Author: Vadim Zaporozhtsev,
Date: 2009.01.24.
Where: International Open Yoga University
Short Description: temporarily absent.
Introduction to axiomatic yoga. “Will”. Part 2-I. (Vadim Zaporozhtsev)
Drawing on the canvas of maya.
Today we continue the theme begun in the last lecture, is the theme of “Will.” Let’s start in order, somewhere, even repeating the previous lecture, so that it is better kept within the head. There is a concept – “the will.” Very strange concept, which on the one hand, it would seem, is devoid of content, and even the very meaning of this concept escapes. But, nevertheless, the concept of good faith settled in the cultural environment, in everyday life we intuitively understand what will. What does this account tells us yoga?
Yoga tells us that this is the will or the ability of the property, which we have inherited directly from the Absolute. This is the highest quality of our Higher “I”, which always have been and always will be. This feature or ability is manifested in the fact that according to our consent, we begin to build the world as it voleizyavlyaem see. Tu Maya that surrounds us, we will help, modify and make it be what we want it to be. Thus, our personal universe is formed with the help of faith, everyone has their own. These personal universes intersect with each other and somehow interact, and there is all this phantasmagoria of forms and phenomena that we observe in the universe. The whole universe, in that sense, is created by a double will. Will each individual ‘I’, plus, the original will of the Absolute. Absolute voleizyavil that originated canvas, and we voleizyavlyaem paint on this canvas pictures. Today, on this chapter, we touch on more detailed questions about the nature of faith. Yoga answers this question unequivocally. Nature will sverhlogichna. Nature will above and depth than the nature of karma, the nature of space and time, even the nature of maya. Since Maya was born by the will. Vsёgo It follows that the will is just the island, or the real instrument with which we can at least something to do in terms of our spiritual evolution. If you do not have this component, this ingredient – will, everything else turns into mechanistic actions do not guarantee us a lift on the stages of spiritual development. Yoga says that the will of the most powerful in this sense the power in the universe. Why it is the most powerful force in the universe?
Roots will.
Firstly, the entire universe was created with the help of will. Already, on this one fact, it is the root cause of everything else. Here it is necessary that you and I grasped some sense.
So each of us have our Higher “I” and it is our Higher “I” is absolutely free. The trouble is that by maya our “I” misled and finds himself not what it actually is, and its manifestations. As a result of our “I” further tightens the veil of maya, even more confused and involved in our world, where some factors make the “I” to do different actions, gestures, some trajectory it overcomes lives somehow life , have any preference. It turns out that on the one hand, our “I” is absolutely free in nature, on the other hand, our “I” fell under the illusion that feels its manifestations, and identify themselves with their symptoms, and these symptoms are not “I”, they fall under any laws and therefore can not be free. It creates such a condition that, on the other hand, our “I” is due. On the example of our lives: our Higher “I” everyone is free and omnipotent, but each of us, however, is forced to go to work or do kakie-to things that he does not like, and about any freedom of speech does not go. Here is a paradoxical situation is observed. Since the “I” identifies itself with its manifestations, and these manifestations are due, subject to some external factors, that our “I” creates the illusion that we are also subject to these external factors. These factors act in our world according to the law of cause and effect, respectively, there is karma, there is a logic of conditionality is not only the moment of today, but also those that will attack tomorrow, if everything will unfold in this plane of cause and effect. However, our “I” has a concept of “Will” and it is a real force. Man, even being very much driven by or confused, believing themselves with their manifestations, is in these fetters of karma, however, his true freedom has not been canceled. Nature willpower or that this factor actually works, it’s not just empty words are not based on what is not, and this is a real factor in the universe. Will has the power because our Higher “I” freely. Think about these words – our “I” freely. It can voleizyavlyat everything that pleases, but then it somehow caused. Will as a continuation of this freedom. It turns out very interesting picture. Imagine the image of our “I” as a pure crystal, outside wrapped in clouds of maya. Accordingly, through these clouds of maya appear manifestations of this crystal. But this crystal does not consider himself a crystal, and its manifestations. However, through these clouds still shines only a ray, in spite of this conditionality, in spite of ignorance, in spite of everything, there is still a ray of this, this power of freedom, which in principle can do anything. Therefore, the force of will or ability to our will to do something, it is not restricted than in principle. It is limitless.
Nature desires.
In the previous chapter we looked at that, since we consider ourselves not what are in fact, and its manifestations, that would not voleizyavila our will is always a must adjust to our illusion. Therefore, all our expression of will or desire to line up, and never will executed next until the previous is not fulfilled. We desire the fruits of faster than they have time to run for a reason that we feel its manifestations, and these manifestations are inert. We see ourselves as your body, respectively, all these desires should be developed in the plane of the body, and this is due to the usual laws of physics and other laws. If the desire for a thin plane – the mental, everything is much faster, but also has its own run queue. As a result of that Fruit, Fruit, voleizyavlyaem, voleizyavlyaem and we get an echo of previous wills. There is a certain prolixity get the result and this prolixity hides itself the ability to will. Therefore, we are aware of it and did not. This is a very serious thing is axiomatic that the nature of willpower is the original freedom of our “I”. Our deep, primordial freedom has not been canceled, and in our lives, this is the original freedom and manifests itself as something that we call “will” or “will power.” Why power? Because it is really capable of doing anything.
Desire and Will.
Now consider this question: “Is there a difference between the will and the desire to” Yoga on the matter says that our “I”, which is absolutely free, no desires at all. Because there is not that what it needs. It is enough by itself. For our “I” formation of the desire and the time of its execution is not distinguishable. That is, there is no desire, because there is nothing much to be, everything, and so it is. But it is only at the level of our “I”. Will takes its source in our college, transcendental “I”, which is in no way in need. Our “I” identifies itself not with what is in fact, that is, with its manifestations. At a gross level of development – the physical body, such terry materialist. On a more subtle level, the person feels the subtle body, believes that the gross body falls apart, but something remains is incorruptible. At a subtlest level, he understands that the fine structure is also falling apart, and it goes to the third level – the causal body. In any case, what are our bodies? Our bodies just are manifestations of the abilities possessed by our “I” – the energy power and the power of consciousness. Our “I” feels its manifestations: energy and consciousness, or the fact that through this energy and consciousness appear, it is our body. Our bodies are in turn determined to try – not feed your body, it will immediately give feedback in the form of a discomfort that very hungry. Or try to live so as not to carry out some kind of hope, dreams, desires, mental nature. You’ll feel a different kind of discomfort, but also discomfort. There is such a whip or feedback, which will force us to seek one and avoid the other. This is our “I”, which was originally, of course, free, but its a mistake to consider themselves its manifestations, or by those bodies, which it controls, it falls into this conditionality and conditionality of this makes him feel sympathy for chemu-to one and antipathy to anything -What else.
We want to have always been satisfied and do not want to starve, we want us to have material wealth and do not want us to have poverty. The list is endless. At this level, there is a desire. Desires arise at the level of misconception about himself. If there is a misconception about himself, that there is a desire. If the yogini or yogi may know your Higher “I” and established themselves in it, desires to do, they have nothing much to them and the way it is. There is such a bunch, which makes more and more sentient beings on the one hand to wallow in the world, in maya, an illusion, and on the other hand, if you send the right accents and, on the contrary to pull itself out of the wrong world of maya and illusion. It’s a question of how to relate the desire and the will? They are correlated as follows: first, there is ignorance, ignorance of a desire, but the desire to make our “I” voleizyavlyat and get what you want. That is, the desire and the will – different things. In another way, sometimes referred to as the concept of the power of desire and willpower. Under the force of desire it means that if there is a desire, we tend to implement it or to perform, but we carry or carry this desire by means of willpower. But, as we wish, then one, then another, then a third, and the desire, sooner or later, you will remember, executed, but because they themselves desire were not sufficiently thought through, it turns out that each new desire generates thousands of other desires. Only you have fulfilled one desire, another on the horizon, completed its third, fourth, fifth, and so on the rise. I wanted people to earn a piece of bread – to work, but we need a new jacket, earned his jacket, but the car should be earned, the house should be – earned at home. desires flywheel spins, spins, and it causes a person to work to fulfill their desires, and in this sense, a person becomes a slave to his desires. And still there is no happiness. Only when the desire, for a while we are happy, and then on the horizon, a new desire, and desire to have a previous execution ceases to be fun. It is clear that it was known in ancient times, and now know. That is why in many philosophical systems, including in the yogic system warning – be afraid to desire, desire is a very dangerous thing. Although, if only because they are true. Not to mention the fact that a series of desires never end, and you will become a slave to desires. Like a squirrel in a wheel jumps and thinks that now it will run and stop, and it’s all looped. It really is a fact.
Unfortunately, the truth is more complicated thing and it’s just part of the truth, that desires are bad. Yes, they are bad, when we become slaves of desires, but on the other hand, according to yoga, the desire is still strong impetus to the development. If there were no desires if it were not for this “carrot” and “stick”, we would have stopped at some form of evolutionary development. They reached the cow’s body, and we do not want to even eat. No desire, not a stimulus. No stimulus, the animal ceases to apply your will to achieve the desire and thus stops the development, evolution in an impasse is not only physical, but even spiritual. Therefore, the fact that the desire to bad it’s only half the truth, desires are bad, when we are slaves of desire, but the desire is imperative that we raised in the course of evolution from one stage to another. There will be no desire to – will not be the will of will not of will – there will be restructuring of his personal universe and themselves, their bodies and their manifestations, respectively, all deadlock, we stopped. We see ourselves as your symptoms and sleep, were frozen in this state, do not move neither there nor here. Yoga claims that it is certain, natural stage of development and the emergence of the desire and anywhere on their person not escape. These desires and lead to the fact that sooner or later on the evolutionary path we’ll get a human body.
Will tool in the hands of a yogi.
The human body is very interesting to do. She teaches yoga, it is best suited for the rapid development of the method. Since the human body, we will use more consciously and, accordingly, no matter how quickly transform or ascend the stages of spiritual development. Will works in the animal’s body, even the most primitive, but rather in the following order: first, the desire, and then will. Since the human body can do a fantastic thing – the will without desire. When we voleizyavlyaem not because we have any desire caused by our karma, our ignorance, but because we consider ourselves not what we really are. It is the fact that we can voleizyavlyat without this “carrot” or “stick”, that is what makes it possible to achieve super-conscious state of a person, the state of “Samadhi” or the Higher spiritual experiences, the Supreme spiritual experience of knowledge of the “I”, will know your “I “which is not based on anything. It is difficult to wish this because we still do not know what is our “I”, we would like to feel like, but we can not even wish to formulate. When we practice yoga, one or other spiritual practices, we have generated the possible idea of what will be the result and start to seek this or invented generated or caused by any necessity of our ideas. But this is only our understanding of our Higher “I”, but no it does not, our Higher “I”. So, the last spurt or the state Supreme – “Samadhi without object” is only possible when there is a will, is not due to a desire.
Introduction to axiomatic yoga. “Will”. Part 2-I. (Vadim Zaporozhtsev)
Author: Vadim Zaporozhtsev,
Date: 2009.01.24.
Where: International Open Yoga University
Short Description: temporarily absent.
Introduction to axiomatic yoga. “Will”. Part 2-I. (Vadim Zaporozhtsev)
Drawing on the canvas of maya.
Today we continue the theme begun in the last lecture, is the theme of “Will.” Let’s start in order, somewhere, even repeating the previous lecture, so that it is better kept within the head. There is a concept – “the will.” Very strange concept, which on the one hand, it would seem, is devoid of content, and even the very meaning of this concept escapes. But, nevertheless, the concept of good faith settled in the cultural environment, in everyday life we intuitively understand what will. What does this account tells us yoga?
Yoga tells us that this is the will or the ability of the property, which we have inherited directly from the Absolute. This is the highest quality of our Higher “I”, which always have been and always will be. This feature or ability is manifested in the fact that according to our consent, we begin to build the world as it voleizyavlyaem see. Tu Maya that surrounds us, we will help, modify and make it be what we want it to be. Thus, our personal universe is formed with the help of faith, everyone has their own. These personal universes intersect with each other and somehow interact, and there is all this phantasmagoria of forms and phenomena that we observe in the universe. The whole universe, in that sense, is created by a double will. Will each individual ‘I’, plus, the original will of the Absolute. Absolute voleizyavil that originated canvas, and we voleizyavlyaem paint on this canvas pictures. Today, on this chapter, we touch on more detailed questions about the nature of faith. Yoga answers this question unequivocally. Nature will sverhlogichna. Nature will above and depth than the nature of karma, the nature of space and time, even the nature of maya. Since Maya was born by the will. Vsёgo It follows that the will is just the island, or the real instrument with which we can at least something to do in terms of our spiritual evolution. If you do not have this component, this ingredient – will, everything else turns into mechanistic actions do not guarantee us a lift on the stages of spiritual development. Yoga says that the will of the most powerful in this sense the power in the universe. Why it is the most powerful force in the universe?
Roots will.
Firstly, the entire universe was created with the help of will. Already, on this one fact, it is the root cause of everything else. Here it is necessary that you and I grasped some sense.
So each of us have our Higher “I” and it is our Higher “I” is absolutely free. The trouble is that by maya our “I” misled and finds himself not what it actually is, and its manifestations. As a result of our “I” further tightens the veil of maya, even more confused and involved in our world, where some factors make the “I” to do different actions, gestures, some trajectory it overcomes lives somehow life , have any preference. It turns out that on the one hand, our “I” is absolutely free in nature, on the other hand, our “I” fell under the illusion that feels its manifestations, and identify themselves with their symptoms, and these symptoms are not “I”, they fall under any laws and therefore can not be free. It creates such a condition that, on the other hand, our “I” is due. On the example of our lives: our Higher “I” everyone is free and omnipotent, but each of us, however, is forced to go to work or do kakie-to things that he does not like, and about any freedom of speech does not go. Here is a paradoxical situation is observed. Since the “I” identifies itself with its manifestations, and these manifestations are due, subject to some external factors, that our “I” creates the illusion that we are also subject to these external factors. These factors act in our world according to the law of cause and effect, respectively, there is karma, there is a logic of conditionality is not only the moment of today, but also those that will attack tomorrow, if everything will unfold in this plane of cause and effect. However, our “I” has a concept of “Will” and it is a real force. Man, even being very much driven by or confused, believing themselves with their manifestations, is in these fetters of karma, however, his true freedom has not been canceled. Nature willpower or that this factor actually works, it’s not just empty words are not based on what is not, and this is a real factor in the universe. Will has the power because our Higher “I” freely. Think about these words – our “I” freely. It can voleizyavlyat everything that pleases, but then it somehow caused. Will as a continuation of this freedom. It turns out very interesting picture. Imagine the image of our “I” as a pure crystal, outside wrapped in clouds of maya. Accordingly, through these clouds of maya appear manifestations of this crystal. But this crystal does not consider himself a crystal, and its manifestations. However, through these clouds still shines only a ray, in spite of this conditionality, in spite of ignorance, in spite of everything, there is still a ray of this, this power of freedom, which in principle can do anything. Therefore, the force of will or ability to our will to do something, it is not restricted than in principle. It is limitless.
Nature desires.
In the previous chapter we looked at that, since we consider ourselves not what are in fact, and its manifestations, that would not voleizyavila our will is always a must adjust to our illusion. Therefore, all our expression of will or desire to line up, and never will executed next until the previous is not fulfilled. We desire the fruits of faster than they have time to run for a reason that we feel its manifestations, and these manifestations are inert. We see ourselves as your body, respectively, all these desires should be developed in the plane of the body, and this is due to the usual laws of physics and other laws. If the desire for a thin plane – the mental, everything is much faster, but also has its own run queue. As a result of that Fruit, Fruit, voleizyavlyaem, voleizyavlyaem and we get an echo of previous wills. There is a certain prolixity get the result and this prolixity hides itself the ability to will. Therefore, we are aware of it and did not. This is a very serious thing is axiomatic that the nature of willpower is the original freedom of our “I”. Our deep, primordial freedom has not been canceled, and in our lives, this is the original freedom and manifests itself as something that we call “will” or “will power.” Why power? Because it is really capable of doing anything.
Desire and Will.
Now consider this question: “Is there a difference between the will and the desire to” Yoga on the matter says that our “I”, which is absolutely free, no desires at all. Because there is not that what it needs. It is enough by itself. For our “I” formation of the desire and the time of its execution is not distinguishable. That is, there is no desire, because there is nothing much to be, everything, and so it is. But it is only at the level of our “I”. Will takes its source in our college, transcendental “I”, which is in no way in need. Our “I” identifies itself not with what is in fact, that is, with its manifestations. At a gross level of development – the physical body, such terry materialist. On a more subtle level, the person feels the subtle body, believes that the gross body falls apart, but something remains is incorruptible. At a subtlest level, he understands that the fine structure is also falling apart, and it goes to the third level – the causal body. In any case, what are our bodies? Our bodies just are manifestations of the abilities possessed by our “I” – the energy power and the power of consciousness. Our “I” feels its manifestations: energy and consciousness, or the fact that through this energy and consciousness appear, it is our body. Our bodies are in turn determined to try – not feed your body, it will immediately give feedback in the form of a discomfort that very hungry. Or try to live so as not to carry out some kind of hope, dreams, desires, mental nature. You’ll feel a different kind of discomfort, but also discomfort. There is such a whip or feedback, which will force us to seek one and avoid the other. This is our “I”, which was originally, of course, free, but its a mistake to consider themselves its manifestations, or by those bodies, which it controls, it falls into this conditionality and conditionality of this makes him feel sympathy for chemu-to one and antipathy to anything -What else.
We want to have always been satisfied and do not want to starve, we want us to have material wealth and do not want us to have poverty. The list is endless. At this level, there is a desire. Desires arise at the level of misconception about himself. If there is a misconception about himself, that there is a desire. If the yogini or yogi may know your Higher “I” and established themselves in it, desires to do, they have nothing much to them and the way it is. There is such a bunch, which makes more and more sentient beings on the one hand to wallow in the world, in maya, an illusion, and on the other hand, if you send the right accents and, on the contrary to pull itself out of the wrong world of maya and illusion. It’s a question of how to relate the desire and the will? They are correlated as follows: first, there is ignorance, ignorance of a desire, but the desire to make our “I” voleizyavlyat and get what you want. That is, the desire and the will – different things. In another way, sometimes referred to as the concept of the power of desire and willpower. Under the force of desire it means that if there is a desire, we tend to implement it or to perform, but we carry or carry this desire by means of willpower. But, as we wish, then one, then another, then a third, and the desire, sooner or later, you will remember, executed, but because they themselves desire were not sufficiently thought through, it turns out that each new desire generates thousands of other desires. Only you have fulfilled one desire, another on the horizon, completed its third, fourth, fifth, and so on the rise. I wanted people to earn a piece of bread – to work, but we need a new jacket, earned his jacket, but the car should be earned, the house should be – earned at home. desires flywheel spins, spins, and it causes a person to work to fulfill their desires, and in this sense, a person becomes a slave to his desires. And still there is no happiness. Only when the desire, for a while we are happy, and then on the horizon, a new desire, and desire to have a previous execution ceases to be fun. It is clear that it was known in ancient times, and now know. That is why in many philosophical systems, including in the yogic system warning – be afraid to desire, desire is a very dangerous thing. Although, if only because they are true. Not to mention the fact that a series of desires never end, and you will become a slave to desires. Like a squirrel in a wheel jumps and thinks that now it will run and stop, and it’s all looped. It really is a fact.
Unfortunately, the truth is more complicated thing and it’s just part of the truth, that desires are bad. Yes, they are bad, when we become slaves of desires, but on the other hand, according to yoga, the desire is still strong impetus to the development. If there were no desires if it were not for this “carrot” and “stick”, we would have stopped at some form of evolutionary development. They reached the cow’s body, and we do not want to even eat. No desire, not a stimulus. No stimulus, the animal ceases to apply your will to achieve the desire and thus stops the development, evolution in an impasse is not only physical, but even spiritual. Therefore, the fact that the desire to bad it’s only half the truth, desires are bad, when we are slaves of desire, but the desire is imperative that we raised in the course of evolution from one stage to another. There will be no desire to – will not be the will of will not of will – there will be restructuring of his personal universe and themselves, their bodies and their manifestations, respectively, all deadlock, we stopped. We see ourselves as your symptoms and sleep, were frozen in this state, do not move neither there nor here. Yoga claims that it is certain, natural stage of development and the emergence of the desire and anywhere on their person not escape. These desires and lead to the fact that sooner or later on the evolutionary path we’ll get a human body.
Will tool in the hands of a yogi.
The human body is very interesting to do. She teaches yoga, it is best suited for the rapid development of the method. Since the human body, we will use more consciously and, accordingly, no matter how quickly transform or ascend the stages of spiritual development. Will works in the animal’s body, even the most primitive, but rather in the following order: first, the desire, and then will. Since the human body can do a fantastic thing – the will without desire. When we voleizyavlyaem not because we have any desire caused by our karma, our ignorance, but because we consider ourselves not what we really are. It is the fact that we can voleizyavlyat without this “carrot” or “stick”, that is what makes it possible to achieve super-conscious state of a person, the state of “Samadhi” or the Higher spiritual experiences, the Supreme spiritual experience of knowledge of the “I”, will know your “I “which is not based on anything. It is difficult to wish this because we still do not know what is our “I”, we would like to feel like, but we can not even wish to formulate. When we practice yoga, one or other spiritual practices, we have generated the possible idea of what will be the result and start to seek this or invented generated or caused by any necessity of our ideas. But this is only our understanding of our Higher “I”, but no it does not, our Higher “I”. So, the last spurt or the state Supreme – “Samadhi without object” is only possible when there is a will, is not due to a desire.
Rejection of desires: “for” and “against.”
Another half-truth exists – in order to achieve the highest state of yoga, it is necessary to give up desires. It’s like that saying goes – “you can not execute the pardon”, depending on where the comma is diametrically opposite meaning is obtained. Similarly, with this statement – give up desires. You are not able, in principle, give up the desire for as long as consider yourself not what they really are on the one hand, you are due to its performance. But on the other hand, if you begin to correct the desires, then sooner or later you approach to the state, where you can walk to the will of his desires without causes. Or, in plain English rather complex themes to express, you can say this, that there are methods to spiritual development, not only on the rejection of desire, not only to yourself to keep in check, but also at a reasonable performance desires. In such a sequence of execution of desires that each successive full of desire will you withdraw from this plane, the emergence of desires. You every desire fulfilled climb higher and higher. Note diametrically opposite way. On the one hand, constantly indulging their desires and constantly being in the race for the fulfillment of their desires, we can get much in the swamp, even more fall into ignorance in conditionality and as a result in suffering. And vice versa, and can consistently go out of ignorance, out of the suffering of this world to go to, as long as do not really absorb its own “I” or not to come to know his own “I” and cease to identify ourselves with what we are not. We understand who we really are, and aware of our deep inner freedom, that everything is not based, as she is for all the support.
Sometimes people ask what is yoga? Reply you can include it in the first method. The method where it is necessary to make myself and a method where you can afford. This method, which desires to perform, and which desires contrary overshadow. Yoga is a practical thing, what’s the point to explain you about the freedom of your Higher “I”, if you have not developed the mind. You can not grasp even these subtle philosophical concepts, they elude you. So first of all we need a method that both will bring you to this state, and in parallel to prepare or will gradually rebuild all of your structure to ensure that you have come to this. Yoga is not a strong philosophy, yoga is strong even without axiomatics of yoga, yoga practice is strong, when you go through life not as most people – in the pursuit of unrealistic desires. Example: today released a new phone, it is worth a fortune, you bought it, a new brand in two days, all bought and you should like and something forces you to run in this senseless race. The race on the one hand it is necessary, it develops us, on the other hand it is a dead end. In the US – a model of consumer society, which stimulated consumption – to consume, consume, consume. To do this, buy more and more new products, although old still can serve you for a hundred years. I remember one friend bummed in Russia, then traveled to America, he came and said that they have there garbage as supermarkets, but the price tags are pasted, they just throw the old model. This was necessary, it stimulated production, forcing everyone to work, forcing all to run, forcing all to get a job and earn millions to spend them immediately. A certain part of the way we must go through as we were with you and go through until now, but from a certain level, we understand that there is, on the contrary it is necessary to limit themselves in their desires, because desire is not known where to start can be. As the direct opposite trend and a clear example of this was the same India a couple of centuries ago. Such spiritual India! They cultivated renunciation of desire, renunciation of the world, refusing to work, failure to do anything more focus, as they claimed on something tall, spiritually. This is also a dead end. It led to the fact that India is a superpower turned into the most wretched Third World country. Until now, they have a nuclear bomb, but to what end? The people live badly, around obscurantism, dirt, etc. our poor Indian friends to get off the legs to somehow rectify the situation. All thinkers have talked about it, but too long had this tendency to reject the desire, and it reached its extreme, and no longer work as well. It is only at the intersection of these two methods of yoga is born, the truth is born, is born in the path of spiritual development. You will never be able to give up the desire, if you do not develop the will. More precisely, will not need to develop, will sufficiently developed in every living entity, it needs only to manifestation.
Yoga Magic.
I recall the nature of the will is the freedom of our “I”. That is why everything happens, when there is the will, “so be it, then,” and it arises. Why there? Why all the factors of the world add up, so it was like voleizyavleno? It is because of the freedom of the “I” of who voleizyavlyal. Please note, the story very often knows these examples that we are treated to a last lecture, when a strong personality that any voleizyavlyala. And then all the circumstances of life are beginning to take shape it so that it will execute. Magically, magic, at first glance, the there is one set of circumstances, there is a different set of circumstances, times, and I will execute. What is the strength of this “magic” that is its driving force? No magic there. There are laws tougher, there are more subtle laws, there are laws we understand, there are laws that we are just beginning to get acquainted. There are forces intelligible to us, there are forces that we are not yet aware of. One of these forces, with which we begin to learn, it will power, or rather, the factor will, and it is based on the freedom of our “I”. It is based in the omnipotence of which lies in the “I” of every living person. Do you remember that our “I”, so to speak, it is a piece of the almighty Absolute. Another question, how was the separation from the Absolute, but that is another topic axiomatics of yoga, is not part of our lecture today. The fact remains, we have inherited the freedom of our forefather – the Absolute. Freedom in all. As an expression of this freedom we possess the will, so if we use the will, everything is adjusted to that will. Everything. All phenomena, objects, circumstances of life, anything, what would you have not been the karma: good, bad, striped, gray, red, no matter if there is a will, sooner or later you get what voleizyavili. Once again back to this fundamental, methodological principles of yoga. One of the most profound definition of yoga – the science of where it is necessary to make myself and where you can afford. It is on the one hand working with our desires, but it works through faith and works in the tricky way that through the implementation of desires we have more and more to assert their will and, consequently, achieve the highest results. More practical science about how to use the will is called Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga is sometimes translated as Raja Yoga, the people who have power. Man is able to gain power and keep in a state if he has the will, and if you will not, and he accidentally got this power, it will lose its chance and. In Raja Yoga is considered even more deeply this question, to practical applications.
Desire as a method.
Now let’s look at the main this method. We have desires that are caused by our ignorance, and it turns out that desire alone is not good and not bad, not positive and not negative. They are caused by our ignorance and they are, in general, a relative thing, about our displays. The desire may be only when our “I” identifies itself with what it is not, with its manifestations, with their bodies, and they exist in kakih-to conditions of life, and a desire to make it one kak-to instead it was somehow differently. At this stage, there is fear, anger, and so on. So, if you have the will and desire to have, then the reasonable fulfillment of the wish on the one hand will allow you to apply in your life all on a larger scale. On the other hand, when you are more and more aware of this and will develop and express it in your life, you can get out of the action desires. Desire walnut – before it becomes bony, it covers the green shell, which matures, then falls off, and the inside of the nut. There must come a certain maturation stage before that of the outer shell of a nut falls out. Or as cherry blossoms in the garden – flower is not ottsvetёt, inside the fruit is formed. Similarly, with desires, if properly use them desire like the one flower that ottsvetёt and give us fruit in the form of awareness of our will contact and awareness of our will we – the guarantee that we will succeed in their spiritual development, to achieve the knowledge of the themselves. Many yogi built on the outside. I, like a knife to the heart when this highest teaching as “Yoga Tantra” is now vulgarized, turned into something marginal, sexually incontinent, that is what is now causing disgust rather than interest. Unfortunately, this lack of information, lack of knowledge. True Tantra Yoga is built on this principle. This is not the rampant corruption is not rampant some obscene meet all their lust, whims. It is not so. This is just a very subtle use of the principle – where it is necessary to make myself and where you can afford. The knowledgeable circles Homeric-hysterical laughter caused the people who did not pass the austerity, and are already beginning to go into all the tantric pleasure. It’s just madness, and not understanding the essence of this spiritual knowledge, hence as a consequence, all the distortions, all perversions.
The strength of the desire and the power voli- things different, but interrelated, are in a bundle. Perhaps the manifestation of the will without desire, and desire made only if there is a will. The more in the developed state of the will is the faster, better and easier to meet the desires, sometimes those which seem to us very difficult or even impractical because that will no boundaries.
Still very close to the subject term or concept – “attention”. Attention is also an interesting thing a detailed, deep yogic consideration. Attention can be described as a kind of selectivity. Example. You go for any trash or landfill, and suddenly you see a diamond in the garbage, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. Of course, you pay attention to it, and on the cans, empty bottles, and so do not pay. You selectively focus on something rails. This is true in general of all. Now you’re sitting there listening to this lecture absorbed and your focus is on meaning, but you will automatically pull the attention of the noise that is heard from the street. If we have directed their attention to one thing, we automatically pulled him out of something else, for attention to be our consciousness, we are aware of something, only if direct attention to it.
Now let’s consider a bunch between the will, desire and attention. The first linkage between attention and the desire is obvious: if your attention is not drawn anything is never an incentive in respect of this “something”. I walk down the street, I see a beautiful girl, and I have a desire to get acquainted with it. If I was walking down the same street and in my mind would be cap or zinc bucket, then I would not have seen the girl, and not a desire I did not have, would have passed. There are more exotic states. Let’s say I go past a beautiful girl, but so absorbed in his own thoughts that I see nothing, I hear nothing, I pass a few steps away from her, and do not pay no attention. Desire arises because my attention was shifted into something more. The desire may be in one plane, which drew attention, and after the attention goes our consciousness, and highlights – that there may be much to be, and that on the contrary do not wish to. This is another of our desires due to the appearance attention. This gives a tremendous tool in the management of desires. Raja Yoga is more practical to work with these issues, but if there is attention, there is no desire.
Will and attention.
Now another bunch – Will and Attention. One of the more interesting phenomena in this bundle is that control attention, we can only apply the will. Otherwise, our attention would start to operate spontaneously arising desires due to our position, and we’ll have to completely karmically caused, because the attention would immediately jump to desire. I saw something nice or interesting, and went to my attention. But to direct their attention not where leads desire, and in which any other area here without the will not do because of all the other factors are caused entirely. It’s like a pre-programmed engine that will pull the attention according to the unfolding of the program. And this unfolding program, is nothing else but karma. Each next event is due to the previous event. This next event as a magnet to attract our attention, and it is due to the previous and subsequent current, etc. If our attention is fully monitored but for the unfolding of the picture, we would not have been so determined. Any attempt to take and redirect attention to a different area or in the opposite direction is associated with certain difficulties, all the rebels. Sometimes it is very hard for a person to some math problems to focus his attention when it jumps back and forth. It requires a certain effort to tie his attention to solving this problem. Every act of withholding attention or redirect attention comes with the strength of our will. This raises another interesting bunch of how little one can learn to recognize in themselves and reveal themselves in the strength of will, working with attention. It turns out this “troika” – Attention, Desire, Will. It is more practical issues, but we are not concerned with them, and touch axiomatic that the person represents, and what factors cause us to exercise certain actions or aspirations.
Contact karma and desires.
At the end of the theoretical part, I want to again remind you emphasize that the desire arise under the influence of karma, under the influence of ignorance and bondage. Once karma is overcome, there is no desire, at least for the reason that the formulation of the desire and the will to make it realized, merge into one and the same time and eliminates the very notion. On the contrary, if the distance between the wording of desire and its fulfillment, a sufficiently large it indicates that we have quite a lot of luggage karma. Karma, in this sense, is reduced to the totality or the sum of all our previous desires, which will launch the mechanism for their implementation. As soon as the person is engaged in yoga and eliminates respectively negative karma, and then learning to fix and positive karma in this sense, the difference between the negative and positive karma, no no, the time between the formulation of the desire and its fulfillment is reduced by the time the plane or the causes of the plane and investigation. In yoga, there is a formal list called “supernormal.” These are abilities that seem to us wonderful, but really nothing miraculous in them no, they just rely on more subtle laws, and they have their name, will read the ancient texts, see there. One of these properties is that the yogi there is this ability that all his desires are fulfilled, so he did not have a desire to.
Finally, from a practical point of view, yoga is just one method that will help us correct way to determine what is necessary to fulfill the desires and what we must, on the contrary push. If we will do it wisely, it will lift us up. If we become easy prey in the clutches of our own desires, we are even more wallow. Most interesting is that more and more time will be to implement them because we will have the appetite to grow more and more, respectively, it takes a greater factor in overcoming inertia.
Answers on questions.
Question: “Reflex is also a desire?”
Answer. Certainly, it is the same desire, the primitive desires, instincts of self-preservation.
Question: “Long-term awareness leads to the obvious realization of intentions. Perhaps if the will of awareness? Because that is realized when the intention is realized within it and the cause of desire, but awareness will direct itself? “
Answer. Let’s start with axiomatic aspects of the issue. Such a concept as “mind” is secondary to the concept of “freedom”. The concept of “consciousness” and the concept of “energy” is secondary to the will. You can be absolutely no development of consciousness. You did not realize what was going on, in the vulgar sense of the word, you can completely miss the energy, physical and mental form, but if you have the will, it is a matter of time, when you develop your mind, and your energy will gain. Because it is the will of the original factor. But if you already have at least some rudiments of consciousness manifested and manifested energy, then you can re-accelerate the process the ability to use his mind. It begins with the human body, when sufficiently well developed mind, and we can all come to this rather subtle philosophical concept. In fact, this thing is elusive. Try to think of it, that is a matter of faith? The meaning of this slip away from you for one reason, that the concept will sverhlogichno. In principle, we can not in the plane of logic in mind the plane to understand what is the will. We can use it in the mind plane, in the plane of cause and effect, in the plane of karma, in our world plane. We can not understand, but we can speed up the approximation to the realization that we came to sverhlogiki level and only with this level sverhlogiki we really realize in full, aware implement this understanding, what is the “will.” This is one of the methods when the will has created tools consciousness and energy, and we direct these tools to dig even deeper, even more so to take advantage of will.
Question: “Do I understand that we can only become aware of the result of the will, which is manifested in the energy vibration?”
Answer. All of this is not only the vibration energy is more penetrating their consciousness. According to the axioms of yoga, all objects, all phenomena in the universe is the result of expression of will, it is nothing but a combination, or yoga, energy and consciousness Union, more correctly here I must say that this is the result of the vibration energy, imbued with consciousness. They are paired.
Question: “Man passionately wants something. Always there is the desire or the will is not always? What determines what one wish come true, and the other is not? “
Answer. There still is the karma factor prehistory factor. If one is only five lives was the boss, the boss in the sixth life itself in his hands floats. Desire and will are in the next moment, because of the ignorance of a desire, but the desire is carried out with the use of the will. Desire in itself has no power to make something executable. Like a car without an engine beautiful, but can not ride. Therefore, this factor will have just one driving factor that makes our wish fulfilled.
Question: “The evolution of development – is fouling the Absolute ignorance. Consciousness and energy, then they are intertwined, even more ignorance? “
Answer. I do not agree! Let’s take a more logical to come to that point. The paradigm of the study of yoga is common sense that the laws sverhlogiki should never contravene the laws of logic. So start with the logic. Remember the axioms of yoga, that is, the material or the factor that created the universe, was Maya. But Maya can not be reduced to the concept of ignorance. Maya more complex concept than the concept of “ignorance.” Only as a special case, we can reduce the Maya to ignorance. Maya is really a fantastic thing. It can not be reduced to ignorance, so we can not say that everything will acquire ignorance, that our world is the Absolute, overgrown with ignorance. Nothing like this. This can be interpreted in such a way and in a different way. For the yogi who has attained supreme knowledge, no ignorance of some, there is Maya and the Absolute. And for the ordinary person who has not attained this higher knowledge, nor any of the Absolute, but there is a series of factors, some obscure to all its confusing stronger. To him, indeed, around ignorance. Therefore, there should be a different way to reformulate the question.
Question: “If a person has pronounced the will is always related to the amount of prana or not?”
Answer. What is “Prana”? Prana is very thin very abstract fantastic thing. The one thing of which later manifested consciousness and energy. Will – more profound thing than prana. In the foreground there is the will, and then the prana. There is a yoga – “pranayama yoga,” which deals with the study and the ability to use what is called prana. In pranayama yoga are the same things that we are talking from a position of axiomatics will, there is set out a little differently. We say that if a person has a will, then all his wishes come true, that is, he has a certain power. In pranayama yoga does not contradict this claim, but the other steps they say that if a lot of prana, that all his wishes come true in humans, all of the factors in the universe are arranged so as he needed. But the concept of prana is secondary to the concept of will. This is precisely our ability to practice Pranayama, otherwise, how would we have it typed. We just voleizyavlyaem by performing certain exercises such as pranayama in yoga to go this way, and we collect prana, pranayama otherwise all will be reduced to the monkey breath through the left, then through the right nostril or delay some crazy, until you’re blue. Many people when they start to do yoga, they think that the more they will strain themselves, the more they will get the result. As a result, there are no results.
Question: “At some point we have the desires to give, respectively, if the desire has arisen, it may be revoked or it must necessarily be implemented or replaced by another desire?”
Answer. What yoga encourages us? Firstly, you probably know from his life, that there are some desires that with somewhere to disappear over time. There are desires that fade away. Not everyone desires should be implemented at all costs are made. They sometimes fall off from us as unnecessary. Another question is about the desires in which we currently varimsya, you have a very reasonable approach to it. There are desires that, in general, does not make sense to carry out, and there is desire, which, on the contrary, it is necessary to carry out. Taken together, this adds up to so-called second yoga principle. Any doctrine, any self-system has to be called in yoga, if the following these two principles. The principle of kindness “that they may all beings be happy”, not causing harm to any living being. The second principle is sometimes called the “principle of common sense”, “Brahmacharya” and it is said that the desire of strife will. There is a desire to be undertaken, there will, from which we must abandon, abstain. Where it is necessary to click on the “gas”, where you have to slow down, the only way we are from “A” to point “B” doedem for the minimum amount of time with the maximum benefit for themselves. It’s a game. The higher level is a yogi or yogini, the more brilliantly it can be controlled with this. If all life you will just force yourself to keep in the black body, you do not have enough for a long time, you frustrate sooner or later. If, however, you will only fulfill his desire, but not when I myself do not hold back, you will very quickly turn into something amorphous, meduzopodobnoe both the path to nowhere. Yoga Path – find a middle ground.
Question: “Aiming to practice yoga for forty minutes a day, but something prevents, willpower is not enough. Are there any methods to reveal it to all given easier? “
Answer. Yes, there is such a science, it is called “Raja Yoga” is just that and is engaged, both these issues to work, but immediately answer you assign realistic plans. We read a book about how yoga fly through the air, we think, and I’m so able, and leans on an impossible burden. We drag her day, the third, the second week. Then all the strength and desire to come to an end. Therefore, I recommend that reduce the time to forty minutes to fifteen minutes. It will be quite a good springboard to later increase. We must be realistic about the use of will. You see, we did not have the experience to apply the will to the extent in which we would like. This is also a process that lasts. If we consider the question of evolution, which is long, tortuous, then in fact his case can be reduced to the ability to use the mind. This requires great time and effort, so the invented auxiliary types, which allow us to quickly pass the stages of evolution, and these things are called different kinds of yoga. In one view, the other three we like Army broke through the front here, moved, then here and there.
Question: “You can not engage in tantra until you have passed the ascetic practices?”
Answer. It sounds funny when people say that we should just enjoy and keep themselves in hand, they can not only for the reason that they claim to be when in the hands not holding. What method of Tantra Yoga? You are driving a car behind the wheel, where it is necessary to bring myself to turn to the right, where you can afford to turn left, and they say, turn left only. This will ensure that you will turn around and not to not leave. If you are incredibly lucky and you have a teacher, no matter were you asceticism or not, you possess knowledge or not, this is not your problem. But that is another topic of yoga, teaching knowledge, transfer of knowledge, if you want even more delicate topic, exorbitant – a blessing in yoga. Very interesting fact, when the yogi voleizyavlyaet be unto you all well and he voleizyavil so that not only in his own universe chto-to begins to take shape, as it is necessary, but also that in relation to whom it is made. This stuff is very lofty, very sacred. But if you look, there are no miracles, there are laws that we know, and there are laws that we have not yet learned.