Today, May 15, 2010. My name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev, we are in the Cultural Center “Enlightenment”, in Moscow, close to m.Novoslobodskaya. This lecture for Yoga Open University. All information is stored on sites,,
Today we will continue to consider yoga Visualization. In the previous lesson we touched in passing the use of different methods of the theory, which is the core of understanding visualization mechanisms. In particular, we are concerned Love Yoga, Pranayama Yoga, Yoga of Tantra Yoga. Those. we have drawn about the scheme, which describes the processes occurring in these yogas.
And as an example in the last lecture, I used the image of physics, when two atom nuclei fuse, becoming the core of the third atom, and thus stands out an enormous amount of energy. This is one of the possible processes, which is the sun. But rather, it’s more of a physical thermonuclear bomb, which fuses deuterium and tritium, and thus stands out enormous energy.
So this analogy. I have knowingly used the analogy of the thermonuclear reaction for the simple reason, my friends, that in each of us laid a huge potential in all of us. And sometimes this potential can be awakened. When this potential is awakened, the consequences truly fantastic, if we are talking about the life of the individual.
Once awake inner potential inherent within each of us, life changes radically. At the same time, there are huge opportunities and levers to change themselves and change in the universe.
But so cleverly made our universe that is sometimes much easier to awaken the potential that is in a person, if the person interacts with another person.
Or in other words. You can somehow closer to the power that lies within each of us a single practice. And sooner or later you get to the source of his strength and knowledge. But, if at the same time you will use the practice of joint disclose potential inherent in each of us, then it all goes much faster, much more powerful and easier.
Those. this is a little secret in yoga, which I keep repeating. What is yoga all come alone. Those. you need to pass a certain level in life to several people retired from society, I went on some familiar ideas about the world and more concentrated on a single work with yourself.
But then, if such a person meets another the same person, then together they can significantly accelerate your spiritual breakthrough or climbing, or spiritual evolution. And, at times, I did not even know in what degree. I remind you again, this is based on yoga Triad built on this yoga lovers, yoga is based on this sexual union, Tantra yoga and many other yoga. Just as these two atoms are merged, and thus stands out enormous energy, and our efforts, for example, yoga and yogini, when they are in joint practice, work with each other, highlighted the enormous potential for joint development.
Once again, according to the ideology of yoga Triad, for this reason we are all men and women, for this reason a man to seek the woman, and the woman seek man. But, on the other hand, both the man and woman that inner potential outside is surrounded by a cocoon, woven from our (if you like), or karma of our inner world and the outer world.
So, these cocoons prevent potential merge inner man (say) and women in joint practice, and release a tremendous amount of spiritual (if you like) of energy, I do not even know how to compare it.
But as soon as this happens, the life of both the people and their surrounding changes dramatically. In the history of mankind, it appears to have been several such bursts. The most recent of these are likely to occur in 5-7 centuries. BC, somewhere in the region of India, in the foothills of the Himalayas. This is a fairly large area. It certainly looks like a myth, science fiction. However, neither the less likely there is the last time this method is applied as it is repellent to neutralize human ego and how one person directly I can interact with other human I. And while there is absolutely incredible surge capacities, abilities, and supernatural abilities, etc., etc
And it echoes the spiritual explosion actually dokatyvayutsya to the present day. And many of the techniques, practices which we, including discussing with you is probably gone, or rather, came from this spiritual explosion.
And to make this mechanism, which would neutralize the shell of the ego of different people and allowed them to merge, you must know very clearly yoga Visualization and basic axioms of yoga.
Just to make a thermonuclear bomb, you need to know very well the nuclear physics and all the processes that arise there. And if this theory is, the more it becomes only a matter of practice, sooner or later on the basis of this theory, in particular to make a thermonuclear bomb (in a good way).
Such spiritual bomb that will blow up all the sharp darkness and ignorance of the world. Yogis have only one enemy – is ignorance, there are no other enemies. And if someone, and fight it with their own stupidity. And on the way or in the fight against their own stupidity should be a powerful weapon. To make it, you need to know the theory. And then this theory put into practice.
The analogy with the thermonuclear bomb
In order to develop this practice, you need to very clearly know the theory. And as an analogy again, a thermonuclear bomb, an anecdote goes. In 1961, Nikita Khrushchev in the country decided to blow up the king-bomb (the largest in the world thermonuclear charge). And indeed, it was blown up in the New Earth. Whether three, or four times the shock wave went around the globe in a circle. Were absolutely incredible devastating consequences, serious consequences. It stands out so much energy, how much was allocated almost the entire history of mankind. Anyway, for the 19-20 century combined.
Imagine all the ammunition that exploded bombs, mines, and suddenly in an instant. And, with this charge is detonated as evil tongues say, half the power, ie, afraid that there will be such a strong blow that can be any irreparable consequences for the environment.
And, apparently, on the one hand, the bad destruction. Strangely enough, as soon as it happened, in fact, a nuclear war has become impossible for the simple reason that it does not matter who starts it, all will be lost.
Oddly enough, it obereglo us from the realization that at a certain stage of development of mankind goes to such a height, that all attempts to go against the first and second principles of yoga are doomed to destruction.
And now, apparently, there is a similar analogy in yoga. There are some dangerous turns in the history of mankind, when the mind is too well developed, and the adoption of the first and second principles of kindness and common sense still do not reach the consciousness, then we need some deterrent. This factor is just lies in the possibility of yogis and Yoginis use the internal potential prisoner friends, in each of us. And this potential is enclosed in each of us, with their interaction (for example, men with women) in its consequences much more than this terrible bomb exploded in the New Earth. But we can not release this potential, our ego pushes apart.
In continuation of this theme Yoga Visualization, I want to immediately tell you that even the small steps in the promotion of this yoga, you can at least use a little yoga Visualization give such tremendous changes of the inner life, which immediately felt human.
And when it starts to happen to you during yoga practice visualization, you would not have thought it was something magical or accidental, we are once again go through the axioms of yoga. To have had a very clear understanding that the greatest miracle in the universe – it is the man himself. And once we understand how it is made, such forces are released, which dramatically change their way of life. And so that you clearly understand that it is a source of strength in our higher self, or to the root cause, which surrounds or created this universe. We are with you, let us recall once again the main provisions of the axioms of yoga.
The main provisions of the axioms of Yoga
So, each of us, do you remember from the axioms, it was created in the image and likeness of the Absolute. Each of us is absolutely free. I am every man is free from the other person, we are, in principle, be free of each other. Furthermore, we are free even from the Absolute. This process, when there was an infinite number of living beings I am no different in nature from the Absolute I, just called the moment of its creation.
But, as you know, if you create a lot of individual I am, and I each is free, ie, can do anything you want, then immediately the question arises: are these I have come into conflict in a way that I would be one I enslave another? And how to make it possible, in principle, to all at the same time be free and at the same time could co-exist with each other and communicate.
I remind you axiomatics of yoga, for this was invented and created what is called “Maya”, a very strange thing. So, it turned out that each of us I swim in this ocean of maya. I have every one of us is absolutely free, it can do anything. And at the same time, I also let the other remain free and do whatever you want. In order to avoid this conflict it is precisely this ocean of maya.
It had to pay for the fact that, despite the fact that our I (or I all living beings) is free, it comes in the original ignorance. Those. There are no pre-installation knowledge. Including, and knowledge about their own power. Therefore, it turns out that we are all here, in fact, sleeping gods, we do not realize the potential that’s already been included in each of us, we do not know what it is, and so we can not use it due to initial ignorance .
This initial ignorance – is just the fee for the opportunity to be free and to communicate with other free beings, including communicating with the Absolute.
But, on the other hand, my friends, you remember, that if all the same our I freely regardless of whether it is aware of itself free, or do not realize that the power is still there, it is also present within us. And when it is transcendent power that is within each of us begins to manifest itself in this ocean of maya, it is called “prana”. Or in other words, Prana and the original freedom – things are very related.
And to illustrate this, I have prepared here some placard pretty, that you illustrate this logic, what is the “prana” as prana manifests itself and, accordingly, where the power of those prerequisites, which will then be open at Yoga Visualization.
“Freedom” in Maya
So, our I, according to the axioms of yoga, prohibitive, there are no words that could explain it is in what condition. Why? Because it is higher than that of speech and thought. But one of the closest words that can describe the manifestation of the self within the Maya – the word “freedom.” The word “freedom” – a very strange and fantastic word is the ability to manifest, create, anything, without any restrictions.
And when this freedom is manifested in the Maya, it is precisely called “prana”. We also remember that our I have the ability, which is called “will.”
The will or freedom – things are similar in concept. Indeed, one can say, “man was released” or “person released into the wild.” And it’s kind of like a word with the same meaning. And in this regard we will do some accent to share the concept of “freedom” and the concept of “will” in this sequel.
Will – this is just an opportunity to use his original freedom. So, each of us has the will, and when we apply this will we actually makes our original freedom to manifest. And this just concluded the main secret of the will, or will power. We are, as it were, to make the power which (in fact) have our freedom, manifested in one or another some moments of our lives.
Moreover, the source of this power, kind of like, nowhere. Indeed, the source of the power of our higher self, our higher And I’m higher than the concept of “space and time”. Therefore, it is useless to look for the source of faith in the gross physical body. It is useless to be cut into pieces of a poor man, and look where he is in the brain a particular plexus nerve cells responsible for the will. And there is no such friends. More specifically, if there are some centers, one way or another working at that moment, when a person expresses something, but these centers are just some wires certain momentum that comes (like as) out of nowhere, or from our higher self
So once again I remind axioms. Will – this is our ability to use our original freedom. And our original freedom – is the same as the original power. Now we go on. So, we have freedom, we have the will, using free. And it is quite natural question: well, what freedom from and freedom over what, what is freedom?
Classes variability and constancy
And then to draw your attention to the next logical step. In fact, if we carry out the classification, that all that is in the universe, or all, what we are facing, or all, for which we can show the freedom and the will, can be divided into two broad classes. This is a class of permanence and grade variability.
In fact, we’re talking about objects, events, people, even in our everyday life, we can characterize them as being in a certain constancy, or to characterize them as staying in a certain variability. Those. regardless of what we are talking about you.
Thus, we have inside maya some objects or phenomena which, on the one hand, can be characterized by the constancy principle, on the other hand, the principle of the modification.
Thus our freedom and our total control over all seen what can be in the constancy or of all that may remain in the modification. Those. we are free to dispose of the constancy of the universe, and we are free to dispose of all the changes the universe.
The concept of “permanence” in yoga axioms is reduced to a kind of thing that never changes. And this thing can be reduced to information, or the language of yoga knowledge. Indeed, the information in the information and that it should be immutable. If you have, say, the code to your safe where the money is, it does not matter, write if you have it on a piece of paper a pen, if you scratched it somewhere on the back side of a knife mobile phone, or will score it into an electronic file, something will be one and the same constant. And it’s just a constant and the information will, in fact, this cipher.
Those. we reduce the concept of “permanence”, it is “knowledge”, it is the same “information” in the same category, on which we can show our freedom. Next, another category on which we can express our freedom – is the volatility.
Indeed, in this world everything changes. Any object or phenomenon over time break down. There is not one thing that would have frozen in its unaltered and would not have been changed over time. So, in fact, all that we perceive is a certain eternal changes. Some atoms are, for example, is one thing. Then this thing falls apart, say, on some other items. Sooner or later, these atoms disintegrate and fall, for example, into the bowels of the nuclear stars and there somehow recycled into other particles, etc., etc.
Those. we are with you from the concept of variability come to such an idea, which is called in the “Shakti” yoga, and Western languages is called “Energy”.
So we are using prana, it is the freedom in maya, we have complete control over the principle of continuity and the principle of variability. Or complete control over knowledge, and full control over the manipulation of changing some objects or phenomena. Or in other words, Prana – a personification of omniscience and omnipotence of our Ya
So this initial freedom manifested as prana, and characterizes the omniscience, omnipotence. Those. full control over all that can be permanent and full control over all that may change.
Well, then, omniscience and omnipotence, it is (in fact), in other words, freedom. But as part of maya, which operates the prana, it begins to manifest itself not in its full extent, and in some limited extent, ie, in a shortened scale. For the simple reason that our I am not aware of themselves free, but still to some extent feels the ability to control this principle and the principle of the constancy of change.
The concept of Energy and Consciousness
And we’ll come to the next concept – the concept of Consciousness and Energy. Or in other words, our prana – is when our freedom is realized in maya and can act as consciousness or that operates with the knowledge (information) and as energy (or that operates with numerous amendments).
Therefore, the original freedom of the self (it prana) is manifested as our ability to get information about everything that focus on this prana. As well as the ability to influence everything that is aimed at this prana. Or in other words, consciousness, and energy – it is not two different things, are two sides of something in common, which we even can not say, and that is rooted in our freedom, in our own omnipotence.
Therefore, and consciousness, and energy – things inseparable. And if there is the factor of Consciousness, make sure you have the energy factor. If you see a manifestation of energy, you can be sure that for the manifestation of this consciousness energies should definitely factor.
Or a clear analogy, again, from our history. Evil tongues say that the bomb, which Nikita Khrushchev ordered to blow up the New Earth, in 1961, made in two times less than originally wanted to blow up. And blowing up, we got a mushroom cloud, the height of 67 kilometers, friends. The shock wave actually circled 3 or 4 times the globe, completely stopped the broadcast in the northern zone of the globe. A sound wave is (allegedly) has come to a distance of 800 kilometers. This is a truly monstrous explosion was. Those. It was a powerful release of energy.
Imagine sitting aliens somewhere far, far beyond the solar system, and suddenly see such a surprise. Was Earth krasivenkaya such. The sudden October 30, 1961, for no apparent reason a powerful release of nuclear energy, which, in principle, should not be on this planet Earth.
And as it can be interpreted from the point of view of yoga? It’s very simple, my friends. What a bunch of physicists was formed, or a handful of scientists, which is so much spread the horizons of his mind that this was equivalent to a powerful energy.
I always want to carry out such a parallel. It’s a bit like those shamanic beliefs. What if there is some manifestation of this is the shaman sees some of the spirit that controls the wind, water, volcano. This attempt to revive all the phenomena in nature. And as we see in terms of the axioms of yoga, these attempts to revive not so meaningless. Be sure, if we see a dramatic manifestation of the principle of variability, that for him must necessarily be a corresponding display permanence principle, they cancel each other out, or are the two sides of the same.
And in fact, we have this thing combinations of Consciousness and Energy. In yoga it is believed that consciousness is not dependent on energy. It comes from a common source, that energy, but the thing is (in general) self-existing.
Therefore, consciousness of each person or each of you who are sitting here, it is in principle independent of those foods that you eat or how much you sleep, or whatever you are doing something or not doing. Another thing that we need energy that you have shown this Consciousness. And if you can not prove that consciousness is saying. “Unconscious person” For example, the sun baked the head, once there the energy metabolism in the wrong direction went, and the stream of consciousness stopped somehow manifest themselves, for it has ceased to be themselves and Energy, and the man fell into a swoon. This is such a mundane example to explain.
But you must understand that consciousness and energy – things are coming out of a bottle of the same whole, and they are inseparable. If there is a manifestation of energy, look for the manifestation of Consciousness. If there is a manifestation of consciousness, look for the manifestation of Energy. If a yogi practices yoga expands its consciousness, then automatically they come or supernormal powers, which are written in clever books of antiquity that give much more power than the average person. Those. are two related things.
But the other interesting thing, my friends, that it is impossible to use one without the other was used. And if you send the rays of his mind to the knowledge of something, then you are automatically acting on it is something. Or awareness factor influences. It is impossible to realize anything, do not affect it.
If awareness comes, it comes and the opportunity to influence it. These are the two things as full control over the principle of continuity and the principle of variability. Hence are born all the paradoxes faced by modern physics in particular, where it is impossible to measure the system does not affect it. And the fundamental limitation that no such device that would we could show the trajectory of the electron.
Because if you start, for example, to measure the trajectory of the electron, and this electron is already flying somewhere in the wrong direction. And I say that our whole world, which is formed with the help of prana (in fact, consciousness and energy are related) and if you do something you will know, you will immediately influence it.
The principle of confidentiality and the principle of openness
And here comes the principle of confidentiality and the principle of openness in yoga. As long as you say, do this or that practice yoga, it is best to as few people as possible know that you are doing it.
Let’s say you practice certain yoga exercises Visualization. Of course, if you’re with like-minded practice, or your teachers will give these exercises, they should know. But everyone else is better not let him know about it, that is, you need to keep it a secret. For the simple reason that their consciousness they unwittingly bring into your practice and Energy. And it will be a factor in your practice, you do not control.
And since and so without seriously in yoga to achieve something, and even noise go, someone else’s curiosity, and the mystery is born this principle in yoga. It is not because of yoga are paranoid of privacy, and coded all its powerful technology. And only for the reason that as long as is the practice, and it should be realized, the smaller the interference is, the better.
But the principle in yoga secrets compensated immediately the principle of openness. Once you get the result and announced it, and all the other people who somehow got to know your experiences, or otherwise customize your consciousness by your experience, they automatically begin to adjust and their own energy by what they perceive . And thus voluntarily-involuntarily perform yoga for yourself.
And from the next position. For example, there are yogic treatise, and reading yogic treatise itself is the practice of yoga. Why? Because you are at least a fraction of a second, getting a grasp in the experience of other yogis and Yoginis, you flash your consciousness what is written there and force your original prana in the form of energy to adapt to what you’re reading. You, however, are generating within itself all that is experienced yoga and yogini, when they made the practice.
That is why it is important to leave behind the result. We are sitting here and talking about the teachings of yoga just because the ancient yoga and yogini, have survived to this knowledge, strictly adhere to the principle of secrecy when they practiced. And after they get results, they used the principle of openness in order to pass it on to us. And we are with you study all this and voluntarily-involuntarily reaching the point, to get the same effect.
You know, in the cartoons was a story that the magician had gone on business, and stayed at home a young student. The young student was so curious about what is written in this book magical wizard. A wizard told him: “In no case do not open and do not read.” And he opened at any page and read for a spell. Say: “Will the rain!”. Indeed it began to rain. Why? Because the same way he tuned to the same wave and pulled Consciousness Energy. Those. this is a kind of magic, so to speak, of our world. What followed is the Consciousness and Energy. If you tuned in to a particular mantra of Consciousness, you tighten and Energy.
Pass on experience
And the very awareness of the meaning of the previous experience of yogis and Yoginis it, oddly enough, helps us to climb in yoga. That is why it is always very useful to read the biography of Yogi and Yoginis. But in our yoga school is very strict rule. Even if you are going to die, leave behind the experience that other people do not repeat your mistakes or, respectively, even reading and mentally gone through with you your experience, went themselves to the next level. And here the most important thing – awareness.
Anecdote with a student
There was a certain disciple at me, a long time ago, when there was a little portable electronic televisions. And any TV, it was such a box, 5 kilos, there kinescope glass tube is made. Well, VCRs were decent, solid. And he was a climber, or rather, not a climber and climber.
And somehow penetrated him a videotape, where the yogi and yogini shared their experience of yoga Triad. Generally, in those years, even 15-20 years ago, it was a topic that no one at all did not know. They just quietly (to a certain extent incognito) told his experience with the Triad very heavy axiomatic. So he sat and listened to this record.
And then he was born this idea: “I’ve been listening to and do not understand. But I know that when I’m on the mountain zalazhu, where all the muscles tense up, there is such beauty. I immediately called to such an inspiration. “
So he loaded the heavy backpack a TV, VCR, some other batteries. I do not know how much it weighed. In the hope that he will take on the highest rock where the really stunning views, include the television, turn on this record, and before it finally reaches the experience, which was a yogi and yogini.
I honestly do not know how the story ends. This is an anecdote passed around us. In the sense that, my friends, if you begin to reach significance, it does not matter whether you find yourself on top of the Himalayas, or will I go to the subway, or sit on a bench in the park, or even in some very inopportune moment. As soon as you come to the Consciousness component, it will pull the component and Energy.
Strictly speaking, you can feel quite exciting you euphoria in the moment when you will start to reach the meaning of the axioms on which (respectively) built Yoga Visualization. And by the realization of how everything works, you force the Universe is going to happen, it is the methods of Consciousness.
That is why, once again, be aware – means influence. Understand – means already closer to being able to somehow change.
Interpretation in yoga Visualizations
And the next point is very important, where we stopped last lecture. But once again I remind him. This is the moment of interpretation. The key point in the general imaging practices yoga.
So our original freedom and full control over the constancy or variability that in fact, is the essence of prana leads to the two factors of consciousness and energy. Or the ability to receive information and the ability to influence, how do you get this information.
And in the previous lectures, we remember with you about this very interesting phenomenon. What we have, as it were, are organs of perception and organs of action. Or when we perceive information or exhibit the properties of consciousness in the prana, it is (as it were) going in the direction of the self and reach of our Ya
Again, when we want to influence something that we perceived before that, again, it is the momentum of the self to the object or phenomenon, from which we have the information.
That, my friends, everything works perfectly in this fantastic world. As long as we perceive this or that object, it is, firstly, can be changed. And then, willy-nilly perceiving it, and thereby affecting him, we influence already changed the object. And if not there, then it turns out the confusion. We see one thing. During this time, something changed. And we are (so to speak) your pulse shaping it, is changing even more. Then again surprised to perceive the same object, which has already changed. Again, everything is repeated back and forth, back and forth.
The analogy with the hieroglyphics
And it is very difficult to interpret, but what, in fact, consciousness perceives. Again, an example of life. You arrived in Japan or anywhere in any country where it is used hieroglyphic writing. You go somewhere in town, and you do not know where to go. And instead of the usual inscriptions painted in Russian characters.
And you do not know what it is, or a picture of some sort, or just, you know, paint is now teenagers running around and sketched every fence. And you are not able to identify or interpret what they saw. But the small print at the bottom of a small hieroglyphic inscription is written, say, «exit» (output), or something else. And you perceive instantly, again, any inscription, but interpret them clearly.
Those. This question of interpretation is extremely important in the understanding of yoga Visualization. Your consciousness is something flashes. But it may be, as a set of unconnected dots, it may be as some kind of a picture, or perhaps as a message. And now we need to interpret it as something to get this information.
This applies to the inscriptions, it concerns such famous images, when one person sees one thing, the other person sees something different. But everyone interprets it in their own way. And, accordingly, when one interprets something in one way, he immediately to this effect and, according to the interpretation that he gave what he sees.
So, consciousness and energy are connected with each other tightly. But in nature, as the fact of Consciousness will operate energy depends on the interpretation that has highlighted Consciousness.
What we believe the world, so he becomes
And then we come to the next very important point Visualization Yoga, which sounds a bit strange. With the world as we think, so he becomes. And realized it’s just on the factor of interpretation. Those. the very fact that we interpret something one way or the other, we displace the situation either in one or in the other direction.
It turns out that we are in maya give certain impulses, mismatched, then come some completely incomprehensible results. And it all goes back and forth, utter chaos. And we begin to weave, to weave a complete conglomeration of something (surrounding objects, phenomena). Sami did not really understand, they are made on what basis.
Why is the world so what do we see? Visualization Yoga tells us that the world is what we wanted to see, we did it ourselves. But how do we do it? And that’s the way we have just said. We perceive something, we somehow interpret, we give a push. And all this comes with a delay. And as a result we expect something from one of the universe, and it gives us something different. We are discouraged. Getting still some bumps to give to the universe, they have distorted everything. And so people get confused.
And the key point of this entanglement is precisely the word “interpretation”. How to interpret everything that takes consciousness? And we interpret, once again, based on our experience. But the experience can be very different. And it’s still going to go in a circle. And there is no way to break this vicious chain.
Those. Consciousness is highlighted, interpret, make impulse. Consciousness is highlighted, interpret, make the pulse energy to change something. But just here and effective idea Visualization yoga. After all, in fact, if you perceive something, and some interpretation comes from your previous experience, you can voleizyavit give a different interpretation, and thus break the vicious cycle between the actions of Consciousness, misunderstanding, and the influence of Energy. You, however, make the correct interpretation of the original.
Or, in other words, visualization – are manifestations of your freedom, the manifestation of your will on the interpretation of a factor. Sensing something, you begin to interpret it in a different direction. In the direction that you need. You are, as it were, inside voleizyavlyaete see some image, which (strictly speaking) is not associated with the fact that gives consciousness, nor with the momentum, as the Consciousness is all apprehended. And try this way to squeeze out this vicious chain of misinterpretation. Or use creative imagination to synchronize the pulse energy and the impulses of consciousness.
Or in other words, the whole world, you see, just formed misinterpretation. And you give a different interpretation by using visualization. Is this another interpretation is closer to reality, or further from reality, Visualization Yoga does not consider. Yoga Visualization thus trying to eliminate a factor when mismatched, our energy and consciousness.
Those. all the world, strictly speaking, that you see around you, and the inner world, which is within you, and so it was made for you so uncontrolled visualization, and he survived. And now you begin to consciously re-form the outer and inner world, according to their free will. And using this creative imagination that just make adjustments in interpretation. And sooner or later it causes the inner and outer world that you do not like change.
Or in other words more vividly. Our I am absolutely free and swims in the ocean of maya. What is Maya in this sense? In this sense, the Maya as a modeling clay, or as a kind of clay, no, formless. But our I highlighted a piece of plasticine, interpreted it as something, and energy to consolidate this form this form remained.
The second time interpreted the same shape. Rather, the second time it has highlighted the forms of consciousness, and interpreted somewhat differently, and to finish some finishing touches.
So, is gradually began from this formless clay materialize or condense the entire world that we see. But in general this image. Or imagine you are lying here and looking at the sky, and there are floating clouds are big and beautiful. And if you look at a cloud, it seems, is a picture of the clouds – a terrible face, she suddenly time – to a certain person, this person – in any subject. Because it is a cloud, it changes its shape. Are you looking at this form, you begin to interpret, and that is it. That person, the subject, then something else.
And imagine that the cloud would be a magical cloud. Here you see an object, and a cloud again – and was frozen in the form of what you saw. Someone else might see something different, and in some other form of stagnation.
Moreover, I am more free, which is looking at the same cloud and see something different, and it also freezes the cloud in some other form. But most interesting is that the cloud for you – a single unit. And what you see and interpret, and what he sees, interprets and acts on this other I’m free, they, on the one hand, allow you to communicate with each other. On the other hand, one on another does not influence (in an absolute sense). A affects only in a relative sense, if you liked the other interpretation I and you turn it into his own interpretation, you have a relationship. Or all the people with whom you are communicating in this life or a previous life, you are invited to their own universe.
If someone does not like it, well, that did not need to invite unnecessary. If you like someone very well, make conclusions for the future and in the future invite exactly the same. Those. in terms of what, friends, is the concept of freedom is very strange. On the one hand, we are all free, on the other hand, we have the ability to communicate. Moreover, there is no conflict of our freedoms at a very high level.
And if on the relative level, we get the following thing: if your degree of self-awareness and higher, respectively, the degree of freedom, you can implement more, (like) the Maya or the interpretation of other people are starting to be integrated into your great interpretation.
You know, just like in ancient times, the master painted the big picture. Comes famous artist and painted the general scheme. And each gives his apprentice draw the finger there, a flower or something else. After all, a huge picture of himself as a man not usually draw in some kind of ancient temples.
It turns out that each drawing, which depicts an apprentice, is embedded in the overall picture, which depicts a master. And on this is built, friends, Raja Yoga – the ability to manage other people. On the one hand, we are free. But, on the other hand, is directly proportional to our awareness of our freedom, there is the ability to use other people’s freedom in some of its purposes, to incorporate them into your ornament. Moreover, they do not lose their freedom because of their freedom within a small range. And so here is arranged to co-exist with science.
Forming principles
And finally, one more thing, we’ll start to look out of the axioms of yoga that you understand the techniques of yoga Visualization. So, we remember that each of us is our higher self and it manifests itself in the form of prana in our world of maya. Prana works as energy as consciousness. In fact, it is something common, but which is presented either as energy or as consciousness.
Finally, we remember that as freedom of communication with sebepodobnymi free beings we paid the original ignorance, our I am not aware of itself. Those. it is free, and at the same time, free from the knowledge that it is free, friends. Such tricky paradox.
And the question arises in the axiomatics of yoga. If our ego does not consider himself, or rather, does not know what it is, what it considers himself? And we remember that our I’m just feels its manifestations. Or our I’m just feels this prana.
Those. our I immediately felt that it is inside Maya. Although our I’m outside of maya, and maya only lowered the beam of prana. Because I consider myself to our prana, our self is in this ocean of maya.
And then it begins, resulting creates all the principles of the universe or anything that results in pain.
So our I consider myself prana. Prana manifests itself as consciousness or as energy. When consciousness and energy do not contradict each other, are in harmony, this condition is called “Ananda” (joy, happiness, pleasure). Our I consider myself and our prana I consider myself lucky because experience Ananda.
But you must understand that even the concept of “Ananda” or happiness, it’s just words and terms, and our I’m taller than words and terms.
So our ultimate happy I consider myself a ray of prana inside the cloud of maya. And then it begins, according to the axioms of yoga, you will remember, a very interesting thing. Part of Prana is divided into consciousness and energy. First divided, and then again with each other and interact arises Mind principle.
The other part of the undivided prana in the consciousness and energy flows through the mind. Then, as you remember axiomatics of yoga, again part of the Prana is divided into consciousness and energy. But consciousness is less clear, and the energy of any other vibration, and is divided into consciousness and energy and constitutes the principle of Space. And the other part of the prana flows through the principle of Space. So repeated five times as long as the principle of the Earth formed.
Forming principles
And finally, one more thing, we’ll start to look out of the axioms of yoga that you understand the techniques of yoga Visualization. So, we remember that each of us is our higher self and it manifests itself in the form of prana in our world of maya. Prana works as energy as consciousness. In fact, it is something common, but which is presented either as energy or as consciousness.
Finally, we remember that as freedom of communication with sebepodobnymi free beings we paid the original ignorance, our I am not aware of itself. Those. it is free, and at the same time, free from the knowledge that it is free, friends. Such tricky paradox.
And the question arises in the axiomatics of yoga. If our ego does not consider himself, or rather, does not know what it is, what it considers himself? And we remember that our I’m just feels its manifestations. Or our I’m just feels this prana.
Those. our I immediately felt that it is inside Maya. Although our I’m outside of maya, and maya only lowered the beam of prana. Because I consider myself to our prana, our self is in this ocean of maya.
And then it begins, resulting creates all the principles of the universe or anything that results in pain.
So our I consider myself prana. Prana manifests itself as consciousness or as energy. When consciousness and energy do not contradict each other, are in harmony, this condition is called “Ananda” (joy, happiness, pleasure). Our I consider myself and our prana I consider myself lucky because experience Ananda.
But you must understand that even the concept of “Ananda” or happiness, it’s just words and terms, and our I’m taller than words and terms.
So our ultimate happy I consider myself a ray of prana inside the cloud of maya. And then it begins, according to the axioms of yoga, you will remember, a very interesting thing. Part of Prana is divided into consciousness and energy. First divided, and then again with each other and interact arises Mind principle.
The other part of the undivided prana in the consciousness and energy flows through the mind. Then, as you remember axiomatics of yoga, again part of the Prana is divided into consciousness and energy. But consciousness is less clear, and the energy of any other vibration, and is divided into consciousness and energy and constitutes the principle of Space. And the other part of the prana flows through the principle of Space. So repeated five times as long as the principle of the Earth formed.
It turns out that during the formation of the Mind principle of our prana remained unaffected in the form, and the other part has formed Mind principle. Those. there was a potential fork. One and the same prana, on the one hand, formed the principle of Mind is our own. On the other hand, this principle is infused Mind.
At the same time, we remember that our self feels prana. And here arises the first division, which is fraught with further conflict, as when our prana begins to act against our own prana. While prana in a single undivided form and manifests itself through consciousness and energy, it is in a state of Ananda, ie joy, happiness and pleasure.
But as soon as there is such a fork, when part of prana (for example, I drew on the left) was divided, respectively, in the consciousness, the other – energy. Then they joined and formed a principle of Reason, and by the principle of reason proceeds again this same prana, then there is a conflict or some nuances of interaction.
And here there are prerequisites that in the future will be called as “pain” when our own prana same faces with itself. Similar conditions also occur, and on the principle of space, etc. the Earth principle.
But Visualization Yoga, as we know, everything can be reduced to dealing with the principle of buddhi, or Mind. Therefore, you can stop at the first step, and all other steps to subordinate (ie work with the principle of Space, Air, Water and Earth).
But we’ll talk about this in the next lecture.