover, it is engaged in yoga seriously, and seriously make some steps in the direction of self-knowledge, these issues he will face clearly. The point of time. It is better to face already prepared than unprepared to not breaking anything.

The three stages of love of yoga.

So, Yoga Love formally divided into three stages.

The first stage.

The first stage – Love in the present condition. That is, the yogi and yogini Bob Kate fell in love. They are nice guys, but there is still some karma and quite negative. Povlyublyalis, povlyublyalis and then lost love, have grown cold towards each other. The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love is a gift that we tend, as a rule, lose. This is a common pattern. The same pattern as if you do not reach enlightenment in this lifetime, then you die, and then born again in order to continue with the level where finished.

The second stage.

As a rule, we lose love, and when we have already lost it, comes the next step, the so-called second stage of Yoga of Being in Love. It is considered the golden age of yoga, rather, yoga gold level. This is when people tasted love, but lost. They understood that they had overestimated the role of egoism in this universe, and the universe is clearly indicated enough that lost love, or rather man lost love. Such a person is becoming less flighty, not so arrogant, less he feels somehow exceptional, that I personally exceptional and in my life everything is exceptional. It is sometimes subterfuge ego that trivial things are before us as exceptional.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is when people have realized that even if that happens to me a gift, I do not understand how, because of their ignorance, stupidity, bad karma, or whatever, tend to lose it. Such a person good condition occurs – humility and repentance. Humility, that he did not have such a brazen and penance – he realizes that actually he caused the mass, the mass of headaches all relatives and friends, and friends and enemies, in general, to all living beings. As soon as this provides a platform for a more detailed examination of all the issues, which lost as he crushed his own love, his gift. Oddly enough, the second stage of Yoga of Being in Love perfect place, time, life time to practice Yoga and Tantra Yoga Union. Oddly enough, huh? Then one begins to realize that these children simply, naive dreams and ideas about that person in my life is all absolutely wonderful, and I will have a prince on a white horse or a princess, the most perfect girl in the world, did not happen. It did not happen in the first place because of the man himself. It as in that joke, that if you want the perfect woman, and then he becomes perfect. Otherwise, even if it comes, then either do not pay any attention to you, or you will not keep it. She would just get bored with you.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is the most happy time. We once saw with you the topic lifestyle yogis and Yoginis. As a rule, this is the time period when the sacred duty given, that is, the yogi and yogini already have produced children, children are more or less start to get on their feet, and for them to truly opens life. In this sense, the focus is on people already held more than to such outbursts, flash – impulses of youth. While yoga and Love have in this regard it is also very serious point that if you have a really good karma, it may be at a very early age, you can fall in love, and it all went fine.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is when he and she understands that “some childhood dreams, they are true, but we do not hold out to them.” In this sense, yoga is not lying. Yoga says that all of our dreams, hopes that we have about the second half, they are true. It is not self-deception, not an illusion. Sometimes I meet with this view, it is a cunning ploy of our body. Exactly what in yoga is called a protection mechanism of procreation. As zamanilovka like a mirage in the desert shows an image, and when you come to it, it melts. No Love Yoga clearly says everything you want to get – get. All the best of your bright idea about a prince or a princess, that can only occur in your head – true. This is not a hoax, says yoga lovers. The issue is that we are not up to these images.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is considered the golden times for practice, to work on yourself. Working on yourself is a long, laborious, made even routine, mechanistic somewhere, somewhere opposite. I repeat that this is a golden time for Yoga and Tantra Yoga Union. This interaction of male and female, when there is desire, there is love, but there is no love. Yoga Love makes the difference. Love and love in Love Yoga things are somewhat different. The problem is that you can not use the Sanskrit and European languages in terms not quite fit. So we have to give some kind of definition. Yoga Love – is when you can think of only one object or phenomenon, rather an object that can be manifested through the phenomenon, for example, I remember a wonderful moment you appeared in front of me. Love – is when you can at the same time feel sympathy for many. That is the difference. In a sense, love – this narrow-consciousness, narrowly focused energy. Status closest to what is called samadhi in yoga – one orientation of the mind, one direction of thought. When the head only, say, Bob, it’s for a girl her favorite and no Petit, Kolya did not exist.

In love there is no word “if.”

2008.12.13 Love Yoga. Part 1-I. (Vadim Zaporozhtsev)

Yoga lovers. Part 1-I.


Love Yoga – one of the most powerful yogi. At the level of the body works in Love yoga? Is it possible to generate the Love? Love sverhlogichna is vnekarmichny gift. What is the role of yoga in Love? Why should strive to be in love as long as possible? The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love – Love is in the present state. The second stage – the stage of humility and repentance. The difference between love and love in terms of yoga lovers. The third stage – Love as a merit. What is the double effect of maya? Love from the perspective of the axioms.



1. Title of the lecture:

Yoga lovers. Part 1-I.


2. Author: Vadim Zaporozhtsev


3. Photos by:


4. Brief description: Love Yoga – one of the most powerful yogi. At the level of the body works in Love yoga? Is it possible to generate the Love? Love sverhlogichna is vnekarmichny gift. What is the role of yoga in Love? Why should strive to be in love as long as possible? The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love – Love is in the present state. The second stage – the stage of humility and repentance. The difference between love and love in terms of yoga lovers. The third stage – Love as a merit. What is the double effect of maya? Love from the perspective of the axioms.

5. Date and place of the lecture read:

2008.12.13 Cultural Center “Enlightenment”.

16. The main text of the lecture.

Today, December 13, 2008. My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev, we are in KC “Enlightenment” in the city of Moscow, near the metro Novoslobodskaya. And that we have a lecture for the Open University of Yoga, all information is archived on our sites www.openyoga.ru www.happyoga.narod.ru www.yogacentr.ru


I urge you to comply with the first and second principles of yoga: to do no harm to any living being and not to waste time in vain.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev. We go more in the direction of our theme. Logically today should be the theme of “Maya” (illusion). That is, we come to you for consideration of our “I”. What is it? How it manifests itself here? Why do we see this or that some aspects of their behavior, their life, their development? But today, we will make a sharp move to the side. Some will break the slender chain of lectures. Because we have come to the last lesson with you, on the last lecture to the theme: “pleasure, joy, happiness.” Therefore, in this chapter we will touch upon what is called Yoga of Being in Love.

So, yoga lovers. In the tradition of yoga schools Anandasvami everything connected with global interaction of male and female, he falls under some Triad. These are three of yoga, they are called: Yoga Union, Tantra yoga and yoga lovers. We can not say which one is more important, some less important, what yoga who is subordinated. Rather, they are three components of yoga, which are inseparable, in the long run. So it called Triad.

If briefly explain why they are divided into three components, in a very rough approximation, we can say that the Union is engaged in yoga our physical interaction, Tantra Yoga – our emotional, mental interaction, yoga lovers – at the level of the causal body. According to the axioms of Yoga, we have three groups of bodies, and each of the yogi works primarily with one of these groups. We can not say that each of these yogas works only with his band, say, yoga Union only to the physical body. No, Yoga Union works with the gross body, and thin, and causal. But the work begins, as they say, the first steps through a rough start to thin. Tantra Yoga is an intermediate value, and not through the subtle and not through the rough, and some intermediate layer of our lives takes that touches our emotions, feelings, thoughts, images, dreams. Start with the first steps to do this level.

Yoga is Love affects a third group of bodies or third body, which is called causal. One of the most difficult in understanding. Nobody really knows what that group of bodies, and that it is for the body. The only thing in all the treatises of yoga and all yoga schools more or less sane, always comes a warning: “The yogi, fear causal group of bodies.” The most insidious, most incomprehensible, the most mysterious group of bodies. She is responsible for the likes and dislikes of love and hate, of ardent feelings. Hence, the vast majority of issues relating to ethnic or religious hatred that seems to be the same people suddenly begin to hate each other for skin color, for the nationality of any view: philosophical, political, religious, all sorts. When suddenly there is hatred that is not treated nor persuasion, nor explanation, nor some arguments of reason. All the same, a person agrees, agrees, and then at the most inopportune moment, boom, and it wakes up again the hatred that leads to a huge war. This is a terrible topic completely on one side. Why? Because the level of the causal body, he is more profound than the level of the mind. And mind the arguments just before it do not reach.

So, Yoga Love immediately starts from this level. That is why yoga Love is one of the most powerful yogi. One of the fastest yogi. One of the most mysterious and at the same time, one of the most sought-after little. This yoga is actually very few people are interested. Actually for this reason, it is so poorly preserved, in contrast to Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, where everything is clear. Here it is the physical body, let’s borrow and so on. Why? I do not know, I can not judge, for some reason, but I can only say my experience this issue, and all that relates to the Triad, things are absolutely not attractive. People do not want to think on the subject. I kept saying now repeat that, say, on the subject of Yoga Tantra was a series of lectures, a course of lectures. Three years in a row the same. We have to work up the people. While people understand what the topic is. Moreover, doing at the same time error, the answers to which can be found in the lectures. Perhaps it is something karmic. Probably, when the greatest mystery of us want to hide, then somehow the universe comes to us as something we have leads away. I always have this analogy, I remember one time at each station sharps metro deceived grandparents. When they were chasing a ball, and they have three cups, chase, chase and say, ‘where the answer – you will receive a prize. ” Obviously, no one had ever guessed. In it was everything and calculated. Although everything seems to be transparent, all on the surface, a number, but still did not grasp it. Also in humans. Somehow, these higher yoga them uskalzyvayut. It seems to be close to you it seems to be caught once, and instead of the treasure in his hands again shards. More precisely, not to shards, somehow life shook her, shook her, and took her. I certainly do not mean the marginal segments of the population. Marginal populations are very interested in everything that is connected in one way or another, the issues of interaction between man and woman. The word sex to them the sweetest. We do not take into account because they place in a psychiatric hospital, but not in the study of yoga. We had a sad experience, and when we began to openly advertise Tantra yoga, irresponsible people came to the polls. Just though stand, though fall, at least smile, at least write a thesis on the topic “slice of modern society.” Sane people are not interested. Insane useless to explain. For this reason, it is so weak and survives to this day. And now, once again I say, not what I see to it especially someone interested, this Triad. Again, if you do not consider the marginalized, from which all the bribes are smooth. They do not achieve, in principle. Why? Because it is necessary to first and second yoga principle is followed, only then to the supreme Yogis approach.

Love Yoga works directly with the level of the causal body. Why I decided to wedge this topic? In the previous chapter we have come to you for such a fundamental point, that all pleasure, joy, and happiness is our essence, is the essence of our displays in a pure form. Therefore, the joy and happiness is not outside, but inside us. Outside, only the key, which opens the inner happiness and joy. The source of pleasure, a source of joy and happiness, it is over-limit, it applies to any depth or the beyond the level of our “I”, or the structure of the universe. This is the level of the principles on which the universe was made general. Later, he slyly transformed through motivation system through a system of some incentives for us to develop. What would we have from life to life is not sitting still, and tried to get a more complex body, to develop the mind, sooner or later, do yoga.

Yoga Love just refers to this very appealing depth and the root causes of our property or our “I”. This property is Ananda or happiness property that, and so to us. This is not limited to yoga, she says that there is a complex interaction between the individual and the universe, which also laid the highest manifestation of happiness, joy. There have generally difficult to say whether they are to the level of our individual “I”, whether they relate to the level of the “I” of two people, or refer to the level of all the fundamental principles, of which there was a universe. It is as if the joy and happiness of the interaction of our particular “I” and if anything, the Absolute, if anything, the whole universe. This topic is precisely the topic of yoga lovers.

Love is not generated.

Immediately I want to voice the most frequently asked questions from the outset there was a correct understanding. There is in nature no one yoga, that could generate Love. Sometimes people think that yoga is such a Love Yoga, which will deal with, and you will come to love. No friends, yoga, like all other methods, which only can give mankind, in principle, is not able to generate Love! From time to time, I, like all of you, watch TV, read a book, I read some reports that scientists have so cunningly all built, that if a person affected by certain impulses, where you have to smile, where you eating chocolate and so on and etc., then you will fall in love very, very much. Or, conversely, someone brings love to the form of hypnosis that’s supposedly de, we are poor, and we unconsciously manipulate someone that can make a person fall in love.

Love – it is a gift.

Here, of course, a question of terminology, despite what is meant by the term love. You know, the theme of the terms, it is very, very serious. Each individual in his own way understands it. Therefore, what is meant by yoga Love love, this is a condition that is not generated by anything in principle, absolutely nothing. Where does it come from, if it does not generated? It is believed that this condition – a gift. Gift from the area of the underlying principles from which life originated, the universe was born. This is a most profound, the most over-limit, the most ineffable layer, and everything else is just a pitiful display. This level comes what is called love. Love with a capital letter. Again, this term different people understand different things.

Any love that comes into our world, it is not logical, it sverhlogichna. The laws of logic, laws of cause and effect, even impossible to describe in general how this gift is manifested and how it begins to create. Rather, it is something that most destroys any logic than is derived from logic. Next position that love sverhlogichna. It is not possible reasonable arguments to explain it, to justify, and so on. Accordingly, it is not possible and reasonable cause, as we call it, the arguments. Just like it and remove. It is completely out of other areas. Therefore Yoga Love from the outset warned, this is not some set of techniques, practices, they’ll do and supposedly you will love – do not come!

What does the yoga of love?

What, then, is engaged in yoga in Love? Yoga Love claims to a more modest role, but at the same time, and it can not be overemphasized. The role of this is to prepare us to ensure that we have received and used this gift. Love Yoga teaches us that we tend to destroy themselves in love, it’s the gift that came to us with exorbitant heights. But our karma no one has canceled, and our karma, turning, tends to breaking this gift.

Imagine a person – Vandal, who walks in the parks and benches breaks or paint gloss over the wall. Now there are many divorced, artists are not recognized. Imagine that this person gave the castle, beautiful and with benches. He foolishly, just as he did in all other cases, begins to break what has it that it was necessary and could save, but much of the karma-go? This program carries it, so he unconsciously begins to break all. Also, we are with you, we are not prepared for this feeling. We are inclined to destroy it. We are inclined to dispel love. Once again, stay with nothing – absolutely trivial situation. During the honeymoon is a month of bitterness or whatever it’s called? It does not matter. That’s all folk tales.

Yoga Love comes down to how to neutralize the most typical manifestation of our karma that we have not broken love as long as possible. The question that if this feeling has arisen, how do we behave with you, that it survived as long as possible.

What you need to keep the love as long as possible?

Immediately following the issue, and what to keep as long as possible, if we are still inclined to destroy it? What is the difference, the day before his crush, a day later, when still tend to destroy because of their negative karma. The answer, in fact, the following: the longer we are in a state of love, the faster are the processes of our yogic transformation. Figuratively speaking, one second is equivalent to love, the lessons just any harsh yoga, such as Hatha yoga at the top of the Himalayas. By its action on the deepest, the most, the most subtle levels of Love works much faster. Another thing is that it is so rare gift that sometimes is much easier to work out for forty years and reach some sort of state, rather than wait, whether love or will come, and when it comes, to keep, not to destroy it.

Therefore, yoga is love, as it were, is the reverse. It is, if you remember the analogy between living and dead water, as in fairy tales, dead water heals all wounds, but it does not give life. So it is these teachings that we find in the Triad, they are likely to eliminate the most common errors, rather than provide at least for a moment that you will love or do not come. No one and nothing can guarantee neither be created nor generated and the more it is to destroy the highest state. It comes from the most profound, the most transcendent beyond logical principles on which our universe is arranged.

In this sense, for example, the concept of other yogas, such as yoga Sri Vidya, all comes down to the wording, that the whole world was created for us, as a springboard to we rediscovered the love, but most of it is absolutely not necessary. It makes no sense by itself. Once reached this highest state, all the rest of the world does not need, you can throw it, because it becomes empty as a husk of the seeds, it is not interesting. The whole world was invented just for this purpose. But this approach, I once again remind you of certain schools of yoga. The fact that different schools of yoga interpreted differently, that what is done.

Love – is a gift karmic higher realms.

Let’s go back to the yoga of love. From time to time we are presented with this gift. Someone often, someone rarely, someone, as it seems, never. In any case, it’s like winning the lottery a million, and is karmic win. We can win the lottery a million. Why? Because we are a million lives before it lost every time to buy a lottery ticket. Now, in the millions of lives, we won. But it’s not the winning, it’s as if deferred payment of what we have lost in previous lives. It’s all in the framework of the law of karma. Love – a gift that is karmic. We karma as deserving of it, and did not deserve. Or rather not even in the sense that we deserve because of their positive karma, some positive things, and love us and can not attend. Or, on the contrary, at first glance, a person absolutely horrible karma, and he fell in love you see. Such is the gift from the higher spheres.

What these gifts are necessary based on the Yoga of Love? The answer is very emotional. The universe is very good to us, the universe always gives more than we deserve. If she did not give us these gifts, in the plane of the universe, where we live, where the majority of the law of karma acts or otherwise we can say, the law of cause and effect, it is the law of karma, or also known as the law of the linear unfolding of time. So, here we have a debit credit does not converge. Our world, in general, very long ago would have liquidated itself, destroyed. We are doing everything in their follies, to destroy all the prerequisites of life, and the life, however, continues. Why is this happening? There is a poetic, beautiful explanation, that the higher levels of the universe propels us. Give more than we deserve.

Love, when it occurs suddenly, by definition – a gift. The longer we retain in ourselves, the more we use them. We are increasingly able to raise himself to a new spiritual level. So the game is called, it is worth the candle. It is necessary to study yoga in Love, in case there was a love.

And for people who are already in love? Let’s say they have never studied any yoga lover, but already in a state of love. For such people, yoga lover, says: “Leave them alone.” As long as one is able to love it, in a good sense of the word, insane. Irresponsible to all the words, advice, attempt to be clever, including yoga lovers. When breaks down, then let them drawn and understand at what stage destroyed, it is necessary to understand where and when we demolish it.

Again, dead water, it heals wounds, but does not guarantee a life. Life is a gift, or to the higher realms, it’s a matter of us independent. Formally yoga love that is divided three stages. Three major milestones, which are usually faced by any yogi that this subject touched. There is one such small note, a small disclaimer that when Love Yoga talks about love, she is referring to the yogis and Yoginis. That is, men and women who practice yoga. But not the rest of humanity. So when I start to cause a whole slew of examples – and in a city, in a certain apartment on such a floor lives an alcoholic and his wife, who was in love with him, how do you comment on this? There are no friends, this is a topic from the field of yoga, but not from the people who live on whatever their rules of the game. In this sense, the universe, it is universal. We will explore with you the following theme – Maya. Maya is a very strange thing. Maya – this is the principle of the exercise of freedom. On the one hand, thanks to this principle, we can get all the slaves of ignorance, but on the other hand, Maya assures us that everyone will be free, do not depend on other living creatures. How many people gather together, so that they, as they say, each other is not killed and not one imposed view the rest? Playing the role of Maya. It is, indeed, will be the next topic of the lecture.

Therefore Yoga Love does not concern ordinary people. Here you need to understand that everyone has the right to live as he pleases, and no one and nothing, even yoga, whether it at least three times a yoga lover, has no right to impose any views of a man who does not need them. But, if a person adheres to the first and second yoga principle, moreover, it is engaged in yoga seriously, and seriously make some steps in the direction of self-knowledge, these issues he will face clearly. The point of time. It is better to face already prepared than unprepared to not breaking anything.

The three stages of love of yoga.


So, Yoga Love formally divided into three stages.

The first stage.

The first stage – Love in the present condition. That is, the yogi and yogini Bob Kate fell in love. They are nice guys, but there is still some karma and quite negative. Povlyublyalis, povlyublyalis and then lost love, have grown cold towards each other. The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love is a gift that we tend, as a rule, lose. This is a common pattern. The same pattern as if you do not reach enlightenment in this lifetime, then you die, and then born again in order to continue with the level where finished.

The second stage.

As a rule, we lose love, and when we have already lost it, comes the next step, the so-called second stage of Yoga of Being in Love. It is considered the golden age of yoga, rather, yoga gold level. This is when people tasted love, but lost. They understood that they had overestimated the role of egoism in this universe, and the universe is clearly indicated enough that lost love, or rather man lost love. Such a person is becoming less flighty, not so arrogant, less he feels somehow exceptional, that I personally exceptional and in my life everything is exceptional. It is sometimes subterfuge ego that trivial things are before us as exceptional.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is when people have realized that even if that happens to me a gift, I do not understand how, because of their ignorance, stupidity, bad karma, or whatever, tend to lose it. Such a person good condition occurs – humility and repentance. Humility, that he did not have such a brazen and penance – he realizes that actually he caused the mass, the mass of headaches all relatives and friends, and friends and enemies, in general, to all living beings. As soon as this provides a platform for a more detailed examination of all the issues, which lost as he crushed his own love, his gift. Oddly enough, the second stage of Yoga of Being in Love perfect place, time, life time to practice Yoga and Tantra Yoga Union. Oddly enough, huh? Then one begins to realize that these children simply, naive dreams and ideas about that person in my life is all absolutely wonderful, and I will have a prince on a white horse or a princess, the most perfect girl in the world, did not happen. It did not happen in the first place because of the man himself. It as in that joke, that if you want the perfect woman, and then he becomes perfect. Otherwise, even if it comes, then either do not pay any attention to you, or you will not keep it. She would just get bored with you.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is the most happy time. We once saw with you the topic lifestyle yogis and Yoginis. As a rule, this is the time period when the sacred duty given, that is, the yogi and yogini already have produced children, children are more or less start to get on their feet, and for them to truly opens life. In this sense, the focus is on people already held more than to such outbursts, flash – impulses of youth. While yoga and Love have in this regard it is also very serious point that if you have a really good karma, it may be at a very early age, you can fall in love, and it all went fine.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is when he and she understands that “some childhood dreams, they are true, but we do not hold out to them.” In this sense, yoga is not lying. Yoga says that all of our dreams, hopes that we have about the second half, they are true. It is not self-deception, not an illusion. Sometimes I meet with this view, it is a cunning ploy of our body. Exactly what in yoga is called a protection mechanism of procreation. As zamanilovka like a mirage in the desert shows an image, and when you come to it, it melts. No Love Yoga clearly says everything you want to get – get. All the best of your bright idea about a prince or a princess, that can only occur in your head – true. This is not a hoax, says yoga lovers. The issue is that we are not up to these images.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is considered the golden times for practice, to work on yourself. Working on yourself is a long, laborious, made even routine, mechanistic somewhere, somewhere opposite. I repeat that this is a golden time for Yoga and Tantra Yoga Union. This interaction of male and female, when there is desire, there is love, but there is no love. Yoga Love makes the difference. Love and love in Love Yoga things are somewhat different. The problem is that you can not use the Sanskrit and European languages in terms not quite fit. So we have to give some kind of definition. Yoga Love – is when you can think of only one object or phenomenon, rather an object that can be manifested through the phenomenon, for example, I remember a wonderful moment you appeared in front of me. Love – is when you can at the same time feel sympathy for many. That is the difference. In a sense, love – this narrow-consciousness, narrowly focused energy. Status closest to what is called samadhi in yoga – one orientation of the mind, one direction of thought. When the head only, say, Bob, it’s for a girl her favorite and no Petit, Kolya did not exist.

In love there is no word “if.”


Another important thing. In love there is no word “if.” Or in another way, “if”. When you hear, “I’m in love with him, but if …”. All means are not in love. When in love, in principle, there is no shortage. Anyway, for a man who is in love, there is no question for him of “if”. Once in your life comes a question of “if”, on either side, you know, this is not the highest love, which says yoga. What it can be “if”? “If he was beside me.” No, says yoga lovers. Higher Love – is a state, where the idea that the love object exists in principle, neither close nor far, neither somewhere, and there is, in principle, one thought that such a miracle in the universe, if one it’s enough, is the Supreme love. If the start that if he was there, my lover, my husband, or my wife, mistress, all this is at the seams has been bursting. Especially some quality. If he had been a little smarter, kinder, prettier, richer, poorer, potalantlivee, pobezdarnee and so on. Once this occurs, all this is not that.

The second stage of yoga Vvlyublennosti is when love has been lost, but it was her taste, and we know that it exists. We begin to remove all of your karmic deficiencies. Here, what is the logic? The law of karma has not been canceled, even higher yoga, which in three days you will provide all that is necessary. According to the law of karma, three hundred lives to live, it is still the law of karma will never formally repealed. Live very quickly that it would be necessary to live: both negative and positive. Another thing is how to do it poratsionalnee, pobezboleznennee or where it is necessary to pay off, as they say good things. He did bad things, good Balance. The law of karma is not violated. Karma is not passed, it is impossible. No nothing to do with it can not. Since it can do only the Absolute, the Lord God or whatever it is called. It is, yes, maybe, because he created him. Nobody else. In the second stage of Yoga of Being in Love, we just quickly eliminate the negative karma that destroyed love.

The third stage.

There is a third stage of Yoga of Being in Love. The most mysterious, fabulous, the most prohibitive. When it comes to love, but deserved, it’s like a gift, but we do not lose it is not by chance, and deservedly, that is, we appreciate the gift, and he was not inclined to collapse. The third stage of Yoga of Being in Love, once again, the most fabulous for the reason that according to the treatises, the people in this state immediately pass all the stages of spiritual evolution, and, roughly speaking, go out of this world. Soluble in the rainbow, fly, extend, in fact, we do not even know what is happening to them. They attain higher states. samadhi states, with the object of samadhi, samadhi without any object, I do not know what is happening there. In terms of ordinary people, they cease to live as we do. Where do they live, how they live, public bodies, if any, this terminology is generally applicable? About them we can not say. It is an open and at the same time a closed issue, because there sverhlogika. They rise to some absolutely sverhlogichny level. The only thing that we can say that, in any case, in the tradition of yoga schools Anandasvami, this bike goes, anecdote, that all the yoga that we have been transferred to it by the yogis and yogis who have reached the third stage of Yoga of Being in Love. They are before all disappear, to leave our world in some outrageous, spiritual heights, left us behind tips, yoga achievements. What I’m telling you, it is from this source, and goes. They are gone, and the knowledge left. But what else to say about this subject is very difficult. Because they can not be called human beings. It is something more.

Why is this all happening? There is one axiomatic thing if you spend in a state of love a certain amount of time, but only in true love, without these numerous surrogates, forgeries and far-fetched feelings, and in the true state of love, you spend quite a funny time in this state, you fully implement all the highest yoga. It called absolutely ridiculous length of time. I will not even call her, because she is really listening looks funny. If you spend the amount of time in a state of love, you do not need yoga in principle. Why? Because you already reach the whole, all that for what in general the whole world thought. We wondered how the people who lived there, to live, to live, then do yoga Hatha, Kriya yoga, meditation, through the air to fly, the Kundalini rises, the third eye to open, so that the bulging, and then sooner or later get out of this world . And when you leave this world, you are not interested in any of Kundalini Yoga, yoga or huts, that is, it is all worked out. This is the husk of the seeds that you eat. Or from a nut that you gnawed.

This condition – the third state of yoga lovers spend critical time in this state – will come up higher. Another – more, more – more. There is a critical point beyond which – everything, the whole world is no longer needed, and you understand why he was created. It was created, again, Love Yoga in this sense agrees with the concept of the Sri Vidya, he would have only been created for only one – to reach this third stage. Moreover, evil tongues say that Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Pranayama, meditation – a crutch for people who can not walk yet. This is for us too abstract, love too abstract concept. We are approaching this with the other parties. So what the Triad (Union Yoga, Tantra Yoga, the yoga of love) that there is in unison of course, as it is spread on the different types of yoga and is fragmentary, that then all gathered together, as if it was the Triad. Therefore, in our school of yoga Triad is the highest yoga. The rest, of course, very important. Hatha yoga is very important. Pranayama yoga is extremely important, and so on and so forth, but, strictly speaking, it’s crutches. We can not yet walk, and already want to move.

Love from the perspective of the axioms.

Now bind to axioms. We remember the basic paradigm or point of yoga that college never contradicts everyday, but complements it. Sverhlogika never violates the logic. The logic is preserved, but the logic is transformed into something that, as they say, a grandmother in two said. The logic passes and can not say anything at all. Everything related to love, in a stupor of logic always comes, and it stops. In fact, the reason why our world has ever died. Because in the worst possible moment, when it is next being very clever, with great ability, seized all power over a large portion of the universe – he has everything under control, everything is paid for, everything he bought. This totalitarian systems, where everything is uniform. Ironically, promises love demolish even the most severe circuit, where everything is based on reason, not undermine, not vlezesh, can not be evaded, on all sides round defense in these dark forces. Love smiling, one gesture sweeps away the strongest walls. Why? Because it sverhlogika. This logic is prohibitive. It seamlessly note without disturbing logic sverhlogiku brings to our world. Another live our world has not collapsed.

In terms of the axioms, all quite logical and love – it’s the action of maya. The word Maya in all yogis mean something dark and terrible that enslaves, which turns us into slaves, poisoning life and so on. This is true, but the principle of maya, this is a great chance, and it is used in our lives in a negative context. It can in no time turn into its opposite.

When she falls in love with Katya yogi Vasya, or vice versa, the yogi yogini Vasya in Kate, or invent any names. What happens? From the point of view of yoga, the essence itself Katie, if Bob in love with her, she is prohibitive, it is beautiful and not fall in love with her is impossible, simply impossible. But here’s the problem, Kate (will not be attached to the names) on his karmic situation feels different from what it actually is. Roughly speaking, around you keeps the shell behind which hides the true nature of this wonderful woman. Maya hides potential. There are Mayan double action, which covers the first maya and together they become transparent. Bob saw the true Kate and fell in love, I could not help but fall in love. Because one of the Maya, which is concealed, neutralized another maya is first neutralized. For a split second or a time a girl or a boy appeared in his true nature, do not fall in love that can not be. Love does not lie. If you were once in love with anyone really, but it turned out that it was a crocodile and in general as you have only has managed to fall in love. Ordinary situation. A closer look at all of a sudden it became clear that something very wrong. In fact, the original love you are not fooled. It’s just very clever effect of the universe. You were shown how to advance that out of it will be, when he this crocodile skin off his throw. As the princess frog, remember. “I have three more days to this pelt.” Remember the fairy tale about Ivan Russian folk prince and princess frog? But he was asleep. to wait a bit before you know it, all would be well. This is allegorically. Would have stayed with his girlfriend, three day or to practice yoga, she would become a yogini. And he did not, he went on to look strontium. Different figuratively explain these things. There is even such a direction. But we will not touch it.

Love does not lie. Then, of course, the first layer of maya, which neutralized the second layer of maya cleared, and you’ve seen karma that has not been canceled. It’s disappointing. I thought he was a prince on a white horse, I’ll wear on your hands, give me flowers, sing praises, only one watching me and more on anyone at all, just perfect. And he bastard! Immediately following the desire in that at all costs to return. “It’s your fault, you, why do not you look for me?” You’re to blame, I’m in love with you, or vice versa. Lost, then we begin also to blame. Double action with a second layer of maya, we see the true nature. Then, this window into the true nature slammed shut, and we begin to bring a claim: “Why are you there through the opened” This is just the second, after the honeymoon, there is a showdown month. Not a month, someone more, someone less, the fact is that all. What does Love yoga? It is useless to complain to the one in whom you fell in love. It’s just crazy. Vvy attack on an innocent person. He’s my fault that you were such a doomsday that you opened in the second. It’s not my fault at all. Love Yoga – Yoga is practical, she no longer sees any point, rather than giving unclear recommendations binds it all to the axioms you to understand that even sverhlogichnost appearing here, it does not violate the principles of logic. To a certain extent, you can go by logic, but from a certain level, everything, forget logic.

So I have great respect for people’s psychology. Many of the good, each tenth of God, all the rest would be better never engaged in this activity. They discredit psychology. Sometimes I see quite hideous approach. Approach climb in love. Firstly, for it punishes the universe forever. First of all the person who tries to explain zombies, programming, ohmureniya or reduce it all to conditional instincts, reflexes. Yes, we are subject to the instincts and reflexes, to have it with a lifetime in the bodies of animals. But in human life, we gradually get rid of it. If we say that we have only these instincts, we have enough of them. We should get rid of them, but we do not get rid. Whom Karma? On the one who told us that we are animals, though we partly accepted and partly people. If us know no one said it would have been quite people. And so we cling. I have what is it? Numerous books, fall in love with himself for five minutes or ohmurit his neighbor, and so on, careful attitude to this kind of literature. Do not be turned so as to astrological predictions that the computer generates, and you believe it, and in what you believe, you will animate. You animate and therefore live and get results clearly unsustainable, because it revived that unsustainable.

This theme, on the one hand, very tough and determined by our instincts and mechanisms for the protection of procreation and evolution of large and, moreover, stereotypes of behavior of men and women. If you were born in a certain country, you are a woman or a man, whether you like it or do not want, you still unconsciously copy the lifestyle of all men or all women whom you saw as a child. It certainly has an impact. Nobody does not act against it. Indeed, we are living the lives of their parents. We try not to invent a new way of life, we try to copy what he saw, and typical fills bumps. Since some level, all this disappears completely and totally can not explain it any reflexes or instincts, or karma, karma or not, nothing. Because love – it ultraboundary gift. Outland, it is impossible to grasp, weigh or generate.

With the axiomatic point of view, everything is quite tricky. It’s like a double effect of maya, which is offered to us as a gift and we really see in its true light “I” of another person, in which we fall in love, and we can not help but fall in love with him. In terms of explaining to another theory, if we are in someone fall in love, then we will see, or four aspects of consciousness, or the five aspects of energy. This famous law of four and five, which we must bring to the law of one – one. There is a certain logic, as one was infinite, or infinite became finite. These are the basic philosophical questions. In fact, any philosophical system, one way or another, tries to answer these questions. For example, one person, two people, three people, a million living beings, and the source of the “I” of every living being, where it came from? How it happened? Yoga in axioms brings us those famous laws that sound like the law of four and five, one law-one, one law, the law of zero. I will not overload you, I realize that for many of you it’s nothing speaking terms. But in terms of what lies behind this kind of logic, and this logic is very smoothly, very tightly linked with all yogis, even yoga lovers. What’s technically in a state of love, you basically do not need a law four and five. What for? Act four and five you should bring to the law is one-one. If not, then …

What we must also say here? These three yoga Triad: Love Yoga, Yoga and Tantra Yoga Union – they are very cleverly interwoven. Sometimes we lose love and understand how you can make up for it, or rather do not make the same mistakes at the expense of the Union of Yoga and Tantra Yoga. Sometimes, on the contrary, going to yoga Union positions, we go to a higher level of subtle Tantra yoga and yoga lovers. They, however, are mixed, but lead to a single goal. We eliminate all their negative karma and ready for this gift. Because everything about the Supreme, all that relates to the step in the higher realms, it’s a gift, friends. We can only remove all obstacles in the way. When a person wants to water the garden, he digs the ditch so that the water flowed. What can he do? It can only remove obstacles in the way of water, that is to dig a pit, but he is not able to get the water flowing. Water flows by itself. Here, too, we must first think about how to resolve those things that destroy love, and only then think about what kind of love this and so on.


2008.12.13 Love Yoga. Part 1-I. (Vadim Zaporozhtsev)

Yoga lovers. Part 1-I.


Love Yoga – one of the most powerful yogi. At the level of the body works in Love yoga? Is it possible to generate the Love? Love sverhlogichna is vnekarmichny gift. What is the role of yoga in Love? Why should strive to be in love as long as possible? The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love – Love is in the present state. The second stage – the stage of humility and repentance. The difference between love and love in terms of yoga lovers. The third stage – Love as a merit. What is the double effect of maya? Love from the perspective of the axioms.



1. Title of the lecture:

Yoga lovers. Part 1-I.


2. Author: Vadim Zaporozhtsev


3. Photos by:


4. Brief description: Love Yoga – one of the most powerful yogi. At the level of the body works in Love yoga? Is it possible to generate the Love? Love sverhlogichna is vnekarmichny gift. What is the role of yoga in Love? Why should strive to be in love as long as possible? The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love – Love is in the present state. The second stage – the stage of humility and repentance. The difference between love and love in terms of yoga lovers. The third stage – Love as a merit. What is the double effect of maya? Love from the perspective of the axioms.

5. Date and place of the lecture read:

2008.12.13 Cultural Center “Enlightenment”.

16. The main text of the lecture.

Today, December 13, 2008. My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev, we are in KC “Enlightenment” in the city of Moscow, near the metro Novoslobodskaya. And that we have a lecture for the Open University of Yoga, all information is archived on our sites www.openyoga.ru www.happyoga.narod.ru www.yogacentr.ru


I urge you to comply with the first and second principles of yoga: to do no harm to any living being and not to waste time in vain.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev. We go more in the direction of our theme. Logically today should be the theme of “Maya” (illusion). That is, we come to you for consideration of our “I”. What is it? How it manifests itself here? Why do we see this or that some aspects of their behavior, their life, their development? But today, we will make a sharp move to the side. Some will break the slender chain of lectures. Because we have come to the last lesson with you, on the last lecture to the theme: “pleasure, joy, happiness.” Therefore, in this chapter we will touch upon what is called Yoga of Being in Love.

So, yoga lovers. In the tradition of yoga schools Anandasvami everything connected with global interaction of male and female, he falls under some Triad. These are three of yoga, they are called: Yoga Union, Tantra yoga and yoga lovers. We can not say which one is more important, some less important, what yoga who is subordinated. Rather, they are three components of yoga, which are inseparable, in the long run. So it called Triad.

If briefly explain why they are divided into three components, in a very rough approximation, we can say that the Union is engaged in yoga our physical interaction, Tantra Yoga – our emotional, mental interaction, yoga lovers – at the level of the causal body. According to the axioms of Yoga, we have three groups of bodies, and each of the yogi works primarily with one of these groups. We can not say that each of these yogas works only with his band, say, yoga Union only to the physical body. No, Yoga Union works with the gross body, and thin, and causal. But the work begins, as they say, the first steps through a rough start to thin. Tantra Yoga is an intermediate value, and not through the subtle and not through the rough, and some intermediate layer of our lives takes that touches our emotions, feelings, thoughts, images, dreams. Start with the first steps to do this level.

Yoga is Love affects a third group of bodies or third body, which is called causal. One of the most difficult in understanding. Nobody really knows what that group of bodies, and that it is for the body. The only thing in all the treatises of yoga and all yoga schools more or less sane, always comes a warning: “The yogi, fear causal group of bodies.” The most insidious, most incomprehensible, the most mysterious group of bodies. She is responsible for the likes and dislikes of love and hate, of ardent feelings. Hence, the vast majority of issues relating to ethnic or religious hatred that seems to be the same people suddenly begin to hate each other for skin color, for the nationality of any view: philosophical, political, religious, all sorts. When suddenly there is hatred that is not treated nor persuasion, nor explanation, nor some arguments of reason. All the same, a person agrees, agrees, and then at the most inopportune moment, boom, and it wakes up again the hatred that leads to a huge war. This is a terrible topic completely on one side. Why? Because the level of the causal body, he is more profound than the level of the mind. And mind the arguments just before it do not reach.

So, Yoga Love immediately starts from this level. That is why yoga Love is one of the most powerful yogi. One of the fastest yogi. One of the most mysterious and at the same time, one of the most sought-after little. This yoga is actually very few people are interested. Actually for this reason, it is so poorly preserved, in contrast to Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, where everything is clear. Here it is the physical body, let’s borrow and so on. Why? I do not know, I can not judge, for some reason, but I can only say my experience this issue, and all that relates to the Triad, things are absolutely not attractive. People do not want to think on the subject. I kept saying now repeat that, say, on the subject of Yoga Tantra was a series of lectures, a course of lectures. Three years in a row the same. We have to work up the people. While people understand what the topic is. Moreover, doing at the same time error, the answers to which can be found in the lectures. Perhaps it is something karmic. Probably, when the greatest mystery of us want to hide, then somehow the universe comes to us as something we have leads away. I always have this analogy, I remember one time at each station sharps metro deceived grandparents. When they were chasing a ball, and they have three cups, chase, chase and say, ‘where the answer – you will receive a prize. ” Obviously, no one had ever guessed. In it was everything and calculated. Although everything seems to be transparent, all on the surface, a number, but still did not grasp it. Also in humans. Somehow, these higher yoga them uskalzyvayut. It seems to be close to you it seems to be caught once, and instead of the treasure in his hands again shards. More precisely, not to shards, somehow life shook her, shook her, and took her. I certainly do not mean the marginal segments of the population. Marginal populations are very interested in everything that is connected in one way or another, the issues of interaction between man and woman. The word sex to them the sweetest. We do not take into account because they place in a psychiatric hospital, but not in the study of yoga. We had a sad experience, and when we began to openly advertise Tantra yoga, irresponsible people came to the polls. Just though stand, though fall, at least smile, at least write a thesis on the topic “slice of modern society.” Sane people are not interested. Insane useless to explain. For this reason, it is so weak and survives to this day. And now, once again I say, not what I see to it especially someone interested, this Triad. Again, if you do not consider the marginalized, from which all the bribes are smooth. They do not achieve, in principle. Why? Because it is necessary to first and second yoga principle is followed, only then to the supreme Yogis approach.

Love Yoga works directly with the level of the causal body. Why I decided to wedge this topic? In the previous chapter we have come to you for such a fundamental point, that all pleasure, joy, and happiness is our essence, is the essence of our displays in a pure form. Therefore, the joy and happiness is not outside, but inside us. Outside, only the key, which opens the inner happiness and joy. The source of pleasure, a source of joy and happiness, it is over-limit, it applies to any depth or the beyond the level of our “I”, or the structure of the universe. This is the level of the principles on which the universe was made general. Later, he slyly transformed through motivation system through a system of some incentives for us to develop. What would we have from life to life is not sitting still, and tried to get a more complex body, to develop the mind, sooner or later, do yoga.

Yoga Love just refers to this very appealing depth and the root causes of our property or our “I”. This property is Ananda or happiness property that, and so to us. This is not limited to yoga, she says that there is a complex interaction between the individual and the universe, which also laid the highest manifestation of happiness, joy. There have generally difficult to say whether they are to the level of our individual “I”, whether they relate to the level of the “I” of two people, or refer to the level of all the fundamental principles, of which there was a universe. It is as if the joy and happiness of the interaction of our particular “I” and if anything, the Absolute, if anything, the whole universe. This topic is precisely the topic of yoga lovers.

Love is not generated.

Immediately I want to voice the most frequently asked questions from the outset there was a correct understanding. There is in nature no one yoga, that could generate Love. Sometimes people think that yoga is such a Love Yoga, which will deal with, and you will come to love. No friends, yoga, like all other methods, which only can give mankind, in principle, is not able to generate Love! From time to time, I, like all of you, watch TV, read a book, I read some reports that scientists have so cunningly all built, that if a person affected by certain impulses, where you have to smile, where you eating chocolate and so on and etc., then you will fall in love very, very much. Or, conversely, someone brings love to the form of hypnosis that’s supposedly de, we are poor, and we unconsciously manipulate someone that can make a person fall in love.

Love – it is a gift.

Here, of course, a question of terminology, despite what is meant by the term love. You know, the theme of the terms, it is very, very serious. Each individual in his own way understands it. Therefore, what is meant by yoga Love love, this is a condition that is not generated by anything in principle, absolutely nothing. Where does it come from, if it does not generated? It is believed that this condition – a gift. Gift from the area of the underlying principles from which life originated, the universe was born. This is a most profound, the most over-limit, the most ineffable layer, and everything else is just a pitiful display. This level comes what is called love. Love with a capital letter. Again, this term different people understand different things.

Any love that comes into our world, it is not logical, it sverhlogichna. The laws of logic, laws of cause and effect, even impossible to describe in general how this gift is manifested and how it begins to create. Rather, it is something that most destroys any logic than is derived from logic. Next position that love sverhlogichna. It is not possible reasonable arguments to explain it, to justify, and so on. Accordingly, it is not possible and reasonable cause, as we call it, the arguments. Just like it and remove. It is completely out of other areas. Therefore Yoga Love from the outset warned, this is not some set of techniques, practices, they’ll do and supposedly you will love – do not come!

What does the yoga of love?

What, then, is engaged in yoga in Love? Yoga Love claims to a more modest role, but at the same time, and it can not be overemphasized. The role of this is to prepare us to ensure that we have received and used this gift. Love Yoga teaches us that we tend to destroy themselves in love, it’s the gift that came to us with exorbitant heights. But our karma no one has canceled, and our karma, turning, tends to breaking this gift.

Imagine a person – Vandal, who walks in the parks and benches breaks or paint gloss over the wall. Now there are many divorced, artists are not recognized. Imagine that this person gave the castle, beautiful and with benches. He foolishly, just as he did in all other cases, begins to break what has it that it was necessary and could save, but much of the karma-go? This program carries it, so he unconsciously begins to break all. Also, we are with you, we are not prepared for this feeling. We are inclined to destroy it. We are inclined to dispel love. Once again, stay with nothing – absolutely trivial situation. During the honeymoon is a month of bitterness or whatever it’s called? It does not matter. That’s all folk tales.

Yoga Love comes down to how to neutralize the most typical manifestation of our karma that we have not broken love as long as possible. The question that if this feeling has arisen, how do we behave with you, that it survived as long as possible.

What you need to keep the love as long as possible?

Immediately following the issue, and what to keep as long as possible, if we are still inclined to destroy it? What is the difference, the day before his crush, a day later, when still tend to destroy because of their negative karma. The answer, in fact, the following: the longer we are in a state of love, the faster are the processes of our yogic transformation. Figuratively speaking, one second is equivalent to love, the lessons just any harsh yoga, such as Hatha yoga at the top of the Himalayas. By its action on the deepest, the most, the most subtle levels of Love works much faster. Another thing is that it is so rare gift that sometimes is much easier to work out for forty years and reach some sort of state, rather than wait, whether love or will come, and when it comes, to keep, not to destroy it.

Therefore, yoga is love, as it were, is the reverse. It is, if you remember the analogy between living and dead water, as in fairy tales, dead water heals all wounds, but it does not give life. So it is these teachings that we find in the Triad, they are likely to eliminate the most common errors, rather than provide at least for a moment that you will love or do not come. No one and nothing can guarantee neither be created nor generated and the more it is to destroy the highest state. It comes from the most profound, the most transcendent beyond logical principles on which our universe is arranged.

In this sense, for example, the concept of other yogas, such as yoga Sri Vidya, all comes down to the wording, that the whole world was created for us, as a springboard to we rediscovered the love, but most of it is absolutely not necessary. It makes no sense by itself. Once reached this highest state, all the rest of the world does not need, you can throw it, because it becomes empty as a husk of the seeds, it is not interesting. The whole world was invented just for this purpose. But this approach, I once again remind you of certain schools of yoga. The fact that different schools of yoga interpreted differently, that what is done.

Love – is a gift karmic higher realms.

Let’s go back to the yoga of love. From time to time we are presented with this gift. Someone often, someone rarely, someone, as it seems, never. In any case, it’s like winning the lottery a million, and is karmic win. We can win the lottery a million. Why? Because we are a million lives before it lost every time to buy a lottery ticket. Now, in the millions of lives, we won. But it’s not the winning, it’s as if deferred payment of what we have lost in previous lives. It’s all in the framework of the law of karma. Love – a gift that is karmic. We karma as deserving of it, and did not deserve. Or rather not even in the sense that we deserve because of their positive karma, some positive things, and love us and can not attend. Or, on the contrary, at first glance, a person absolutely horrible karma, and he fell in love you see. Such is the gift from the higher spheres.

What these gifts are necessary based on the Yoga of Love? The answer is very emotional. The universe is very good to us, the universe always gives more than we deserve. If she did not give us these gifts, in the plane of the universe, where we live, where the majority of the law of karma acts or otherwise we can say, the law of cause and effect, it is the law of karma, or also known as the law of the linear unfolding of time. So, here we have a debit credit does not converge. Our world, in general, very long ago would have liquidated itself, destroyed. We are doing everything in their follies, to destroy all the prerequisites of life, and the life, however, continues. Why is this happening? There is a poetic, beautiful explanation, that the higher levels of the universe propels us. Give more than we deserve.

Love, when it occurs suddenly, by definition – a gift. The longer we retain in ourselves, the more we use them. We are increasingly able to raise himself to a new spiritual level. So the game is called, it is worth the candle. It is necessary to study yoga in Love, in case there was a love.

And for people who are already in love? Let’s say they have never studied any yoga lover, but already in a state of love. For such people, yoga lover, says: “Leave them alone.” As long as one is able to love it, in a good sense of the word, insane. Irresponsible to all the words, advice, attempt to be clever, including yoga lovers. When breaks down, then let them drawn and understand at what stage destroyed, it is necessary to understand where and when we demolish it.

Again, dead water, it heals wounds, but does not guarantee a life. Life is a gift, or to the higher realms, it’s a matter of us independent. Formally yoga love that is divided three stages. Three major milestones, which are usually faced by any yogi that this subject touched. There is one such small note, a small disclaimer that when Love Yoga talks about love, she is referring to the yogis and Yoginis. That is, men and women who practice yoga. But not the rest of humanity. So when I start to cause a whole slew of examples – and in a city, in a certain apartment on such a floor lives an alcoholic and his wife, who was in love with him, how do you comment on this? There are no friends, this is a topic from the field of yoga, but not from the people who live on whatever their rules of the game. In this sense, the universe, it is universal. We will explore with you the following theme – Maya. Maya is a very strange thing. Maya – this is the principle of the exercise of freedom. On the one hand, thanks to this principle, we can get all the slaves of ignorance, but on the other hand, Maya assures us that everyone will be free, do not depend on other living creatures. How many people gather together, so that they, as they say, each other is not killed and not one imposed view the rest? Playing the role of Maya. It is, indeed, will be the next topic of the lecture.

Therefore Yoga Love does not concern ordinary people. Here you need to understand that everyone has the right to live as he pleases, and no one and nothing, even yoga, whether it at least three times a yoga lover, has no right to impose any views of a man who does not need them. But, if a person adheres to the first and second yoga principle, moreover, it is engaged in yoga seriously, and seriously make some steps in the direction of self-knowledge, these issues he will face clearly. The point of time. It is better to face already prepared than unprepared to not breaking anything.

The three stages of love of yoga.


So, Yoga Love formally divided into three stages.

The first stage.

The first stage – Love in the present condition. That is, the yogi and yogini Bob Kate fell in love. They are nice guys, but there is still some karma and quite negative. Povlyublyalis, povlyublyalis and then lost love, have grown cold towards each other. The first stage of Yoga of Being in Love is a gift that we tend, as a rule, lose. This is a common pattern. The same pattern as if you do not reach enlightenment in this lifetime, then you die, and then born again in order to continue with the level where finished.

The second stage.

As a rule, we lose love, and when we have already lost it, comes the next step, the so-called second stage of Yoga of Being in Love. It is considered the golden age of yoga, rather, yoga gold level. This is when people tasted love, but lost. They understood that they had overestimated the role of egoism in this universe, and the universe is clearly indicated enough that lost love, or rather man lost love. Such a person is becoming less flighty, not so arrogant, less he feels somehow exceptional, that I personally exceptional and in my life everything is exceptional. It is sometimes subterfuge ego that trivial things are before us as exceptional.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is when people have realized that even if that happens to me a gift, I do not understand how, because of their ignorance, stupidity, bad karma, or whatever, tend to lose it. Such a person good condition occurs – humility and repentance. Humility, that he did not have such a brazen and penance – he realizes that actually he caused the mass, the mass of headaches all relatives and friends, and friends and enemies, in general, to all living beings. As soon as this provides a platform for a more detailed examination of all the issues, which lost as he crushed his own love, his gift. Oddly enough, the second stage of Yoga of Being in Love perfect place, time, life time to practice Yoga and Tantra Yoga Union. Oddly enough, huh? Then one begins to realize that these children simply, naive dreams and ideas about that person in my life is all absolutely wonderful, and I will have a prince on a white horse or a princess, the most perfect girl in the world, did not happen. It did not happen in the first place because of the man himself. It as in that joke, that if you want the perfect woman, and then he becomes perfect. Otherwise, even if it comes, then either do not pay any attention to you, or you will not keep it. She would just get bored with you.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is the most happy time. We once saw with you the topic lifestyle yogis and Yoginis. As a rule, this is the time period when the sacred duty given, that is, the yogi and yogini already have produced children, children are more or less start to get on their feet, and for them to truly opens life. In this sense, the focus is on people already held more than to such outbursts, flash – impulses of youth. While yoga and Love have in this regard it is also very serious point that if you have a really good karma, it may be at a very early age, you can fall in love, and it all went fine.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is when he and she understands that “some childhood dreams, they are true, but we do not hold out to them.” In this sense, yoga is not lying. Yoga says that all of our dreams, hopes that we have about the second half, they are true. It is not self-deception, not an illusion. Sometimes I meet with this view, it is a cunning ploy of our body. Exactly what in yoga is called a protection mechanism of procreation. As zamanilovka like a mirage in the desert shows an image, and when you come to it, it melts. No Love Yoga clearly says everything you want to get – get. All the best of your bright idea about a prince or a princess, that can only occur in your head – true. This is not a hoax, says yoga lovers. The issue is that we are not up to these images.

The second stage of Yoga of Being in Love is considered the golden times for practice, to work on yourself. Working on yourself is a long, laborious, made even routine, mechanistic somewhere, somewhere opposite. I repeat that this is a golden time for Yoga and Tantra Yoga Union. This interaction of male and female, when there is desire, there is love, but there is no love. Yoga Love makes the difference. Love and love in Love Yoga things are somewhat different. The problem is that you can not use the Sanskrit and European languages in terms not quite fit. So we have to give some kind of definition. Yoga Love – is when you can think of only one object or phenomenon, rather an object that can be manifested through the phenomenon, for example, I remember a wonderful moment you appeared in front of me. Love – is when you can at the same time feel sympathy for many. That is the difference. In a sense, love – this narrow-consciousness, narrowly focused energy. Status closest to what is called samadhi in yoga – one orientation of the mind, one direction of thought. When the head only, say, Bob, it’s for a girl her favorite and no Petit, Kolya did not exist.

In love there is no word “if.”


Another important thing. In love there is no word “if.” Or in another way, “if”. When you hear, “I’m in love with him, but if …”. All means are not in love. When in love, in principle, there is no shortage. Anyway, for a man who is in love, there is no question for him of “if”. Once in your life comes a question of “if”, on either side, you know, this is not the highest love, which says yoga. What it can be “if”? “If he was beside me.” No, says yoga lovers. Higher Love – is a state, where the idea that the love object exists in principle, neither close nor far, neither somewhere, and there is, in principle, one thought that such a miracle in the universe, if one it’s enough, is the Supreme love. If the start that if he was there, my lover, my husband, or my wife, mistress, all this is at the seams has been bursting. Especially some quality. If he had been a little smarter, kinder, prettier, richer, poorer, potalantlivee, pobezdarnee and so on. Once this occurs, all this is not that.

The second stage of yoga Vvlyublennosti is when love has been lost, but it was her taste, and we know that it exists. We begin to remove all of your karmic deficiencies. Here, what is the logic? The law of karma has not been canceled, even higher yoga, which in three days you will provide all that is necessary. According to the law of karma, three hundred lives to live, it is still the law of karma will never formally repealed. Live very quickly that it would be necessary to live: both negative and positive. Another thing is how to do it poratsionalnee, pobezboleznennee or where it is necessary to pay off, as they say good things. He did bad things, good Balance. The law of karma is not violated. Karma is not passed, it is impossible. No nothing to do with it can not. Since it can do only the Absolute, the Lord God or whatever it is called. It is, yes, maybe, because he created him. Nobody else. In the second stage of Yoga of Being in Love, we just quickly eliminate the negative karma that destroyed love.

The third stage.

There is a third stage of Yoga of Being in Love. The most mysterious, fabulous, the most prohibitive. When it comes to love, but deserved, it’s like a gift, but we do not lose it is not by chance, and deservedly, that is, we appreciate the gift, and he was not inclined to collapse. The third stage of Yoga of Being in Love, once again, the most fabulous for the reason that according to the treatises, the people in this state immediately pass all the stages of spiritual evolution, and, roughly speaking, go out of this world. Soluble in the rainbow, fly, extend, in fact, we do not even know what is happening to them. They attain higher states. samadhi states, with the object of samadhi, samadhi without any object, I do not know what is happening there. In terms of ordinary people, they cease to live as we do. Where do they live, how they live, public bodies, if any, this terminology is generally applicable? About them we can not say. It is an open and at the same time a closed issue, because there sverhlogika. They rise to some absolutely sverhlogichny level. The only thing that we can say that, in any case, in the tradition of yoga schools Anandasvami, this bike goes, anecdote, that all the yoga that we have been transferred to it by the yogis and yogis who have reached the third stage of Yoga of Being in Love. They are before all disappear, to leave our world in some outrageous, spiritual heights, left us behind tips, yoga achievements. What I’m telling you, it is from this source, and goes. They are gone, and the knowledge left. But what else to say about this subject is very difficult. Because they can not be called human beings. It is something more.

Why is this all happening? There is one axiomatic thing if you spend in a state of love a certain amount of time, but only in true love, without these numerous surrogates, forgeries and far-fetched feelings, and in the true state of love, you spend quite a funny time in this state, you fully implement all the highest yoga. It called absolutely ridiculous length of time. I will not even call her, because she is really listening looks funny. If you spend the amount of time in a state of love, you do not need yoga in principle. Why? Because you already reach the whole, all that for what in general the whole world thought. We wondered how the people who lived there, to live, to live, then do yoga Hatha, Kriya yoga, meditation, through the air to fly, the Kundalini rises, the third eye to open, so that the bulging, and then sooner or later get out of this world . And when you leave this world, you are not interested in any of Kundalini Yoga, yoga or huts, that is, it is all worked out. This is the husk of the seeds that you eat. Or from a nut that you gnawed.

This condition – the third state of yoga lovers spend critical time in this state – will come up higher. Another – more, more – more. There is a critical point beyond which – everything, the whole world is no longer needed, and you understand why he was created. It was created, again, Love Yoga in this sense agrees with the concept of the Sri Vidya, he would have only been created for only one – to reach this third stage. Moreover, evil tongues say that Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Pranayama, meditation – a crutch for people who can not walk yet. This is for us too abstract, love too abstract concept. We are approaching this with the other parties. So what the Triad (Union Yoga, Tantra Yoga, the yoga of love) that there is in unison of course, as it is spread on the different types of yoga and is fragmentary, that then all gathered together, as if it was the Triad. Therefore, in our school of yoga Triad is the highest yoga. The rest, of course, very important. Hatha yoga is very important. Pranayama yoga is extremely important, and so on and so forth, but, strictly speaking, it’s crutches. We can not yet walk, and already want to move.

Love from the perspective of the axioms.

Now bind to axioms. We remember the basic paradigm or point of yoga that college never contradicts everyday, but complements it. Sverhlogika never violates the logic. The logic is preserved, but the logic is transformed into something that, as they say, a grandmother in two said. The logic passes and can not say anything at all. Everything related to love, in a stupor of logic always comes, and it stops. In fact, the reason why our world has ever died. Because in the worst possible moment, when it is next being very clever, with great ability, seized all power over a large portion of the universe – he has everything under control, everything is paid for, everything he bought. This totalitarian systems, where everything is uniform. Ironically, promises love demolish even the most severe circuit, where everything is based on reason, not undermine, not vlezesh, can not be evaded, on all sides round defense in these dark forces. Love smiling, one gesture sweeps away the strongest walls. Why? Because it sverhlogika. This logic is prohibitive. It seamlessly note without disturbing logic sverhlogiku brings to our world. Another live our world has not collapsed.

In terms of the axioms, all quite logical and love – it’s the action of maya. The word Maya in all yogis mean something dark and terrible that enslaves, which turns us into slaves, poisoning life and so on. This is true, but the principle of maya, this is a great chance, and it is used in our lives in a negative context. It can in no time turn into its opposite.

When she falls in love with Katya yogi Vasya, or vice versa, the yogi yogini Vasya in Kate, or invent any names. What happens? From the point of view of yoga, the essence itself Katie, if Bob in love with her, she is prohibitive, it is beautiful and not fall in love with her is impossible, simply impossible. But here’s the problem, Kate (will not be attached to the names) on his karmic situation feels different from what it actually is. Roughly speaking, around you keeps the shell behind which hides the true nature of this wonderful woman. Maya hides potential. There are Mayan double action, which covers the first maya and together they become transparent. Bob saw the true Kate and fell in love, I could not help but fall in love. Because one of the Maya, which is concealed, neutralized another maya is first neutralized. For a split second or a time a girl or a boy appeared in his true nature, do not fall in love that can not be. Love does not lie. If you were once in love with anyone really, but it turned out that it was a crocodile and in general as you have only has managed to fall in love. Ordinary situation. A closer look at all of a sudden it became clear that something very wrong. In fact, the original love you are not fooled. It’s just very clever effect of the universe. You were shown how to advance that out of it will be, when he this crocodile skin off his throw. As the princess frog, remember. “I have three more days to this pelt.” Remember the fairy tale about Ivan Russian folk prince and princess frog? But he was asleep. to wait a bit before you know it, all would be well. This is allegorically. Would have stayed with his girlfriend, three day or to practice yoga, she would become a yogini. And he did not, he went on to look strontium. Different figuratively explain these things. There is even such a direction. But we will not touch it.

Love does not lie. Then, of course, the first layer of maya, which neutralized the second layer of maya cleared, and you’ve seen karma that has not been canceled. It’s disappointing. I thought he was a prince on a white horse, I’ll wear on your hands, give me flowers, sing praises, only one watching me and more on anyone at all, just perfect. And he bastard! Immediately following the desire in that at all costs to return. “It’s your fault, you, why do not you look for me?” You’re to blame, I’m in love with you, or vice versa. Lost, then we begin also to blame. Double action with a second layer of maya, we see the true nature. Then, this window into the true nature slammed shut, and we begin to bring a claim: “Why are you there through the opened” This is just the second, after the honeymoon, there is a showdown month. Not a month, someone more, someone less, the fact is that all. What does Love yoga? It is useless to complain to the one in whom you fell in love. It’s just crazy. Vvy attack on an innocent person. He’s my fault that you were such a doomsday that you opened in the second. It’s not my fault at all. Love Yoga – Yoga is practical, she no longer sees any point, rather than giving unclear recommendations binds it all to the axioms you to understand that even sverhlogichnost appearing here, it does not violate the principles of logic. To a certain extent, you can go by logic, but from a certain level, everything, forget logic.

So I have great respect for people’s psychology. Many of the good, each tenth of God, all the rest would be better never engaged in this activity. They discredit psychology. Sometimes I see quite hideous approach. Approach climb in love. Firstly, for it punishes the universe forever. First of all the person who tries to explain zombies, programming, ohmureniya or reduce it all to conditional instincts, reflexes. Yes, we are subject to the instincts and reflexes, to have it with a lifetime in the bodies of animals. But in human life, we gradually get rid of it. If we say that we have only these instincts, we have enough of them. We should get rid of them, but we do not get rid. Whom Karma? On the one who told us that we are animals, though we partly accepted and partly people. If us know no one said it would have been quite people. And so we cling. I have what is it? Numerous books, fall in love with himself for five minutes or ohmurit his neighbor, and so on, careful attitude to this kind of literature. Do not be turned so as to astrological predictions that the computer generates, and you believe it, and in what you believe, you will animate. You animate and therefore live and get results clearly unsustainable, because it revived that unsustainable.

This theme, on the one hand, very tough and determined by our instincts and mechanisms for the protection of procreation and evolution of large and, moreover, stereotypes of behavior of men and women. If you were born in a certain country, you are a woman or a man, whether you like it or do not want, you still unconsciously copy the lifestyle of all men or all women whom you saw as a child. It certainly has an impact. Nobody does not act against it. Indeed, we are living the lives of their parents. We try not to invent a new way of life, we try to copy what he saw, and typical fills bumps. Since some level, all this disappears completely and totally can not explain it any reflexes or instincts, or karma, karma or not, nothing. Because love – it ultraboundary gift. Outland, it is impossible to grasp, weigh or generate.

With the axiomatic point of view, everything is quite tricky. It’s like a double effect of maya, which is offered to us as a gift and we really see in its true light “I” of another person, in which we fall in love, and we can not help but fall in love with him. In terms of explaining to another theory, if we are in someone fall in love, then we will see, or four aspects of consciousness, or the five aspects of energy. This famous law of four and five, which we must bring to the law of one – one. There is a certain logic, as one was infinite, or infinite became finite. These are the basic philosophical questions. In fact, any philosophical system, one way or another, tries to answer these questions. For example, one person, two people, three people, a million living beings, and the source of the “I” of every living being, where it came from? How it happened? Yoga in axioms brings us those famous laws that sound like the law of four and five, one law-one, one law, the law of zero. I will not overload you, I realize that for many of you it’s nothing speaking terms. But in terms of what lies behind this kind of logic, and this logic is very smoothly, very tightly linked with all yogis, even yoga lovers. What’s technically in a state of love, you basically do not need a law four and five. What for? Act four and five you should bring to the law is one-one. If not, then …

What we must also say here? These three yoga Triad: Love Yoga, Yoga and Tantra Yoga Union – they are very cleverly interwoven. Sometimes we lose love and understand how you can make up for it, or rather do not make the same mistakes at the expense of the Union of Yoga and Tantra Yoga. Sometimes, on the contrary, going to yoga Union positions, we go to a higher level of subtle Tantra yoga and yoga lovers. They, however, are mixed, but lead to a single goal. We eliminate all their negative karma and ready for this gift. Because everything about the Supreme, all that relates to the step in the higher realms, it’s a gift, friends. We can only remove all obstacles in the way. When a person wants to water the garden, he digs the ditch so that the water flowed. What can he do? It can only remove obstacles in the way of water, that is to dig a pit, but he is not able to get the water flowing. Water flows by itself. Here, too, we must first think about how to resolve those things that destroy love, and only then think about what kind of love this and so on.



Question: “Are you saying that all Yoga Love is to prepare and not to destroy it the next time. And what is it? “

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Well I for five minutes you will not be able to explain everything.”

Question: “In general”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev “And in general can not even. To do this, you need to know a minimum of axioms, and to do that you need to know all the previous lectures. Here’s the next lecture will be about the Maya, start talking about the Maya. You know what the Maya? Although formally? I am more than sure, even if we think we know, this issue is very, very difficult. Therefore, here in isolation, usually all attempts ended in the fact that you give some practice in isolation, it appears tomorrow in the yellow press. Here it is, a new way ohmureniya! It is an old topic. Out of context knowledge is meaningless. If you study, you learn from the beginning to the end. Please exercise ordinary yoga, tidy up the body, and then work out other yogis, to make the mind very clearly working. Then study the axioms, then to understand the intricacies. A tear, well, what’s the point? It is no secret, come to us, “Oh, tell us the mudra of insomnia.” I remind you that this is wise, that they had in mind. For the position of the hands, and do everything you will snore until the morning, but had not slept for forty years. You start to explain that it’s all in the complex. This is how a person comes in and says, “Give me the fuel pump from the machine.” You ask him: “Do you have a car?” He says: “No”. “Why do you want the gasoline pump?” “Well, how? He said good shakes. ” There is the same situation. We should not buy into fragmentary knowledge. This applies to the yoga mantra, this applies to all Higher Yogi. Over time, we will, of course, consider all smoothly. “

Question: “Is it possible to experience a stage of spontaneous love several times to the same object”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Friends, again, no one can say anything. This is the highest sphere. What is called, say, two shells in a funnel not fall. If there is a will, so at least five shells in the same funnel is not will be covered completely. For anyone here can say that? In another vein, it is an interesting question, for example, has a purely practical. Yogi and Yogini fell in love, everything is absolutely wonderful, spawn children. Then love has disappeared, they lost it. They moved to the second stage of Yoga of Being in Love, realized his mistake and started to work on yourself. And the third stage is reached with the same object of love. In this sense, Tantra yoga has very good aphorism that if you stay with him, or the other will come, but you will still be satisfied. There is no absolute law that only the first time and everything, and never again. As it is, so be it. “

Question: “Is it possible to learn about the second layer of maya? Where did he come from? I understand the first – it is natural, that all have a … “

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Oh, no. You so easily say, the first layer, the second layer. Friends, I know this topic at deuce, my teachers at the three teachers of my teachers, probably at four. At five only he knows, probably, “the chief” up there. Therefore, it is to say that everything is simple with the first level, I would not say that everything is so simple. And what is easier then? We are sitting here right now. If everyone saw the potential of the person sitting next to, he would have been dazzled, delighted and would be in an ecstatic state. We do not see. “

Question: “No, I mean, here you are saying, there is a second …”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “It is sometimes given an explanation in terms of the axioms of how it works, but in fact, as it is there …?”

Question: “The cause of the first and the second is a separate complex topic Do what?”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “If I can briefly say the cause of maya, I shall fall to you in the leg. Simply, there are topics that, frankly tell you, I do not understand. I do not know Maya. I know that there is a knowledge that is in the cosmos through the telescope watch now scientists that in space no one knows anything. We saw some solar system or some kind of supernova. To draw conclusions, but it is a grain of what is there. Subject Mai, is a theme throughout the universe. Or, more philosophically. How infinite was the end? As was common multiple? How!? Imagine a moment, if only in a position to provide, when there was no space, no time and was a single Absolute. Then bang and now we are a million living beings. Everyone has their own, such as the individual ‘I’. As was common multiple? You understand? Me not. I know that yoga in the Supreme Philosopher says that to understand or come close to this topic can be no earlier than the approach to the topic of maya. So, you know, on the forehead to say that the first is so simple, I would not say. And about the second … “

Question: “You can not find the cause of the second? Where did go? “

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Present.”

Q: “You say that at the moment we reopened the essence of man, in whom we fall in love. That is, if it were another person, we have just as easily fall in love with another. But we’re just in love with this? “

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Who knows? Friends, too, the question, you know, delicate. We believe, in whom we fell unique. Then pass some time. We first stopped loving, fell in the second, no less strongly. There are also such cases. About the first completely forgotten. This is a very serious issue. Is it light in the window, that is, you know, in a house with many windows. We took turns, in one window peep, there shines, then another, but the source of one or two different sources. It is a serious matter indeed. No less serious than as a single was multiple. She fell in love with the young man. “Until the coffin of life will be with you, die in one day, you and I will be buried in one grave.” Then she did, even if out of love, not out of love, all, she does not even remember about him in the next life, and falls in love with another. Very strange topics. Once again, it all comes down to how one was multiple. Because our “I” is a single source and then to say that we are all one, whether we are plural? “

Question: “What is the highest stage of yoga, in other yogas, not Love yoga?”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev “analogy in other schools of yoga. This analogy, as the train was traveling, traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow, remember that Nekrasov? “And on the sides of a Russian all the bones …”. And now the moment you arrive at the final station. How can you determine that you have arrived at the terminus? It can be an indirect way, the conductor came and said: “Everything came to fall out of here.” A conductor could get drunk, fall asleep. The train is a long time, you want – go out, you want – stay. And you think: “Once the train stopped, then come.” According to another criterion: no sound of the wheels, we stopped. Or because the tea no longer wear. Someone even once, in general, different. Similarly, in various yogas, the state of a single, but in yoga Love him describe this state of love. In some Kundalini Yoga, is the dissolution of the internal power structures of the kundalini energy and merging with consciousness. In some meditation, this one-pointedness of mind. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by the way, very favorite theme, that one object without the other, a state of samadhi with an object, and the next stage of samadhi without the object, it’s all the same, only there is no object. In different yogas to the highest stage of coming up with different explanations, but in essence they are one and the same. On the mountain you can climb on different paths, but at the top you stand and you know that they are led to a common goal. It is a question of schools of yoga, and so on and so forth. Someone likes a pseudo-scientific explanations. Generally a very interesting topic. Men are more likely to hear about the mechanistic methods of yoga, and the women about the idealistic. Or, in other words, man is more inclined to listen and heed such yogis as, say, Yoga Union, and women are more likely to listen to and heed such yogis, yoga lovers. This probably has some truth structure of our world. But in fact, they lead to a uniform. “

Question: “You said that man, when conducting able to love a certain time, it is, in principle, do not need yoga. Then, following this logic, it turns out that love should open people perfect. But somehow illogical turns out, because so many people experience this condition. “

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “I and say that love sverhlogichna, it opens even sometimes a man who, from the formal point of view, sometimes, it seems, does not deserve even the human body to be born. And, not only that he was born a man, and still in love. What a bandit, you know? The leader of the mafia gang together a group, the whole world is coming apart at the seams. And I fell in love and all that in an instant transformed and realized what he was doing before. Once friends, the logic here is not affected because there is sverhlogika. “

Question: “He needs yoga?”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Who?”

Question: “crooks”.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev:. “Crooks in the first place”

Question: “The state of love goes? Correctly? And again he becomes the way it was. “

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Yes, that is the time when love has passed, do yoga, that is no longer held, and stayed.”

Question: “Is there a source description of what happens to the kundalini in love?”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Oh, no, my friends, you are absolutely … sir, ask problem. Come on, my favorite topic. I like to repeat the record it now. Friends, yoga disappears. What we have now – a pittance that the mouse is not eaten, worms dogryzli, Indians have not lost. Moreover, not even translated into English, and then another, even on the Russian translated. It gleanings. In India, yoga is lost. Just even whole types of yoga and yoga lost direction, simply lost. And look for texts that deal with a bunch of almost useless. More precisely, how? They are not in demand. Now at the top of the store it is a book. It gives parallels between Tantric Buddhism, Tibetan yogis and Hindu yogis. Circulation – a thousand copies. The fourth year is sold, can not sell. No one interested in this topic is not. Do you think this topic will be published? No. A more basic threads disappear, and only such complexity as a Yoga on the other mate … “

The question: “Tell me, God’s love to a person or other living thing possible?”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “Yes, I did not touch this subject, because after all this is a study theme Love Yoga. A small secret I opened that actually Yoga Love preserved not only in the face of a tradition. There are some of those related school, where at the same time it’s viewed. I deliberately did not deal with the topic and do not have time, but I will say a few words, because it is an important topic. So, friends, before being born on this earth, after the early death, we fly somewhere, then we begin to be born on this earth. If we are born into the body of a man, then …

A voice from the audience: “… there is a chance.”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “No, by the way, in vain remark that there is a chance. No chance. The man in this world, there is no chance, if a man does not find a suitable woman, dignified, it is the energy of the unconscious, just like a car with no engine. It seems to sit like the steering wheel and there is air conditioning and everything like there, that’s just not going. You begin to deceive ourselves with all sorts of mind games that I do with spirituality, to shake pidalku, surfing, this illusion that I was going somewhere, and actually stand on the site. This is a very important topic, to be honest, did not want to touch it at all. Therefore, I ask, do not interrupt, and then I will no longer be any desire to speak on this subject. Before you are born here, if you perceive the universe, where you go, as the male principle of consciousness, you are born a woman. So you’re looking for the man of her dreams, as the personification of the universe where you were born. If on the contrary, that, accordingly, you are born a man and a woman looking for her dreams. Each girl, in which you fall in love, it is not just a girl, she is the universe in the form of a girl. This is a series, as the infinite became finite. It is very difficult to us to think of the infinite. But if John sees his Katya, here it is, quite tangible, is the highest principle of this mystical in such. If it is, Bob, Kate learns, his girlfriend – he knows the entire universe. Very, very mystical, the highest yoga. In fact, Bob falls in love with Kate, but Kate is not in love with it, he fell in love with the Absolute, if you like in a woman’s appearance, neither more nor less. “

Question: “Is it possible to say a particle of the Absolute?”

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: “We can not say that the particle of the Absolute. In fact of the matter is that for him, only she and no one else. If one object, love, one without the other. And if I have Kate, and then also some abstract absolute, then there is, my friends, this is not love. Because you like forks. It’s more like four or five law rather than the law of one to one. Love is, if anything, as a window to enlightenment. We see – everything, that’s it, you can engage in yoga, but it is opened in Kata, then, for the sake of which it was intended. Well, or Basil, if Katya looks. Here, complex issues, from the point of view of logic all tough, but this is the logic that does not satisfy us, because of this logic is sverhlogika and sverhlogika is highest intuition, you have forty years of yoga to do, that would even come close at all to understanding of what they wanted to say. “

Keywords: lectures on yoga; audio lectures; video lectures; free download; Cultural Center “Enlightenment”; Open Yoga University in Moscow; www.happyoga.narod.ru; www.openyoga.ru; www.yogacenter.r; Vadim Zaporozhtsev; School of Yoga tradition Anandasvami; Yoga Love; Yoga Union; Tantra Yoga; triad; Three groups of bodies; senior yoga; Ananda property; manifestation of happiness, of joy; love; gift; universe; tend to love destroy themselves; karma; we are unprepared for this feeling; month bitterness; destroy; our yogic processes of transformation; Yoga of Sri Vidya; peace; a life; the highest levels of the universe propels us; new spiritual level; steps towards self-knowledge; the first stage; subterfuges of the ego; Prince on a white horse; a princess; the second stage; yogi and yogini; childhood dreams; dreams, hopes; work on oneself; golden age; the interaction of male and female; attraction; love; narrow-consciousness, narrowly focused energy; samadhi; mysterious, fabulous, prohibitive; dissolve into a rainbow, fly, expanding; sverhlogika; sverhlogichny level; the third stage; Mayan; four aspects of consciousness; five aspects of energy; Act four and five; one law-one; one law for them; zero law.







































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