Introduction to the axioms of Yoga
Short description:
Axioms – one of the most difficult sections of theoretical yoga. What is an axiom? Is it possible to prove the axiom? As with logic to carry out yoga? Why there are so many different systems of axioms? Why highlighted two main axiomatic system? Do they depend on each other? What are the basic axioms of the microcosm and the macrocosm of the system the system? What is the difference in choosing the axioms of these two systems? Are there contradictions between the microcosm and the macrocosm system of axioms the axioms of the system? What is the main method of yoga? Why is it important to follow the path of Dharma? What is the importance of harmony in yoga? What vows should take the yogi practicing rapid methods? What is the ultimate goal of yoga? Limits the freedom of expression Do yoga?
Plan of the lecture:
1. Introduction to the axioms of Yoga
2. Yoga – the doctrine sverhlogichnoe
3. The use of logic in yoga
4. Why are there so many different systems of axioms?
5. The axiom of infinity axiomatic systems
6. Axiom of two axiom systems
7. The two basic axioms of the system
8. The basic axioms microcosm system
9. The basic axioms of the system of the macrocosm
10. Comparison of the basic axioms of the microcosm and the macrocosm system system
11. The axiom of non-contradiction of the two systems of axioms
12. The main method of yoga
13. The first and second principles of yoga
14. The combination of the methods of the microcosm and the macrocosm methods
15. Dharma – the path that protects from suffering
16. Harmony in yoga
17. Regulation on the unconditional freedom of all living beings
18. Rapid methods in yoga
19. The third yoga principle – the principle of non suffering
20. Yoga – freedom system
21. From logic to sverhlogike
22. Trust and common sense
23. Yoga – the starting point for the exit to the highest level
24. Questions and Answers
Introduction to axiomatic yoga.
Today’s topic of this lecture – it’s “Introduction to the axioms of Yoga.” We have already considered that such axiomatic, and now it is advantageous to delve into this subject. I want to warn that the subject is very complex. Perhaps one of the most difficult theoretical positions in yoga. Therefore, if you just do not understand something or something will elude your understanding, do not panic. In fact, the things that we consider extremely complicated. Even if you do anything you will realize it will be quite a serious step.
In addition, axiomatic state of yoga in a very detailed, strict variant is currently not possible. We called this series of lectures “Introduction to axiomatic yoga” to give some general idea of the system of axioms enjoyed yoga. Therefore, the material presented will be quite simple, but still simplified version. In the future, if any of you wish to explore more deeply the subject, he will be able to use this material as a starting point.
Another note, the standard for all of our lectures, is that yoga is rapidly disappearing. And in fact, the subject we are considering – axiomatic yoga – came to us in full, reached only gleanings. Many provisions, many calculations, moments, unfortunately, did not survive to the present day. It also creates a certain difficulty in covering this subject. There are moments in the axioms of yoga, which are more or less well preserved. But there are other provisions transitions conclusions, which are themselves almost did not survive, and only the results are preserved. In other words, the formulation of the problem remained, and save your answers. But calculations of how this response has been received, preserved in fragments.
Yoga – sverhlogichnoe teaching.
Briefly repeat that system of yoga – it’s not just any exercise, by which yoga has become popular, become known, is now widely advertised. The yoga system – a system of self-knowledge. This is the system that allows each person to examine himself, to explore the surrounding universe. To do this, the system of yoga exercises are known to known practices that are covered in the different sections of yoga. Sections of yoga a lot, actually as much as the manifestation of man, the same can exist types of yoga.
Now the most important thing to keep in mind when studying yoga axiomatic: axioms or those basic provisions, upon which all the slender building of Yoga, unprovable in the usual sense.
The word axiom just means a certain position, without this evidence. Let me remind you that these provisions – the axiom – were given to us by the ancient sages. they were given a long time ago, passed on from generation to generation, from teacher to student for as long as did not reach us. But at the same time, these provisions are not provable. More precisely, as we are taught yoga, these provisions will be provable for us only when we go around the path of yoga, reach heights of Yoga. And from these heights we understand why for the starting points were chosen, these provisions, which are called axioms. So, once again I want to emphasize to you it is deposited: the teaching of yoga sverhlogichno. The axioms that we are sverhlogichny. Understand why are they, rather than any other, we will be able only after going all the way to yoga.
Application logic in yoga.
After these axioms are, we are able to fully use your common sense, all tools of logic, all tools of analysis and reflection. That is, in terms of these axioms, we are able to logically deduce all the exercises in yoga. I want to emphasize – all. From why headstand in yoga is considered to be so popular and valuable, ending with the fact why it is necessary to meditate in some meditation so, and not otherwise. All of this is displayed, but displayed only if we are relying on this system of axioms. And this system of axioms sverhlogichna, and she gave us. It turns out that, passing through the logic, we will sooner or later go beyond logic, and, as they say in the ancient texts, carry out yoga or self-realization. That is, we rise to a completely different level of quality, which we now can not say anything, because at this level there are no words, no definitions or expressions.
Why are there so many different systems of axioms?
Let’s start from the beginning. Once again, there are certain axioms in yoga. And here is another difficulty. What are the axioms? These axioms are by some starting points, the starting positions. In fact, for the ancient sages of ancient Yogis, who comprehended them and we are trying to pass them, these axioms also sverhlogichny. And there are not even words to express the depth of these axioms, this set of axioms on which everything is built. But there are different variants of attempts to transfer human words, these exorbitant axioms.
I will explain more this rather dry theory. Let’s say you come to India. You will fall in a yoga school. Will you teach one method, rooted in the depth of centuries, will be taken to another school, will teach other methods are also ancient. And there is yoga, and yoga here. And there are methods, gray-haired, giving people a favor and here. And sooner or later you will begin to compare them. And suddenly realize that the starting position of the two completely different yoga schools. In one school of yoga, there are some one starting point in the form of a system of axioms, as the provisions of the system, from which everything is derived. In the other – is the other. Will you go to a third school of yoga – third will go to the fourth – the fourth and so on.
The funny thing begins next. Opens one text, for example, in Tantra yoga, reading about the chakra system. Opens another text from the same Tantra Yoga system (I remind you that all this knowledge about the chakras come to us exclusively from Tantra yoga), there is another system of chakras and they are described in a different way. And you do not understand, but what it really is? And most interesting is that in one school will be the methods, following which you will get a good result, and in the other. And between them, they are not consistent. So, the original position of each of these schools are the same, only they are inexpressible in words. And in an attempt to express them just born different system of axioms or different starting points of the system. And in the future, each of these systems of axioms or starting points once conceptualized, applied and are in higher mathematics, displayed all else, why it is necessary to breathe through the left nostril, and not through the right, why should we ourselves think so, not commercials to get the result, and so on.
The axiom of infinity axiomatic systems.
Thus, the first position is itself an axiom and the axiom describes. This provision is, that the number of axiomatic systems indefinitely. Or, to put it simply, there is always the possibility that in some kind of dark jungle you will find a yoga school, methods which are so very different from those of all other schools of yoga, as if it was the doctrine itself. Immediately purely practical conclusion follows: we are called not to become conceited. Even if we learn in a particular school of yoga, even if we are good enough in her study and comprehend the height of yoga, it should be remembered that, in fact yoga describes the outrageous things, and there is always a chance to meet the other face of the descriptions of these prohibitively high things.
There are an infinite number of these systems of axioms. What is the system of axioms? These are some basic provisions, which are all-encompassing. Here, a complete analogy with mathematics, where the first are some starting points, then the math somehow manipulate them, and a provision proves. The classical approach of mathematics – it is an axiom of the lemma, theorem, and then the application of these theorems.
The axiom of the two systems of axioms.
Similarly, in yoga there are axioms of the system or the system of basic provisions. And if you start to manipulate one or another system of axioms, trying somehow to comprehend them, to grasp or try something for yourself to bring or show, you will get very specific techniques that can be applied in life. These systems, that is, the totality of these axioms can be infinitely large number. But yoga gives us the following axiomatic provision themselves axioms, it is an axiom of axioms. It gives such a position, that of all the infinite variety of axiomatic systems, the two systems can be identified, and all the rest will be just a special case of the two systems of axioms.
Again here is an example. Let’s say you live in Moscow. It is possible, anyway, to determine which street and which house you live. What is called, at the intersection of these two concepts, you will find the person where it is located. Similarly, an infinite number of systems of axioms can distinguish two systems. And all the others, which can be really lost somewhere in the jungle, will be located at the intersection of these two systems. They are something to be from one of the axioms of the system, something that will be of a different system of axioms. You know, like in school, we studied the coordinates X and Y. Also, in yoga there is one system of axioms, corresponding to the axis X, and another system of axioms corresponding axis Y. And all the other endless system of axioms is the intersection of these two systems, or a point in space X and Y.
The two basic axioms of the system.
In fact, they are two of the axioms of the system. Moreover, these two axioms of the system independent of each other. What does “independent of each other?” This means that you can stick to one of the axioms of the system and get some conclusions, but of a different system of axioms do not even know that it exists in nature. That is, they are independent from each other. Each of these systems of axioms gives appropriate methods. And they pour out the appropriate methods in either yoga or some form of yoga. There are, for example, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga and so on. Anyway, each of these yogi basically relies overwhelming part of its one or axioms or on another system of axioms. But I want to say again, that we all now consider briefly. And we are trying to restore order in all this phantasmagoric amount of a variety of movements, exercises and so on. Each of these exercises is fully consistent with the definition of yoga as a system of self-discovery with the relevant procedures.
So, there is, if anything, the two look at the description of what happens to you and what is going on in the world, depending on whether you consider yourself or looking at the world around us. Two axioms of the system. These two axiom systems are independent of each other. And now we characterize each of these two systems of axioms.
The first axiom system is sometimes called a microcosm system. In it are the relevant provisions of the relevant individual or axioms. The system of axioms – is a kind of set of axioms. And one of these systems, so-called system of the microcosm. Another axiom system can be described as a system of axioms of the macrocosm.
We deliberately avoid any kind of Sanskrit, so as not to cause confusion in and so poorly understood in the modern world things. Therefore, we take the terminology of the European languages, but only for one purpose, to first, you get the essence of this ancient doctrine, and then climbed in Sanskrit and found to be in one or another system called a particular position or how it is determined. Why? Unfortunately, at the present time to create a huge number of psevdoyogovskih teachings that juggle concepts juggle positions, but sometimes do not understand what they say.
The original system of axioms is inexpressible in the language, but there are an infinite number of options for expression of this single system using the language with the help of our thinking, that is, some ideas you can make yourself. Accordingly, in every school of yoga can be its own system. But this infinite diversity can be reduced to two systems of axioms, that is, the two sets of axioms. They are different, although they say on one and the same. And in the future, when we will study them, you will realize that they overlap to some extent, but there is a certain sequence of different approaches consideration.
I repeat: the diversity of systems of axioms can be reduced to two systems of axioms. One is referred to as the microcosm of axioms, another system is sometimes referred to as the macrocosm system of axioms. In the future, we will stick to the same names. And now we have a quick look at the first and second system, and then we will begin to study them more carefully, more carefully and with great detail.
The basic axiom of the microcosm of the system.
In the first system of axioms, the axioms of the system of the microcosm, for the most fundamental axiom axiom accept the presence of the Superior “I” in every living being, every person. Axiomatically determined by the condition or position in which it is Higher “I”. We give the notion that our “I” is absolutely free and comes in a state of Sat Chit Ananda.
The following provision in this group axiom tells us that the “I” of other living creatures we see are identical to our “I” and also equal area.
The third step in this system of axioms is an axiom that all our higher individual “I” is a face or a reflection of a single over the “I”, which is called the Absolute.
It is very fast, casual. In fact, in this system of axioms there are many other provisions, but I do not want you confused. So I did just a few strokes, so that you realize for yourself what kind of system of axioms.
The basic axiom of the macrocosm system.
Finally, a different system of axioms, which is called the macrocosm system of axioms. It is also very much axiomatic positions, but the most basic of these. The very first, that there is a higher reality, a higher principle. Those. the whole universe around us – it is not the presence of some scattered, separated from one another objects and phenomena, but only a manifestation of this higher principle or a higher unity, which, as a rule, also called Absolute word. But it added that it can manifest itself in a personal capacity, and as a nonpersonal, ie as a universal law, as in other philosophical systems, or as a transcendental principle. Those. It all starts with the identification of the highest transcendent reality. Note that nothing is said about the man. Immediately begins with this higher reality.
The second step in this system of axioms of the macrocosm, is a provision stating that all living beings are merely a manifestation of the ultimate reality, the highest Absolute.
And finally, the third position – a position that the “I” person or “I” observing is no different from the “I” of each individual being and is a manifestation of the highest “I” – “I” of the Absolute. Again, there are many other provisions that I do not want to sound so you do not get shot down.
Comparison of the basic axioms of the microcosm and the macrocosm of the system system.
Thus, there are two axioms of the system and it seemed even talking about the same.
In the first system the microcosm considered:
– “I” of man,
– “I” of all other living beings,
– A kind of Universal “I”.
In the second system, the macrocosm of axioms the same position, but in the opposite order:
– First it refers to the “I” of the Universe, the Absolute,
– Then it speaks of the “I” of many other living creatures,
– And, finally, the “I” of the individual or as an observer.
At first glance, what’s the difference: we’re going inside to the outside, as in the microcosm of the axioms of the system, or go the other way around, from the outside inwards, as in the case of the second system of axioms macrocosm? In fact the difference, my friends, there is, and the difference is very significant, which further leads to powerful mechanisms for self-transformation in yoga. But this is not going to touch. This is the theme of the following lectures. So we got in the first approximation describe these two axioms of the system.
The axiom of non-contradiction of the two systems of axioms.
Later in yoga axioms gives the following axiom to describe these two axioms of the system. This axiom is as follows: although the two axioms of the system and are independent of each other (ie, the conclusions that we can get through one, do not rely on any provisions from another system), but the two systems never contradict each other . Or in another way: for example, one of the axioms of the system we took a yoga exercise that has led us to some results. And if we analyze this exercise, on the basis of a second system of axioms, then we arrive at the same result.
Once again, the two axioms of the system do not contradict each other. They describe a single reality. This single reality sverhlogichnaya it prohibitive. But to this ineffable reality sverhlogichnuyu try to describe our language, we have to consider the form on the left and right side. At the intersection, and there is this ultimate ineffable reality. Left side view can be described right view can be described. And it together, God knows it. This is sverhlogika which comprehended only when we reached the heights of Yoga.
It is very important axiom that the methods and findings obtained by one system microcosm axioms are consistent with the methods that were obtained using the axioms macrocosm system, and moreover, lead to the same result. A very important axiom!
The basic method of yoga.
From this axiom is born the basic method of yoga. Sometimes yoga describe as a system when and where you have to make yourself, and when and where you can afford. In the future, we are with you in more detail define the concept of a method of yoga.
The first and second principles of yoga.
Let us turn to the following points, which also appear in yoga. From the microcosm of the axiom system displays a second yoga principle, and the macrocosm of the axioms of the system displayed the first principle of yoga. Thus, we receive and definition of yoga, and the main method of yoga.
Definition: Yoga – a system of self-knowledge, which adheres to the first and second principles of yoga. The first principle of yoga, sometimes called the principle of kindness or sverhlogichnosti principle in yoga, derived from the group axioms macrocosm. The second yoga principle – the principle of consistency – is derived from the group axioms microcosm. Finally, the main method of yoga – a harmonious follow that, where you have to make yourself, and where you can afford – it follows precisely from the principle that the first and second group of axioms do not contradict each other. Moreover, these two axioms groups complement each other, i.e. describe the same from all sides.
The combination of the methods of the microcosm and the macrocosm methods.
It needs to be clarified. You do yoga and, say, you just met with one or another kind of yoga or section. You are encouraged to begin to deal with, whether they are doing other exercises on the rise. You were 20 minutes was not enough for you, the next day you do 40 minutes. On the third day they decided that 40 minutes a little, began to engage in 2:00. Then I read some clever book on the Life of the Saints and steel for 5 hours a day to deal with. You do so a week, second, third. Then you feel the state of deadlock: you can not continue to move forward on a step. Moreover, once you have started to do, how you caught the wave, and then – a dead end. Usually, at this point random people thrown yoga, go out of yoga. That is, you get to a certain limit of their strength, and further, meditate – not meditate, force yourself – do not make, anyway you do not move from their seats. You hit the wall. And if you were under the watchful eye of his Yoga teachers, he would have told you: “All that’s enough. Just slow down. Relax, have fun, go down to the disco. She was invited somewhere on 8 March. ” And it is clear that the stupid student inclined to send their Master somewhere far away. It is very often, my friends, is going on. Do not think that this is an exceptional situation. A smart student listens to the words of his Guru and really takes his girlfriend, and all night, they rest at the disco fun. And it is engaged in yoga, but, say, your hour a day.
Or, for example, he was engaged in a section of yoga, and now took a different profile to other strained structure.
And, lo and behold! He allowed himself, he took off his load and suddenly crossed the invisible wall, and went on. Moreover, the more it allows itself, relaxes, is a sane way of life, the result is more and more, but then again, a dead end. Progress is slowing. And smart student comes back to his yoga teacher and says: “I have a wall again. I do nothing, and nothing is done. ” Teacher says: “Now is the time to tighten again.” Trainee strains and again gets the result.
That is, a series of stress and relaxation series. A series where you have to really exert all his strength in meditation and a series where you have to surrender to the flow, even if it goes as is. This is the principle that when necessary, it is necessary to make yourself, and when you need to, you can currently afford. And if you practice this principle, you will very quickly go on the path of yoga. If you are forcing yourself, you quickly run into the wall. If you only allow yourself, that is not doing anything, you will also run into a wall.
All this is due to a combination of methods of microcosm and macrocosm methods. microcosm system of axioms leads to certain provisions, to some yogis. To describe them very rough and primitive, it turns out that the microcosm system calls us, first of all, rely on your Higher “I” and the work in this direction. macrocosm system also gives its methods. And again, if characterized by very rough these methods, or those sections of yoga, this method of hope in the Absolute. What good to me to try to do something, if you do it not in my power? And this attitude – hope and trust in the universe works wonders. But then again, as they say, hope in God, but those who help themselves. Sooner or later, we must once again do something. Starts people again have something to do, again faced with a problem, then what can not move a single step.
Yoga Wisdom – is the first two principles, plus an understanding of when it is necessary to change the method.
Dharma – the path that protects from suffering.
There are no textbooks, manuals, regulations, or advice, to tell a man that he should change one principle to another or when to change the methods of a single axiom system to another. The teacher can only tell at the very first steps, when made obvious blunders. But in the future, even the teacher is powerless to show you where you have to make yourself, and where you can afford. You have set for ourselves have become a teacher. And if you become a teacher for yourself, your life will change dramatically. If you understand where and when it is necessary to vary these methods, you will understand your own path in life.
This way of life, let me a little bit of Sanskrit is called Dharma. Sometimes the concept of Dharma is translated as a way that protects them from misery and suffering. Even if you have had a negative karma, that is, in a past life or in that you do some indiscretions, and you have to for them to receive an appropriate response (the law of karma: what goes around, comes around), then if you move down the path Dharma, you will receive a minimum of what you deserve. Karma, in this respect, as an article in the Criminal Code, which provide for, for example, from 3 to 10 years. And the big difference, you get 3 years or 10 years. So, if you follow the path of Dharma, then you minimize their “punishment”, as generally allows your karma. Conversely, you maximizes the effect of your good deeds in the past (or on your positive karma).
Harmony in yoga.
It turns out very interesting situation: we have two systems of axioms. One system gives the first principle, the second gives the second principle. The axiom of non-contradiction of these two systems of axioms provides a method where it is necessary to make yourself, and where you can afford or, in European terms, it can be translated as harmony. You see, my friends?
Here we come to the concept of harmony. Sometimes people ask: “This man is performing an exercise. He threw his leg over her head. He is a yogi or a yogi? “The answer to this question is impossible. This can be an acrobat. In China, they, poor fellows, so chase … But there is harmony and does not smell. This acrobat took 3 years old, his childhood and some were not, and let’s drive on the principle of “If you long to beat the hare, he and the piano or the accordion to learn to play.”
If there is something elusive, there is no harmony, this exercise is not yoga, but will limit flexibility. If he does not feel himself inside, where you have to strain and where the need to relax, and is evil instructor and tells how to do: strong, weak, that is trying to replace you, it is not yoga because there is no harmony.
Once again, yoga – a system of self-knowledge, which fully adhere to the first principle, the second principle plus the methodology harmony or where it is necessary to make yourself, and where you can afford. In our school of yoga known two dozen kinds of yogas, all the world they know much more. Or in other words, all the classical yoga Forums entirely fall under the description of the first principle of yoga, the yoga of the second principle of the method and harmony.
Regulations on unconditional freedom of all living beings.
All other provisions are derived from axioms systems. We just did not touch them now. This provision of nothing more than unconditional freedom of all living beings. And when I hear that in some schools of Yoga Teacher enslaves his poor pupils and transforms the school into a kind of cult, and other horrors that reach me, I very clearly understand that what this sect called yoga is just a misunderstanding. It’s anything but yoga. The teacher never enslaves his students if he had at least three times a halo and wings on his back.
Yes, indeed, Master sometimes very strict call to order, but only if the student takes himself for the benefit of these instructions. The only thing that connects students and teachers, it is the feeling of love, the feeling is mutual sympathy, and so on, but these moments I do not want to enter, otherwise you will get confused. In each system of axioms is there. And by and large, all these misunderstandings, one way or another, contrary to the first and second principles of yoga and they could not say anything at all, but not all are aware of axioms.
Quick techniques in yoga.
All kinds of classic yoga, or sections derived from the first and second principles of yoga, plus the method of harmony: there, where you can afford and where it is necessary to force yourself.
But there are so-called fast methods of yoga. It is certain types of yogas, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish whether they are classical or fast.
The most widely known method of rapid and, unfortunately, a very notorious, is, for example, Tantra Yoga. Why infamous? Because there is a mention of sex. It immediately became the subject of “strawberries”. Immediately million very unpleasant personalities begin to swirl near the subject. Sometimes you face with some manifestation, allegedly called Tantra yoga, and just do not feel sick. Attempts to stain this teaching, even though it is impossible. Anyone who tries to stain such high techniques himself stain methods remain clean.
But, nevertheless, this is considered a quick method. But this rapid method includes exercises that are the same as in Hatha Yoga, Pranayama yoga and other yogas, that is, I mean classical types of yoga.
Third yoga principle – the principle of non suffering.
What is the difference between classical and rapid methods of yoga? In our school of yoga in rapid methods are the most well-known – it is the Yoga of the Union, in Love Yoga, Tantra Yoga. But under the Tantra yoga is meant something else. From the standpoint of axiomatic given the following explanation. From the principle that a system of axioms is not contrary to another system of axioms (or system microcosm of axioms is not contrary to the system of the macrocosm axioms) in addition to the method of harmony (or where it is necessary to force yourself, and where you can afford), comes a very interesting finding, or the so-called third principle of yoga.
This position is called differently. Sometimes it is called the vow of renunciation of sufferings, sometimes referred to as the third principle of yoga. Sometimes it is called renunciation system, sometimes it is called a system of taking sannyasa. And even given a billion different definitions of this principle of yoga.
The essence of it in a nutshell: a person takes on a vow that nothing and no one has the right to impose his suffering. If you need his help if you need it part of something – it is a conversation. But just to suffer, he will no longer be himself, and not allow it to him somebody imposed.
Only after a person takes a vow of renunciation of the suffering in the first place, he has the right to practice fast methods, and secondly, he realizes rapid techniques in yoga. So if you hear that someone is engaged in the same Tantra yoga, moreover, sexual Tantra Yoga (the same general topic is a bit too strong: sex, interesting), but he did not take the vow of renunciation of suffering, it is engaged it is usually something its not understand. Moreover, around him, he can generate a huge number of all kinds of misunderstandings that will him to talk through life from side to side and all others involved with him in that action, too.
That is, as a rule, faster methods in this respect is similar to a jet flying. What you got, and sat at the helm of a jet plane, it does not mean that you will reach the goal. Must be able to manage it. We sometimes sit behind the steering wheels of the airplane people, to put it mildly, are not aware that they come from a very powerful techniques. Quick methods, on the one hand, a very strong, on the other hand, do not even come close to them if you have not received the third principle of yoga. Nothing good either for himself or for others you do not get.
And in fact, faster methods of yoga are not much different from the classical methods. And there is breath, and then breathing. And there is the mantra, and the mantra here. Of course there are some subtleties, but do not say that they are forced to do something fundamentally alien to man. One can not take the third principle of yoga, and simply deal with the classical methods of yoga and do the usual sex. Very good, great. But to use this as a method of spiritual development, and not just as a way of satisfying pastime, or, at best, as a continuation of the family, you can just not before the third principle adopted or, in other words, the vow of renunciation of sufferings. And there’s sex, and then sex. In the former case, in order to give birth to children …
Yoga – freedom system.
People live as they live. Friends, because yoga does not regulate life in any way. Yoga – a system of freedom. Once again, if you do yoga, and your freedom begins to shrink, it means you are doing something else. But, my friends, there are methods when reasonable abstinence in sex, or food, or in a certain way of life is very helpful and gives the result. But this is just one of the possible options and not mandatory neotemny part of yoga.
Why am I talking about it? A very common question: “And what kind of life should lead an ordinary yogi who is not engaged in rapid methods, as has been the usual: Hatha Yoga, Pranayama and other species? What should he eat? Should he look at his wife or “no, my God”? Should he allow himself to relax in terms of recreation, to go to a disco, for example, or is invalid “?
The very attempt to regulate the way of life contrary to the teachings of yoga. No one will dare you – a particle of the Absolute – somehow limit! At best, you just advise. Indeed, smoking is bad. Why? – Not for me to tell you. Or excessive alcohol use is not very good. If you mindlessly wasted in sex if peregnete stick, that is will take longer than the body is able to withstand, it is also not good. But rather, it is advice. And how do you do, it will be up to you personally.
The combination of classical and rapid methods of yoga.
We return to the axioms. Thus, we have turned the classical methods, and we get faster methods. How do they mate – this is a very complex issue, and we will not consider it. Sometimes people say to me: “Yes, I do not want no Tantra yoga, do not want any sexual yoga, I want to deal with the usual yoga! What are you bothering me? That’s all I do not understand. And I can not deal with all of these techniques, which are on the TV show, which though simple, though fall “? Of course, you can not do! Firstly, what is shown on TV, that “though stand – though fall” attitude toward yoga is not. This is PR. Journalists must somehow shock the audience, so they write.
You can come to the ultimate objective of choosing for themselves their own way, as in the classical arsenal of methods and techniques in the arsenal of quick, or vary them. That is some of the way to pass the classical method, some – fast. But, again, rapid method not before you have undertaken the third principle of yoga – a vow of renunciation of sufferings. Otherwise, you, as a man who sat on the race car, drive to the first turn in his life, and you smear on the wall. This is a very strong energy. You do not want to get behind the wheel of the aircraft or a racing car – do not sit down. Quietly, happily reach the ultimate goal of yoga classical methods. If on the contrary, the nature of your warehouse assumes that you enjoy some extreme sports, but within reason, and does not endanger the lives of other people – for God’s sake. Who can you ban? It is a matter of personal choice.
From logic to sverhlogike.
You come to a result or goal of yoga. Do you remember that yoga – a system of self-knowledge. But under a system of self-understood flow of the microcosm in the macrocosm, so knowing yourself, you will know the universe, if you are relying on a system of axioms. Conversely, knowing the universe, you know yourself, if you are relying on another. But sooner or later, you get to this higher, transcendental, that is the goal of yoga. Reaching Higher, the beyond and begin, I say very simply, interesting moments: you go to a new level of existence.
The whole way you go, using logic and common sense: there are axioms of these exercises are displayed. You are doing the exercises, you get a result. You are wise to apply the method of yoga where necessary – are forcing yourself, where you can – allow yourself. You again, a sensible approach to the principle of non-suffering. It’s your move in the logic plane. But this move sooner or later, you should throw out the logic, and you have to climb over the logic and go into sverhlogiku.
In different ways this state is called in yoga, for example, the state of Samadhi without object. And in yoga, and other philosophical systems, it is something quite transcendent, ineffable language. But even though it is transcendent and ineffable language, it does not mean that you can not achieve this. You not only can, but yoga says that the faster you reach, the better for you and everyone around. That is, the faster you go the path of spiritual evolution, the greater will be your happiness in life, the more your life will fulfill the desires and the more happiness you will sow around itself. And you get to such a height that our position invisible. And in that moment, when you get to these positions, only this position you and understand why was given precisely this axiomatic why were given these starting points in the system of axioms of the microcosm and the macrocosm, why was given this is the axiom of non-contradiction of two systems of axioms. After rising to the top, you’ll see why you should go this way.
Trust and common sense.
It turns out that you are on the way used logic, but came to the wonderful country that is already in sverhlogiki. And only from the standpoint of this sverhlogiki you saw, what was your path, and why you took as a starting point this place, and not somewhere else.
Once again I want to say, it turns out that we must have confidence in the yoga, the credibility of the system of axioms, but then we have to turn to the maximum your common sense, your logic, analysis. Why? Higher does not contradict the everyday. Everyday – this is just a special case of the Supreme. But such that somewhere there was a lack of logic, some kind of crazy crap, this is not in this universe.
Indeed, sometimes there are symptoms sverhlogichnosti, which seem to us miracles. But, my friends, is not afraid to test sverhlogichnost common sense. If you are faced with a miracle as you think and are afraid to use your logic and your intelligence, so as not to destroy this wonder – you are mistaken. The miracle you logic and intellect do not destroy, and all husks, obscurantism is easy break down, and it is easy to fall apart.
So it turns out first, something fantastic. Our confidence in the teachings of yoga can not be proved. Either you will feel with all my heart: Yes, it’s mine, believe and trust, but verify. Yes, I trust this system of axioms, trust these yogis. I began to do so, as they say, but then check. Aha, said so-and-so, and the result is different – nesostykovochka. So either something is misunderstood, or where a mistake has crept in, or something wrong doing.
And this method of promotion, in fact, and is the second principle of yoga. You get to an area that already sverhlogichna. And just reaching it, you will eventually prove to myself: Yes, now I do not just trust or believe, now I know. Therefore, in yoga and it is considered that the ultimate goal – is the acquisition of the highest knowledge, when you do not believe, and know. But before that, my friends, you have to walk. And it is necessary to go to the full application of common sense and logic.
Thus, the circle. That is the teaching of yoga vnekarmichnoe it as a gift come here. Anyone who feels an echo in my soul, a certain vibration, “Yes, my” – begins to use it. Using gets the highest result and also leaves in the highest spheres, leaving behind these teachings that we are studying. Where did they come from? Of course, they were left by the yogis and yogis who have passed this way and left all the provisions for us.
Yoga – the starting point for the exit to the highest level.
This axiomatic left for the bright and pure souls, for those sincere, strong people, for those nezaputannyh and for those who live this way voleizyavit. Why? Because if a man voleizyavit: “And I do not want to hear all your yoga” – he has a right to know about it is not. He – a free soul. No one owes nothing imposed and can not, in principle, to impose.
Sometimes I meet with such a question: “If yoga is so powerful, why it did not deal with it?”. This issue should be addressed not to yoga and all. And why is it still not voleizyavili do yoga? Yoga anyone ever does not impose anything. She reveres freedom. Even freedom in error. If a person wants to err, he has complete freedom to err. Who can drive the iron hand of humanity to heaven? Nobody has the right. Therefore, once again, my friends, the doctrine came from nowhere magically. Sometimes people ask, “Where did the teachings of yoga? Who invented it? “Strictly speaking, nowhere. He left some inheritance. The person starts to use it, is involved in it and goes to the same height, whence came this teaching.
But yoga teaches us, the whole world was created for this purpose. To us, playing in all this world that only we can play, gaining invaluable experience out of this universe came to some very high levels, which we can not conceive. For such a bright and pure souls given auxiliary ladder or starting point, the starting point is precisely the yoga system.
Questions and answers.
Q: Can we assume that if a person does not voleizyavil yoga, it is only a matter of time?
Vadim Zaporozhtsev: None. The concept of the will is higher than the concept of time. Sometimes religion is given the concept of an eternal hell or eternal paradise. We think it’s funny concept: it is – an eternal hell? And what Darwin with its evolution? How spiritual teachers of humanity, who say that everyone should evolve?
No one owes nothing. This is one of the provisions, which is included in the axioms of Yoga, by the way, and in one or another system of axioms, but from different angles.
So, you want to eternal hell? Get, because you – a piece of the Absolute. What is a piece of the Absolute? You – the great magician. Who can resist the will of the Absolute? No one! Even the Absolute does not enslave your will, and gives you the freedom. So, always, and will be in the same condition in which voleizyavite be. Time is not being. Therefore, such a conditional determinism that everyone has to go down this path does not exist, otherwise it would call into question the principle of free will. That is, if I brought a toy, I have this second wave of the foot, in the second – the other. The I in this case differ from the robot? I have got, I went. The plant was over – I stopped. What am I then a free soul? I have got. In fact, the situation of freedom of will is very serious. We will touch on this point later in the axioms.
Question: Vadim, explain, please, the third yoga principle – the principle of non suffering. Let me explain the question in this way. In fact, the middle path of the Buddha passed through and, in this case, the question is solved with the suffering. But there results only Dharma. This is not done by human desire – to give up suffering. And I do not understand how people can refuse to suffer? If he wanted to give up, but the pain came, they would take it. He seemed to be unable to resist them, if not passed before the end of this road.
Vadim Zaporozhtsev: The situation is this. If we refer to the Buddha, we must, one way or another, to talk about Buddhism. Buddhism is a religion. Anyway, it is officially considered a religion, a way of religion in our country. Yoga is very distanced from religion, so I quite hard to play in this field and to say anything. If I have something to begin to interpret the teachings of the Buddhists, there are always a few Buddhists, who will say that I do not understand anything. But, fortunately, in Buddhism there is such a position as Tantric Buddhism. And, in fact, modern Buddhism, which is now widespread – this is not the old Buddhism, and the so-called Buddhism Nagaradzhuny, more life-affirming Buddhism. In our country it is a very long time called Lamaism. The most serious impact of its center – this former territory of Tibet.
Now, on the merits. The Buddha, when he preached the basic techniques, as the stories of Buddhism Nagaradzhuny – Tantric Buddhism, all the methods outlined and then said: “Friends, I have said everything that I had only to you. Now I must leave this world. ” And, as you know, he died. But it added that they were all legends only for people. In those years, there were people who were able to understand only one part of the teachings or Dharma. Buddhists do not division between teaching and the Dharma, Dharma though – this is a deeper concept, Indian. And then he added that part of the higher teachings Buddha gave nagas. Nagi – this is a very strange creatures, do not even dare to describe them. Allegedly, people at that time, while he was alive Buddha, still did not understand anything in these methods, and naked understood. It is believed that just nagas he handed fast analogue techniques in yoga. Or, in other words, there are so-called Tibetan yoga. This is yoga, which is entirely, developed on the basis of Buddhism, but now they are, by the way, disappear in the same way as regular yoga.
Returning to the issue. How can this be? As vow rejection of suffering sopryach with a term in Buddhism, as, say, the Bodhisattva vow? But then again, I’m sorry, I have not climbed to his field, so Buddhists who hear me, so forgive me my ignorance. I am still of the yoga area, and not in the Buddhist tradition. Thus, the concept of the Bodhisattva vow itself, oddly enough, it’s somewhere echo is the third principle of yoga. Too many people in Buddhism will argue with me. Arguing is always very difficult. Why? Buddhism – a religion. In religion there is always such a thing as a dogma, and when they begin to appeal to reason, people somehow offended. But it’s none of my business, I also just do not know.
The question of suffering, which is rigidly predetermined, it really is a matter of having karma. What is the suffering that is predetermined? Suffering that is predetermined, it is our negative karma. Friends, pay attention to the logical chain. Once we voleizyavili live by some rules. For example, a neighbor apple on apple – apples. I voleizyavlyayu steal these apples and eat. I stole and ate. So far, nothing. But I – a free shower, because my “I” in a state of freedom, voleizyavil such a law, then in the next life is probably the use of the same law, but against me. This is an apple tree I raised, as the neighbor from stealing my apples.
Why? Because I have in my personal universe voleizyavil rules. These rules of the game, just called karma. Voleizyavil good rules of the game, that is, was generous, all helped, then, in the next life I hit the same rules of the game: all generous with me and no one offends me. In a past life has expressed any negative rules that all can hurt, it means that in the next life falls under the same rules of the game that he came up with. That is, if in a few words to describe the law of karma, is the essence of the law of karma. Therefore, those suffering are predefined, they are predetermined by the person in respect of itself by the fact that at one time it seemed to him that this is acceptable. As time passed, it was his desire, will come to him, but on the other hand, with which he had not expected: it has all started to steal apples. And he starts to build the first fence, but the fence was broken. He started out as something different to scare away thieves, and thieves still climb. And he thought: “Well, how is it, why do I steal? I’m so good right now, and they steal? “
And for the first time a person begins to think about any kind of moral and ethical principles. And, thinking of them, unconsciously projects upon themselves and in the next moment, when he is given the opportunity not apples to steal, but, for example, privatization of any oil company or something else that is bad, he had this experience knows: What goes around comes around. If that’s so taken for free, is not it for free, and take away. If he has built, he did something, then this is for you to stay. Therefore, there is absolutely no contradiction. It is, if anything, a matter of terminology. There is no obvious inconsistencies.
By the way, for this reason, Buddhism enjoys a very wide popularity. I urge you, ask yogis. There Yogi system in Tantric Buddhism, yoga is very interesting, very rare. Some of them are still alive, though dying as fast as Hindu, and maybe even faster.