2009.12.27. Nyasa Yoga Workshop. (Vadim Zaporozhtsev)

Initiation into yoga

I recall that in yoga there is the concept of “empowerment.” And it requires the physical presence of a person to receive this push. This thing is not obvious and is understood only after the lapse of years. Therefore, such events – it’s like a push. Of course, all the entries will be posted on the Internet, print and bring their favor. But you must also direct presence at such events. In theory, yoga books and not studied. It should be the highest presence of the transmission line. Especially when it comes to such yogis as Nyasa yoga.

The ability to perceive

We all have the ability to – touch. When we touch someone, we feel for yourself the touch. They sometimes accompany us the whole life (contact from our clothes), they wear out and become a common background.

But there are more highlights of tactile sensations when someone suddenly touched to us. If we analyze all their lives, despite the fact that we do not pay attention to the tactile sensations, they will be extremely important in our lives. Strictly speaking, this is one of the most powerful channels of communication with the outside world.

If we observe in everyday life for people’s behavior, we can see how people and animals in everyday life caress each other. For example, for kittens, small dogs or children. Or, if you watch the natural reaction of a man or woman who sees a small child, they want to pat him, scratch behind the ear, a hug, play. This is not a controlled urgency. Hand stretches itself to the cat to pet him. Or a dog that ran up to us and nuzzled. For a child who plays with us, or to the person whom we have not seen, we held him to her. We do this unconsciously, without realizing this report.

We sometimes want to caress us, especially when we are ill. I want to bury in a vest, a good cry, and will be easier. Moreover, it does not matter, it can be very strong and self-sufficient person, self-controlled, able to control myself. But still nice when you love, hug, when a number of people whom you trust.

Contact touch and confidence

Touching and trust – these things are very closely related. If there is no trust, there is no touch. If there is no trust, then these touches make us more inner restraint and suspicion than the feeling of relaxation. Conversely, if we trust, open and feel the touch, they have a healing power for us.

The tactile aspect of interaction is very strong. Let’s say you went to the subway in their thoughts, and suddenly you’re being pushed. You felt the jolt and immediately within you wake up uncontrollable impulses of anger, resentment, anger, the urge to answer the offender. Gusts of furious originate from our very deep structures. Man, maybe we accidentally stepped on the foot, and we answer a triad of all thoughts that we think about it (sometimes in obscene form).

There are part of our life that permeates everything and has strong access to our inner world, our frame of mind, a condition that can change the mode of our mood.

For example, a man had a row with his wife. But his wife came up, hugged, stroked. And the men of principle anger goes by the wayside, and philosophical ideas recede into the background, a man finds a consensus or a common space for the resolution of certain disputes.

Channel tactile interaction is present 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. But we also have another strong factor – it is our mind. He pulls at our attention and overshadows the sensations channel. We’re leaving in their thoughts, memories, expectations, and thus tactile sensations go by the wayside, we do not see them. We live in our thoughts, feelings, Emporium. Indeed, the evolution has shown that if we develop understanding, we dominate. Smarter living creature wins over more stupid. Man wins over all the animals. Evolution forces us to develop the mind. One who has developed the mind – to win the one who has not developed – one is in a subordinate state. We are somewhere cling to mind and concentrate on it. All our attention moves from our tactile sensations on the mind level. The same applies to other senses. If you are worried, then you forget about what you see, hear, touch, smell. Those. mind pulls on a significant part of our consciousness, our sensations. As a result, we pay less attention to the tactile sensation. As a result, the imbalance is born, and a man dumped a huge amount of restraint, dysfunctions, stress, etc. Because the mind does not give us such a sense of confidence in how our tactile sensations.

The problem today – the lack of tactile sensations

From book to book is a legend that in ancient Rome was the emperor who gave the order to young children, children of slaves, not caressed. Their dresses, shoes, looked for them, but without affection. I do not know how much this is true, but legend says that much of the children died. The other part, which has grown into a sadistically inclined individuals who are prone to torment others, getting pleasure from other people’s suffering and insensitive to the suffering of others. This bike is well conveys the meaning. If there is no tactile perception, or tactile sensations channel, it is a very serious mental strain, and mind detached from the harmonious perception of the world and tend to find compensation in some manifestations of that common man seem manic and brutal. We can not live a normal life and develop, if there is no tactile sensations. As soon as there is a lack of tactile sensations, it is skewed mentality.

The big problem of the day – it is street children. Their clothes, shoes, but they do not have moms and dads who have embraced them and caress, cuddle, twirled, twisted. As a result, these children grow up unhappy. They tend to run away from children’s homes and become homeless. As a result, such children grow up people who swell the ranks of criminals. It is the same in dysfunctional families, where mom and dad are alcoholics.

The lack of tactile stimulation as a child in a child creates an internal restraint, he compensates for any external manifestations and some manifestations in the form of pain for other people. Those. receive less tactile sensations, these children try to compensate for the lack in the world of tactile sensations, but do not understand the brink and prone to violence, sometimes disgusting and unpleasant.

If a person is not to feed vitamin C, scurvy observed: drop all the hair and teeth, the man is sick and can die. Similarly, if a person in his childhood did not dopoluchaet tactile sensations, it starts to hurt a huge bouquet of mental illness, passing into the somatic. As a result, we have a multitude of people unstable, prone to sadism.

This is a very big imbalance, which breeds a lot of problems for all of humanity. And here is one source – the lack of tactile perception channel. Or in other words, a lack of trust in the universe, and the desire to destroy the universe, to which there is no trust. Such people are prone to suicide, numerous distortions of the psyche. Because the lack of these feelings so much effort on the deepest levels of our nervous organization, which, as a consequence, there is an attempt to somehow stop the tactile presence of this famine.

Psychoanalysis about tactile sensations

In the early twentieth century, developed the science of psychoanalysis, where some sketchy details of human nature does not reveal the full scope of the complexity of the human device was given. There were attempts to explain all the hidden latent sexuality. And as a result, an attempt to explain our natural tendency to someone play, kiss, hidden sexuality. As a result, we got terrible results over time. Unfortunately, little-known mental imbalances that gave rise to a half-hearted statement of this theme. Our minds and so we emphasize our tactile sensations and is inclined to ignore them. And here also penetrated the pernicious idea that any touching, shaking hands, kissing, or when we play with children – this is a manifestation of eroticism. More monstrous ideas and come up with is impossible.

As a result, people (who read all of these clever books) begins to restrain myself from the natural manifestation of tactile sensations. Not only do we do so little manifest, so also the theory appeared that if I before I touch someone, want someone to hug or kiss, then wake up erotic attraction (as fathers of psychoanalysis) in me. It is clear that a person begins to withdraw itself completely and fully covers the channel sensations.

As a result, the mother once again afraid to touch the child’s father to speak with his daughter, a brother to play with my sister, and the like. All at a distance, and rubber gloves, all surrounded himself with a wall “nedotronutosti”. Distortions monstrous.

Instantly it refleksiruet Universe flash unhealthy eroticism. Literally all of the pages on the Internet are clogged deviations on sexually. Because man protecting himself from imaginary manifestations, then starts them well and take a seat: what have fought for it and ran.

In some Western countries, if a man touched a woman, she can sue him in court, and the man is prohibited from approaching a woman for a few tens of meters. Action by the unfortunate theories plants begins to eat away at the brain. Not only that, tactile sensations and so picked up, so more and any expression is interpreted in this way, we are the fruits of the future maniacs and fanatics. Because we can not live long without tactile channels. And then, there is an obsession of his to fill. As a result, we get bursts of violence. It’s scary, because any half-terrifying lack of any information.

Everything related to tactile sensations and our interaction with the universe, it is not through the filter of reason, and directly to our subconscious. It starts us uncritically zombie and programming.

Nyasa yoga

How many manifestations of man, the same have different types of yoga. Of course, our tactile interaction with the universe there is a separate yoga. And this is called yoga – Nyasa yoga.

The word “Niassa” in one of the translations – it is touch. Although, it is a deeper concept than just a touch. This yoga is one of the most closed. As far as I know, it is not taught anywhere else. You will not find on the Nyasa yoga courses. Perhaps you will find small fragments by this yoga. To understand the principle of action, and even more so to learn the principles of Nyasa yoga requires a very long learning (about ten years). And as an ordinary yoga we have a few people know something about Nyasa yoga it never sets. This does not mean that this is not yoga, it just a few people possessed. You will find numerous references to the Nyasa yoga sections of Tantra Yoga. There will urge nyasa do during a particular exercise. But no theory, no explanation is given, merely says do so and so. In the worst case, even it is not clear what is being said.

This is a very rare yoga, which no one sets out. Once again, that yoga disappears. The fact that every step is now the instructors and teachers of life – this is not to say that they teach the true yoga, it’s crumbs. Moreover, there are some yoga, which can not be taught but can be learned. You have to get into the field of action of people with this yoga to the very fact that you are near, to adopt this yoga. Nyasa yoga is not taught by films, books and audio lectures (even its theoretical part). Moreover, it is not studied without practice. As with all other yogas, takes practice. If the practice is not, then nothing else we are not talking. Since it involves deeper structures than our minds.

Nyasa yoga is very rare, its theory is very deep. It takes many years to master the Nyasa yoga and apply it. It also requires that you have not been a yogi householder and need a circle of like-minded people. The full you use Nyasa yoga if one does nyasa another: at least it takes two. If you are selfish, you do yoga for yourself and not inclined to communicate, then you simply will not find a person who is interested in yoga at all, much less a man ready to make you Nyasa yoga, and you do it.

But there are also other factors that cause to show interest in Nyasa yoga, because it is a magic wand in the yogic way of our development. Nyasa yoga increases the rate of the yogic processes in the human body, which makes nyasa and which do nyasa in seven to ten times.

Ten years of our lives – this is a crazy time. And to reduce it to a year – about the same as that lengthen your life ten times that you for one life time to do something that could do in ten lives in a row. That is, you will not need to be born these ten lives. Very tempting target – to accelerate the processes of yoga. Therefore, in order to accelerate the yoga teachers and Teachers processes that possess the ability to speed up the processes used Nyasa yoga for other students to faster (7-10 times) to convey yoga.

Nyasa yoga – yoga accelerator processes

Nyasa yoga is a catalyst for processes that increase their speed. Nyasa yoga – is the highest yoga. To reach it “on their own” – it is necessary to engage in more than one life yoga. But when you come to this level, many of the processes in your spiritual progress go faster. Nyasa yoga – it is a gift for us. We have a very long time did not reach an understanding, what is the Nyasa yoga. This is knowledge that will allow us to accelerate our yogic processes.

The fact that the Nyasa yoga because yoga enhances processes – this is not magic, but the fact that the mechanisms that operate in the implementation of Nyasa yoga is so much more deep and fundamental that they can speed up all the processes that we are not able to realize. This section Nyasa yoga applied to other different kinds of yoga.

Most often you will meet involvement Nyasa yoga in yoga Triad (Union Yoga, Tantra Yoga and Yoga of Being in Love). Moreover, certain practices would be unthinkable to implement without component was Nyasa yoga. But Nyasa yoga can be present in all types of yoga, ranging from rough physical (Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga), and ending with the more abstract yogis (meditation, visualization, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga). Everywhere it is possible to apply the Nyasa yoga and get a result.

Tactile sensations and

sexuality is not linked

Tactile sensations and sexuality are not connected in any way. These are different manifestations of the device in our body. Indeed, there are many kinds of massages, which are called Erotic massage. As a result, we obtain that sexy “mood” is raised, and a man can have sex. But this illusory connection. In fact, the process is different. Even the phrase “erotic massage” with our body position of the device does not make sense. Rather, due to the tactile sensations can be converted or sublimate sexual energy and thereby help a person not to exercise their sexuality.

Therefore, all the tactile sensations of touch and do not stimulate sexual feelings. They remove some blocks or clips within you. When these blocks or clips within you unclench, to these channels decompressed naturally begin to circulate energy and consciousness, and you come to the state of health. It is the natural state of health and gives an opportunity to show your sexuality. Because if you’re on the verge of a nervous breakdown or stress, sexuality can be no question.

If you are using nyasa shoot inner tension or clamp (from physical structures, finishing with fine channels and centers), and you start to trust the universe to unfold, then after removing the stiffness in you immediately wakes up the mechanism of protection of procreation. He sees that you feel great, and it’s time to think about procreation. This explains the continued expression of your sexuality. But sexuality and tactile sensations are not connected.

If you are someone squeezed and made a maniac, then avenges universe: to you is the first and this maniac come to you it “unclenched”. Nothing in the universe does not happen just like that. You should clearly understand that if you play with the baby, it does not mean that you are a pedophile. If you hugged her and danced with her, it does not mean that you sexually harassed her. If you are someone patted on the shoulder, it does not mean that you are demonstrating their homo-erotic tendencies. And bind them – is to generate terrible problems.

Everything related to our presets about tactile sensations, forget them. Trust the universe, think about very carefully to the sensations that come through the touch of every persuasion (be it a touch of clothing, whether it’s a pat each other on the shoulder, whether it hit branches). To all should be treated with equal attention as to their own thoughts.

Reason – the sixth sense

According to the teachings of yoga Sri Vidya, our minds are reduced to a sensory organ. We have a feeling that we can see, we can hear, smell, taste, tactile touch. We have five senses. We also have intelligence. Western man somehow distinguishes the mind into something separate. And in the highest yogis operate with the mind as a sixth sense. We have a sixth sense organ (mind), with which you are “sniffing”, feel, realize the Universe.

We know only what we can know through our five senses. But our mind – is the sixth sense. The Yoga of Sri Vidya is the expression: “Let me dive into you, six-legged, like a bee, which is immersed in a flower, just as its six legs like my six senses.”

All that we see around us – this is a delicious nectar. And bee – sniffing it, and let’s devour a delicious nectar. Similarly, we, like the bee, absorb the outside world. We see it, hear, smell, feel, the thought of it. There is no difference in principle for information about the world around us, what is the information that we receive through sight, hearing, smell, touch.

Tactile sensations, which is engaged in Nyasa yoga – it’s the same information channel (adequate perception of the Universe), as well as our minds. When the mind is not developed in man, we say, “a brainless fool.” If a person is mentally-minded, then, and a corresponding attitude toward him.

The same applies to our tactile sensations. If we do not get it do not have a complete picture of that universe in which we live. If we do not have a complete picture of the universe in which we live, we can not make the right decisions in our lives. We can not properly build steps in the direction of where we need to go in life and what to avoid.



All our displays are also important for understanding the universe, as well as the thickest philosophical book on yoga theory. Therefore, if we too turn to the intellect and neglecting other information channel, we obviously condemn ourselves to lose.

It is a question of principles on which senses constructed. Our eyes may be poorly visible (due to aging, damage, etc.). But our physical eyes – it’s just a shell that envelops it, so to speak, our subtle eye or vision principle. Therefore, elegance of certain feelings – this is not an indication that we are equally pay one or the other sense organ attention. But it would still be considered that the tactile sensations – this is the point, which is crucial for the “homo sapiens”.

According to the theory of yoga, we are all born and die in different bodies as long as we are born in the human body. The human body is endowed with intelligence. If there is a component of the mind, we can significantly accelerate our spiritual self. As soon as a living being has reached the human body, the most critical point is the tactile sensation is. Ironically, even the mind in this regard goes by the wayside. Somehow, it is believed that in a person is the most vulnerable spot in the field of touch. Moreover, in Nyasa yoga it is believed that if a living being has reached the human body, but has developed a tactile centers, it is a living being karmically inclined to self-destruct themselves. As if it turns out that nature has given us intelligence to front. But if we use it properly in advance and did not pull up all the senses to that level (not eliminate the imbalance), then the mind will not save us, and we plunge into the abyss of new births.

Benefits of mind

What gave man a mind? He gave modern civilization, but also a means to self-destruct. A nuclear or thermonuclear bomb that costs. Blast as a couple of pieces and nothing left of civilization. That is, the very development of civilization – this is not a guarantee of success. Once again I want to emphasize is that permeates eastern mentality, and that does not understand the West. West prays in mind for new technologies. They, of course, are very important and should be developed. But they do not make a person happier. Moreover, they are not a guarantee that the person does not apply his mind to himself and to destroy.

In Nyasa yoga it is believed that the critical period in human development is the development of tactile sensations. And if a living being endowed with intelligence will not develop tactile sensations, this civilization will perish. And, perhaps, the collapse of ancient civilizations took place for this reason.

Heart and Nyasa yoga

Sometimes we do not know what to do in any given situation. Reason tells us one thing and feeling another. This balance, which one encounters in life. Mind ruthless – all the cabbage chop. Feelings, on the contrary, very tearful, all pity. And there is a conflict. In particular, if you need to make a decision. How to find a distinction between the mind and the senses?

Of course, it is kind very easily. But after such a kindness we all falls apart. Once we have it all falls apart, come to such suffering, compared to which it is our goodness – a great evil. At the same time, tough and even cruel mind directive, at first glance, very bloody. And for years after it is revealed that it was the best option. But it happens on the contrary, that we do not obey the senses, the mind and listen. We chopped the head and could not hack. Or on the contrary, too much of regret, and the case collapsed.

Mind itself is still not an assistant, there are feelings. How to find a balance between the mind and the senses? Once you have at least something to start from themselves represent, you will immediately come across this in my life.

As for yoga, you remember that the first and the second principle of yoga. The first yoga principle (the principle of kindness) just says that all the pity. The second yoga principle (the principle of common sense, reason) says that all you need to optimize. And as far as the first and second principles of yoga are facing in your life – this is an indirect indicator of your karma. If no face is very good. Proverb: Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. We do not know what will happen tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow the first and second principles collide foreheads. And here is the answer, it is necessary to decide the heart, you need to trust your heart. This advice is passed from one nation to another nation, from generation to generation.

When talking about the heart, did not mean the physical heart. I mean a certain area in the middle of our chest, in the region of the physical heart. Calls on it in this area make a decision.

Every time you are faced with intractable problem when your senses and the mind come into conflict, you are confronted with such sayings: “Sleep on it”, “Take heart solution”, “The problem you need to sleep,” and so forth. All these sayings are calling some distance from the mind, take a time out, pause. Or conversely, if you are overwhelmed with feelings, and you are ready to throw their fists at the enemy, you are also encouraged to stop and concentrate on this area, in the center of our chest. As the long-term experience of ordinary people come balanced solutions. Those solutions, for which then do not be ashamed.

When we focus on the solution, the heart comes the best of the opportunities that might be. It has a very good confirmation in Nyasa yoga. According to our body unit, the heart chakra (the center) is just responsible for a certain balance. This center is equidistant from the center of our consciousness (in the top of the head) and the center of our energy (in the bottom of the body).

Figure 3


The principle of reason, our intellect – these are the structures that are most strongly clarity of our consciousness. On the contrary, emotions and feelings are mostly manifestations of our energy.

The human body is made so that there is a center, which is equidistant from both the center of consciousness, as well as from centers of energy. the Centre is called Anahata chakra or heart center. And it is located near the center of our chest, which usually in all languages is called the heart. Something in the middle, the core.

At the same time, axiomatic yoga claims that the heart center is responsible for the principle of tactile perception. It is this center and produces deep principles, which are then clothed in a very specific body of our device in the form of nerve endings on the surface of our body that are responsible for tactile sensation.

Your physical nerve components play an important role in the perception of tactile sensations. But this is just a shell for the manifestation of a deeper principle which is called tactile perception. The possibility in the universe that something perceived implemented in our body, because the nerve endings are displayed on the surface of our body. To a certain extent it is possible to explain the tactile sensation through the surface of our body. But at some point it is meaningless. Because of the gross physical body impulse moves to finer structures and excites the heart center.

The heart center in Nyasa yoga

The heart center is responsible for our tactile sensations. Figuratively speaking, it is the tactile sensation? There is a vulgar saying: “To feel the whole world their skin.” This means that people are not the words of someone found out, and the “hard way” realized through itself missed. This is the most profound degree of knowledge of the subject, of which the man says.

The heart center is responsible for our tactile sensations. We can on the “hard way” to feel everything that happens around us. And try to balance everything that comes from the mind of the field and the field of emotions. In other sections of yoga, you remember that, acting on the rough, you can get a result in the higher plane. Or vice versa, working on thin, you get a result on the rough.

For a man the time of tactile sensations is very important. The mind has evolved, but it can be a cold, cruel, evil mind-killer who does not feel the pain of people. And his mind could produce such reactions, which can destroy the very destroyer. The reason is very easy to get confused and can create another bomb that will blow up the very same inventor. If we balanced perceive our world, we begin to understand that when the mind is something good, it should not go against the world, against the senses.

The critical moment just felt that we were able to develop their tactile senses, and, as a consequence, to develop the heart center, to balance the senses, and to take decisions that satisfy both the first and second principles of yoga. That is, we have found a path, a way out of all of our negative karma, without burdening our karma. For this reason, people should cultivate your heart center. And he must develop “from the gross to the subtle” through tactile sensations that we somehow get outside.

We begin to live more harmoniously. If the heart center is not developed, it is only a matter of time before people will come up with another atomic bomb and destroy themselves.

There are many myths about the ancient civilizations that have lived on this earth, and then suddenly disappeared. Sometimes it’s like a fantasy, but there still can be traced one idea that these civilizations reached a large level of intellectual development, but it did not save them. A more severe sentence against our civilization if we do not it will develop the heart center, we will perish.

All locking mechanisms are not just dangerous, but dangerous on a cosmic scale. They can set back the entire civilization. Our entire world is extremely good, the whole universe helps us balance our biases. Modern humanity has not developed heart center. Indeed, the whole world is divided into the super-rich and superbednyh. Moreover, the super-rich even can not imagine a way of life of the poor man. One country can not imagine life in another country, one ideology – a different ideology. It turns out everything as a joke. People came to the demonstration of the fact that they have no bread, and one of the dignitaries said that if there is no bread, let them eat cake. Sometimes the same thing we see in our lives. Most people do not feel “its skin” that they are advised to do.

Moreover, the world is stratified. The rich do not want to chat with the poor. These people do not come into contact with the people with whom they live. Alternatively, the politician and his family lives abroad. Is he going to think about the interests of the country, that is.? No, he would think, of course, the interests of the country in which they live his family and friends. These distortions at every step.

I must say that the universe is trying to correct these distortions. We do not get enough tactile sensations. Moreover, we strive to build a fence around it, so that these feelings and not to receive. There are all sorts of social floors with no lift: the poor state of the people will not break into the rich, of the rich will not break into the super-rich, etc. Peace begins stratified. The universe responds to it immediately. Sometimes the situation is ridiculously reach, but not obvious.

The reason for the public traffic jams and hustle

One of these reactions facing humanity today – it’s traffic jams or crowding anywhere. Moreover, in a traffic jam can get a rich man and the poor. Suddenly, in the apparatus of our civilization begin failures occur. When these or other circumstances give rise to compression of the people. That is, the universe itself makes us shrink, so we rubbed side by side and made up for the lack of tactile sensations.

What is cork? One may say that it became more cars, the roads are bad people or not. But if you look deeper into the problem, we will reach the level of imbalance where one thing starts to grow faster than the other. Somewhere, at some level, it was decided incorrectly or that decision. As a result, something one lot, but something else is small. And this will continue on and on. Because the person who is responsible, say, crowding in public transport, it is in this truck does not drive and it’s simple math: how to put fewer buses and shove them as many as possible, or how to build smaller roads and pass through them more machines. As a consequence, he immediately returned to the momentum of the universe, and he himself begins to suffer. It is not that skewed neoschuscheniya other creatures with whom you coexist in the world, can be long unpunished. Of course, the most terrible manifestations – this revolution. When the ruling class or elite are beyond and completely inaccessible to other classes of people.

Any revolution, any outburst of discontent – a distortion between the mind (logic) and feelings (emotions, it really is). This applies to the entire globe, and us personally. Sometimes we seek to isolate our own little world. Especially if you are doing yoga. You will feel that you are there, and there is a progressive humanity soulless. And decide not to communicate with him. Such a person builds around itself a little world, very cozy and comfortable. But he does not feel like all the other people live. And the fact that he lives in the same place with other people, indicates the presence of a common karma. The man he called these people into their world, and now dissociated himself from them. You can not live without feeling other people. As a result, there are processes that contribute to cracking its shell. It makes even the most sublime and detached yogi “nose to face” with daily life. The question is only one: the universe is trying to develop your heart center and to reach out to you.

If your heart center developed, and you are ahead of the average statistical humanity, then you start to avoid those negative phenomena of the universe, that afflict the rest of humanity. Because, that you take, you did, and so feel the direction of the universe: if the universe punishes this and this, it can not be approached under the distribution, you bypass the critical moments. You start to feel certain cleansing that people are satisfied with the universe. So you even for myself, I’ll avoid a lot of problems if you begin to understand, if you start to feel.

Development of sensitivity

From a formal point of view, if your tactile senses and your heart center will be developed, then you start to develop those abilities, which are called supernormal. You will begin to feel the hard way the other with all the consequences. There will come the ability to feel and touch others, the ability to control the other, the ability to understand others. Gradually the ability to move in that section, which now seems fantastic. Up to that, touching the person, you will feel all of his emotional state as clearly as if they were your own. Begins to blur the line between you and the universe.

What is the tactile sensation? It is a certain limit of your inner and outer worlds. Do you consider yourself the body. Accordingly, what is inside you – it is internal. And all that from the outside, it’s outside. But the universe is indivisible. In relation to your higher self, your inner and outer world – it’s the same thing. Just you all from the ocean of the universe have fenced off a small uchastochek and said it was “mine”, and everything else – someone else’s. But as soon as you said “my”, “foreign”, there was bound. And you need to get your little “mine” did not go counter to the common “foreign”. You have to reflect on the changes in the universe, we should go in the harmonic order, which is the universe.

If you kept to himself, they blocked these feelings, then you will sooner or later lose touch with reality, and then the universe is pulling your hair. Because all go, and you stand. Or on the contrary, all stand, and you go.

Methods Nyasa yoga can reveal those hidden abilities that lie dormant in us and waiting in the wings. It allows us to get closer to the harmonious co-existence with the universe, can reveal a balanced decision-making method.

– Why Nyasa yoga strengthens the processes of other yogas 7-10 times?

Very simple. If there is a flaw in our whole world in a balanced solution where the Consciousness and Energy must complement each other, and the whole universe is trying to balance the skew of ordinary people (people are faced with discomfort, to realize that they are skewed).

Yoga accelerates human evolution. Catching a particular yoga, you start to understand indirectly what he wants from you the universe. And she wants, first of all, balance between your feelings and mind. If you do Nyasa yoga (you know the direction of what you want from the universe), the rest of yoga, all your other activities you are going faster.

Nyasa yoga does all the work, and so you had to do. But you do not have to wait slap, while they themselves went in that direction, which requires you to the universe. That is, Nyasa yoga helps to avoid the “blows” to go into the mysteries of our own device and the device of the world. And if we know how we are organized and that requires us to the universe (not to be selfish, to feel the universe), then we will not get hit. And Nyasa yoga accelerates these processes. In fact, the Nyasa yoga turns into a catalyst of our evolution, and accelerates all of our other yoga. The logic is quite simple. We do and so what we want from the universe. A universe wants us to have developed heart center. A tactile sensations we develop the heart center. If we do Nyasa yoga, we are helping the universe to deliver us from our own self-suffering.

To bring yoga to the student

The highest profession – a profession Teachers. It is necessary to bring the highest yoga knowledge from one universe to another. For those who come to learn, it is not angels with wings, but real people with your negative karma: someone something wrong, someone is too arrogant, someone is not restrained, and someone on the contrary too timid – each has its own karmic dirt. In any case, this leads to the dirt that the student does not feel balance and harmony between the mind and the senses, between the first and the second principle of yoga, does not feel the main method (where you have to allow yourself and where you need to push yourself).

Sometimes we spend enormous efforts to carry out this or that seminar. And, most interestingly, it does not come to those for whom it was made. Why do not they come? Because of their stupidity. It can not be helped. This skewed. And as a person to withdraw from this imbalance. A person who has violated an imbalance somewhere makes nonsense, often does not understand – where. And it will be a very long time to do silly things to reciprocal wave of karma it is chastened. But there is a way to speed up this admonition. He called Nyasa yoga. Therefore, Nyasa yoga can accelerate human progress, which stands in the way of yoga, the internal harmony of awareness, internal balance (between the mind and the senses).

Looking from the axioms of Yoga

According to yoga axioms, each of us is our higher self has a highest manifestation – prana. It, in turn, is divided into two manifestations: Consciousness and Energy. Prana comes “from nowhere.” But come in a very specific time and space where our bodies are formed. The entry point of this manifestation – the Hindu period. Our bodies have a specific structure in which the manifestation of consciousness – a point in the top of the head, and energy – at the base of the body. At a time when we are born or enter into our world, we have already formed. In our world, there is a principle of Space, Mind principle, and up to the Earth principle. With each of our entry into the world, our energy and consciousness begin to re-create these principles for our small internal local universe. The exact likeness as in the universe, these principles are formed in us. Our little principle begins to interact with the cosmic principles.

The process of creation of the principles, or the difference of Consciousness and Energy, lead to the fact that our body creates a central channel (Sushumna), which separates the consciousness and energy. This same factor, and there is a disproportion, which we discussed in Nyasa yoga. The mind says one thing and say another feeling. As the differences of the mind and the senses are created different principles: the principle of Mind (the point between the eyebrows), Space (throat area), the principle of the Air (heart area), the navel center, the center of Water, and the basis of our body – the Earth principle.

Our physical body is a microcosm of the Universe. The principles, in turn, gave rise to this or that phenomenon. The essence of these principles – a combination of Consciousness and Energy.

Consciousness and energy costs. Consciousness remained in the top, Energy – at the base of the body. But on the way differences were created a combination of Consciousness and Energy that pervades the central channel. Any principle – a combination of consciousness and energy are different in the degree of coarse-grained. It turns out that all of the principles that are established closer to the top of the head, to a greater extent imbued with consciousness and closer to what we call intelligence. All that is closer to the bottom of our body – is closer to the principle of Energy and largely responsible for our emotional state and feelings.

In fact, all the principles given the possibility of one or another of the senses, and the sixth sense – the mind. The physical mind – it is a reflection of the principle of Reason. If it were not for the heart center (where the energy and consciousness are presented in their combinations), there would be no concept of sensations.

Tactile sensations – this is not something that we have developed in the course of evolution. This is based on what the device throughout our universe and our usual feeling – is the embodiment of this principle.

All living things created by a single image

Further evolution of man when he was born and died, was realized in the reverse order: first principle of the Earth, and then everything else. We got to the principle of Mind, so we are endowed with intelligence, and Paramecium caudatum not. Potentially even ciliates shoes have Mind principle, but it is not built a machine to use it. We are no different. All living things created by a single image.

It turns out that we have seven principles. There is one principle equidistant from the principle of Consciousness and Energy of the principle – it is our heart center (air principle). In the future, each of these principles has created a structure (interweaving of various channels), and one in the center of Tantric literature is described as lotuses with different number of petals. Under each petal there understood branch channels emanating from these principles. In tantric literature on a particular petal wrote a particular letter of the Sanskrit (a kind of mantra channel). It’s not just the letter, taken from the “ceiling”, is a kind of vibration. When a particular channel, the tab starts to work, the yogi or yogini subjectively perceives as if the sound or that the letter inside it. But not at the level of our physical sensations, as well as a certain sound, like a kind of vibration. It is perceived as one or the other letter, but is not a word.

When we have this or that vibration is present, to a greater extent to vibrate one or another center, we (the yogi or yogini who practiced yoga for a long time and have cleared their perception), we begin to feel the vibration of a letter of the mantra. Accordingly, it starts to be projected on those units that have been constructed using a given center.

When they say that the chakra is opened, it is used as a beautiful comparison. Chakra like a flower at the dawn begins to unfold. In fact, the center of inside of you starts to vibrate faster. It’s more like nervous vibration. But it is not physical, but subtly elusive.

As soon as a particular center starts to vibrate in you, then all the manifestation of that has made this center begins to deteriorate. But there is also the opposite effect. If you are working on those units, which were built on the basis of this principle, you will sooner or later get to the center. Known effects on rough, you can boost that you have a thin center will start to wake up and open, to vibrate. Accordingly, you begin to realize it anymore. Involuntarily the focus of your consciousness moves from level to level your mind in a particular place in your body. If we are talking about Nyasa yoga, is the level of the heart center.

Focusing on the heart center

You pulled away from its focus and concentrate the mind in the heart center. Thus you provoke him even more work. So, if earlier dominated your mind, now you have a way to slow down it. And the mind of Mr. turns into a counselor. You will have to choose where you want to listen to, and where not. Therefore, you shimmy in the heart area.

The situation is similar with emotions. When one or the other center starts to vibrate, you are experiencing a particular emotion. A particular emotion (fear, anger, joy, anger), it does not by itself. At the same time it begins to vibrate a lower center than the heart. However, acting on a rough, you get a result on a more subtle level. And your focus moves to the heart center, and emotions already go by the wayside.

It turns equidistant point. All the impulses of the mind and the senses come into the heart center. And you sit and how to balance, weigh. While in this state, you tend to take a more balanced solution.

Meditation for making the right decisions

When you need to take a concrete decision, and you do not know what to decide (when the mind and senses are faced foreheads) suggest the following meditation. We need to sit in a comfortable position, straighten your back. It should concentrate its attention, the feeling at the middle of the chest, somewhere inside himself. As soon as you start to do it, you will notice that your mind is like a hemisphere in which the running thoughts and emotions splashing. And you’re out of these extremes, the middle. This is to a certain extent reset turns your mind and your emotions. And you start to be the center of attention in the heart. At the same time your breathing rhythm changes. In other yogas, we said that the breathing rhythm, sexual energy and thoughts are connected. You have built your breath, and emotions have to be easier to manage.

You need to stay in this state for some time. No need to try to solve the problem intellectually, or try to kill your feelings. And just to sit on a small island in the middle and watch. The more time you spend in this meditation, the more likely it is that your mind and emotions calm down, and you will find the corridor, or the border between the senses and the intellect.

Much depends on various factors. If you in a previous life did many bad things, it does not come soon, but if the situation is simpler, then faster. Meditation on the heart center will help us make the right decisions. If a person makes us exercise as prescribed Nyasa yoga is to concentrate on the heart-center us much easier. Accordingly, the embodiment of a successful solution to the question above. Sometimes even a simple hug helps to solve the problem, everything else goes by the wayside. This hidden mechanisms Nyasa yoga, we unconsciously use. What can we say, if you use it consciously.

Many of you have heard about Chinese acupuncture system. No one knows and does not know how it works. There are other systems that are associated with tactile sensations. But, in fact, this options Nyasa yoga. If you know how to excite the tactile or that portion of the body, it will affect the internal structure. Typically, you get a response right away. This system is not as obvious as it seems. It is based on a deep structure of our physical body.

Nyasa yoga consciously and deliberately work affects certain areas of the body, exciting or that our tactile sensations.

Associative relations and Nyasa yoga

I am sending you to a yoga axioms. We all have a device in our body. There are also associative links. It is a strange thing that is not clear how to build, and then on her flowing consciousness and energy flows of our sensations. The device is formed in our body cobwebs associative links.

Moreover, they form our inner world of the causal body, and in the future they can be tracked and extended through our gross body to another object in the universe. So, we are connected to other objects or phenomena in the universe by means of associative links. It seems to be there, and it flows through the concrete manifestation – our prana (Consciousness and Energy).

Fig. 4


Even our central channel – this associative link, which connects the consciousness and energy. All woven web of associative links. There are some areas where we can create their own web of associative links. All habits (good and bad) – generation of associative links.

Associative relations are responsible for the communication of our tactile sensations to the deep heart center. This association is penetrates coarse, fine and superfine.

Nyasa yoga – is actively working with associative links. Use the tactile sensations you how to install and weaken the associative links. More specifically, the desired amplify and eliminate unnecessary. This is done with a simple touch. We are working with associative links through touch: from gross to subtle.

Nyasa yoga mechanism is extremely deep. We can not say that this is just some of the reactions of our receptors on skin irritation. We can not say that this is just some kind of conditioned reflexes that are produced throughout our evolution. Action Nyasa yoga deep, down to the very foundations of our device. Therefore, to fully understand how it works and to feel and display these or other exercises, techniques, we have a very long time to learn.

In general, to learn Nyasa yoga should be about ten years.

The similarity of Nyasa yoga and massage

What is the theory in the massage? These are some purely logical points. If affect certain areas of the body, that facilitates the flow of blood and various other effects. But there is a deeper level. If he does not understand, then you will never go deeper. There are massage therapists, even highly experienced and sensitive, but the lack of understanding of the action of this massage is often blocking mechanisms themselves. Although, there are also massage therapists who intuitively come to the Nyasa yoga. But the lack of a fundamental understanding of the processes and the fact that we are working with associative links, Fruit talk about what we give energy, then it get about some vampire energy – often is rubbish and nonsense. Because no one can understand that within the concept of the concept of the universe that you are something you give and receive, they merge. Man is afraid that it will lose energy. But since we are made to lose giving, and vice versa. For example, we eat, and then (sorry) should go to the toilet. Likewise, energy must be for you to come in and get out. What begins when you eat, and do not go to the toilet?

We often do not understand the structure of the universe. And the dream of the mind blocks many times. Finally, what distinguishes the technique is particularly strong massage and Nyassa? The difference is that a masseur work on customer explicitly expressed person (recipient effect). In Niassa both work: and he who gives (makes nyasa), and the one who receives. Moreover, they are on equal degree of transforming themselves. What we do not see in the massage. In general, the differences are many. It is better to say that they have in common – it’s tactile. Therefore, it is difficult to connect them and explain. It is easier to initially express Nyasa yoga and then explain where Nyasa yoga intersects with other procedures.

Niassa, a manifestation of sexuality and bodily interactions – two different things. Nyasa yoga removes some blocks to a natural sexual arousal in us awoke. The same thing happens with the visual images. Do not excite the human visual images, and subtle effect of courageous young man’s torso or feminine forms girlfriend. They thus affect the structure of some of our centers of perception that unlock some clips that we have, and sexuality manifests itself in the usual way. This is known to all the people who prefer nudism. The naked human body excites much less than the body, dressed in some sort of erotic clothing. And the person on it is no longer even pay attention. Similarly, our senses.

There is no concept of “erotic massage”. There is the process of removing the internal blocks and clamps to go inside a natural circulation of internal processes. But the erotic and massage – things are not related. There facilitating factors for the excitation of sexuality.

Sometimes Nyasa can shoot sharp flash of sexuality and convert them to other types of display for the recovery of the body. Nyasa yoga in this sense gives us a very serious method of how to remove the sexual tension, not having sex. Tactile sensations change the trajectory of your consciousness. The emerging sexual arousal redirect you to the deeper structures of feeling, and they in turn to something else. That is why, in Tantra yoga and Yoga Union, the vast majority of sexual practices that involve nyasa. But not in order to enhance sexuality. Rather, in order to facilitate its display. And if it was manifested, then send in the right direction. And if we practice the moments where we need to sublimate the part that goes to the continuation of the species, we can make it a lot easier with the help of Nyasa yoga.

All very deeply tied to the device of our channels and centers, which by their nature association. And here are born practices – what to do, doing Nyasa yoga, and how to do it.

The meaning of Nyasa yoga exercises

It is working with associative links through tactile sensations. Do you remember that the very first associative link connects our self with our displays, our central channel. In essence, our central, left and right channels – it is also associative links. Numerous centers of chakras – this is also a kind of channels. First association is formed, and then, if it is successful, the overgrown structures of energy and consciousness and molded into something more manifest. You visualize, begin to form a new stream of associative connections, and then begin to fix it using the tactile sensations, but he later starts to grow quite real flow of sensations, emotions and energies.

Figure 5


The association says that we get involved in the world. A yoga task – to discover their essence, self-knowledge. If we want to chto-to make a real and long-term, this practice should, on the one hand, to solve very specific, our problem (how to speed up this or that yoga), and on the other hand, adhere to the general course of the universe (to make us more kind, clever, sane and happy). If you’re confusing way to do this or that and get nyasa effect, it will be a temporary effect. And so you need to get you going in the same direction with the evolution.

In Nyasa yoga is the rule: working from a basic to a more secondary. You should begin from the most fundamental, and then approach the private.

Any work with the associative method of tactile sensations, it goes to the main associative links to smaller channels. Therefore, always Nyasa yoga starts with the central channel. It takes somewhere along our spine, somewhere inside (from the bottom to the top of the body). The realization that he is in us – it is a gift of Teachers and teacher of yoga. We ourselves it would have to open after the device was dismantled in all of our bodies. On the left is not one life. But we give this gift – the knowledge that is the main associative channel (center channel) inside our body.

Aerobatics – is to focus on the work with your higher self to do this nyasa, touching the top of the head or points on the spine. But this is a nuance. Believe me, you need 10 years to learn, to understand anything.

Working with the central channel

On the next stage (center channel) can speak quite specifically. Any work begins with the central channel, with tactile action on the field, going along the Central Canal. When you touch along the line of our spine, or a similar line just in front (from the navel, belly). As a rule, it all starts from the back, at least – on the part of the person. This is the first effect of Nyasa yoga you want to provide.

The second step – a clean second two channels (left and right) in importance. As a rule, they are the right and left of our spine. Home – a place in our sacrum. And to the left or to the right we go along and end point on the top of the head. Thus, we denote the (clean) left and right channels, working with tactile sensations.

Do you remember that there are education (chakras). They are seven: top of the head, the area between the eyes, a point near the base of the throat, on the area of the heart center, the navel center, the lower abdomen and the base of the body. There is a front and rear impact.

Then there are many other channels. In fact, they cover all of our body, can be affected at all. Forbidden zones there. Nyasa yoga antierotichna. Right Nyasa yoga you tend to help a person properly redistribute sexual sensations throughout the body. All of our body is covered with numerous paths by which we conduct tactile sensation. As a rule, we do it with hands, but there are also other items (sticks, feathers, etc.). But the important still are the hands. Nyassa can be long (when you spend from one place to another), and can be point (acupuncture). Externally you like to touch the other person. Moreover, there are different areas of our body in terms of susceptibility: a person more sensitive area, and the back – less. There are different areas and different nyasa touch zone.

Thus, Nyasa is coarse, fine and superfine. Rough Nyasa closest to massage. But this is not the most powerful way of doing nyasa. The most powerful is when you lightly touch. And the strongest when all do not touch. Nyasa yoga – not a massage. If you are in the right way will make nyasa even without touching the other person, the other person would be a good way to finish building your touch and the effect from them will be stronger than if you just touched much. But this must be learned.

In Nyasa yoga work two

In Nyasa yoga, unlike massage, working two: the one who does and the one who does. There are developments and explanations, as a rule, they are passed from mouth to mouth. All Nyasa yoga is manifested in feelings. Write them does not make sense.

Nyasa yoga concept: making Nyasa yoga to another, you are doing it yourself. That is, going to the other person and making him nyasa man himself begins to feel where and how to touch.

One feels at home, you need to (for example) between the shoulder blades touch. And in fact, the man in the mirror plane repeats everything what he feels. This Nyasa yoga is different from the various types of massages.

Nyasa yoga principle – a principle of the law of 1: 1. We have the universe is full of objects and people. According to the concept of our perception, and I have the surrounding universe. I begin to interact with the I of the universe, knowing that there is a microcosm and macrocosm. Working on something outside of me, it’s like a mirror image starts to be reflected within me. If I feel something – it is a projection of what is outside of me, in the universe. The surrounding world of a person – a copy of which is his inner world. And the feeling that something in yourself, and making a change in himself, he receives the impact, like a mirror image in the outside world. This is the concept of microcosm and macrocosm, it is built on this Nyasa yoga. The manifestation of the entire universe can be reduced to the interaction with the whole universe. The whole universe is a projection on the body of another person. When you interact with a particular person, you will interact with the whole universe.

Doing nyasa another, you do nyasa currently. And keep track of what and why you need to do to track through. This was through books and treatises teach. Formally, this science is not passed, it can not be formalized. The practice of Nyasa yoga you need to rediscover themselves. For this reason, you need a very long time studying Nyasa yoga under the guidance of one who mastered it, that is, to communicate live.

Depersonification in Nyasa yoga

It is necessary to adjust to the concept of the Infinite. You and the universe – it is the same thing. At that moment, when you start doing nyasa, teacher or teacher do not look at the student, and the entire universe. To begin with, listens to their signals, signs and sensations. And then he felt within himself, he begins to realize tactile sensations of another person. At the same time, touching another person, he must enter into a resonance with the universe, which, as if he touches himself up. Learning from books it is very difficult, you need a very long practice under the guidance of. When you have someone doing nyasa you, on the one hand open the outer universe and at the same time reveals his inner universe.

From a formal point of view, if someone who did something nyasa and then ask him to whom he did nyasa, his answer should be: “Did nyasa Absolute, or yourself.” Therefore, sometimes the person who makes nyasa, received at the disposal of a very powerful tool to adjust itself to harmony. The other man was as a tool or a mirror. Another man helps to eliminate the problems that exist in man, but at the same time, Nyasa is done to him.

From the moment the person to whom you are doing nyasa, the situation is similar. Hands do you Nyasa, you will be perceived as a touch of the universe. The universe has chosen a man’s hand to communicate with you. There again, the interaction of microcosm and macrocosm, full depersonification. Asked who did nyasa answer: “The universe itself.”

In Nyasa yoga, there is a saying: making nyasa another, you are doing it yourself. Taking nyasa, you take it from the universe.

Every year you will receive Nyasa yoga in a new way. Learning should be ten years. If a person is angry and evil, does not apply the first and the second principle of yoga, it is impossible to master this science.

We need long to rotate in the people who own Nyasa yoga, under the guidance of their first steps. It is necessary to tune to internal harmony, you need to practice yoga for a long time for yourself, you need to take the path of yoga, to communicate “live” with native practices. And then you are going to rediscover this knowledge and understand the subtleties, check it for yourself.

Solids in Nyasa yoga – you are helping someone else. Just because you went on the “master plan of the universe”, and thus eased his way.

Outwardly, it looks like child’s play. Well, think of it, there is touched, touched here. And the result is disproportionate. Only because you came from the gross to the subtle, thin reached and affected the gross. Just as the musicians have the ability to play the harp or piano – have engaged in Nyasa yoga produced their approach, style, “handwriting”. Because it works in a pure form. Acting on the human body, you remake yourself. Formalize Nyasa yoga is very difficult, so we have to come down and nuggets of knowledge.

Nyasa yoga practice

To do this, 2 people. This practice for at least a little closer from theory to practice. One partner lies. Close your eyes, relax. The whole universe is gone, there is no one around. We feel clothes for yourself. By concentrating on this. This is the boundary of your tactile sensations. The head is empty, no thoughts, left to their tactile sensations.

Those who sit side by side, looked at his body inner eye. Take any hand (left, right), any fingers. We transfer our attention to the area of the Central Canal from the back (away from the body base area to the top of the head). We try to feel our spine as he passes. As it turns out, without effort.

We look at a man who lies before us, and gently, barely touching, hold from the top of the head to the base of the body. Feeling as if you are to yourself touched. You touch the partner, and myself feel the same hand. From the bottom to the top, top to bottom, bottom to top. Touching another person, as if we touch a self. We try harder not to touch any other parts of the body. Touching it, we touch ourselves. Where we feel that it is necessary to stop, we stop. Where we feel that it is necessary to slip quickly, shooting through. Another person for us, like a mirror. If you feel that a particular place should be more effort, we add if we feel that less – less. At any rate, whatever you want to do you.

Now, those who do. Before touching you is not a man, and the Absolute in human form. You can safely and confidentially to sink into the world of their inner feelings and intuitively find their way into the world of the subconscious. There may emerge a variety of thoughts and memories. Allow yourself to fall into his inner world. Give rest to whom we did. Finish the touch slow to man returned from his inner world of beauty. Gently reversed.

Now, who sits next, tune into your body, inner feelings. Those who are, are concentrated at the borders of your body and transferred to your attention. Begin making nyasa from the top of the head along the spine to the base of the body. Touching the other, we touch ourselves. At the same yourself feel their touch. With the rate at which it would be nice to us. Top up, from the bottom up, as it turns out, as the harmony. And those who do nyasa, go into your inner world, are immersed. A variety of impressions and feelings begin to emerge. So it is possible to fall into your subconscious. We give a little rest to those who we did nyasa.

It’s not even exercise, and the kind of “seed” to you at least a little bit caught short. The difficulty here is that we invade into the unconscious, our feelings that pull chain of associations (often from our childhood). Streams of thoughts are extremely important. Since the mind is often “sucks” the strength and bares our other channels of perception of the world. And the world we have to accept everything, six-legged, like a bee (aphorism of “Anandalahari”). Only in this way we will be harmoniously developed personality, not a skewed and narrow specialists. It is impossible to know all the diversity of the world, if we just try to be clever, but it does not feel the feelings of the world (through poetry, touch, etc.). Just as if we neglect the mind, we did not reach. A balanced approach to work all the channels of information and gave us a picture of the universe.

Mantra in Nyasa yoga

Repeating mantras allows us to clearly visualize our mind inside our body, and thus, when we do nyasa, we do it for myself, because the effect is much stronger. Thus, we excite in ourselves what we want to get in a projection on the other person, and as a result we get for yourself the effect. But we do not own, but the other person.

As you know, your sensitivity will make you hypersensitive. You get to what someone would bang his head and bump will grow with you. For power, which gives the Nyasa yoga, you become hypersensitive. In this way you will be able to help other living beings. But at the same time when you will encounter other people’s suffering, you will be confronted with them as with their own. If you do not accept the third principle of yoga, it will be for you an unsolvable situation. Moreover, the more sensitive and powerful you become, the more strongly you will begin to feel the distortions of this world, and so with great zeal you take for remaking the world.

I always say that for me the criterion of whether a real spiritual experience at Yogi – took after this yogi of real help to other living beings. I do not believe that a man who lived through a real experience of awakening Kundalini, etc., remain deaf to the suffering of others. I do not believe that, even if he feels this suffering, he can sit and do nothing. Such a person will by all means strive to make a difference. And if you do not see the desire in people to change the world, but they will tell some stories, there is a chance that this is a hallucination. The real proof of his experience, when you are under the influence of something higher is embodied in our world (that is, people really helped, at least something done), and this is the most accurate test, it is axiomatic. Because, as in Nyasa yoga, you’ll be hypersensitive to the imperfection of the world. As if in you drove a splinter, you have made all efforts to remove it, not talk, how pretty you have a splinter.

It will be another test for you in advancing in Nyasa yoga. Very important is also the first push. If it is, then everything else will grow. If it is not, it is useless to read books and watch movies.

Russian bath and Nyasa yoga

This is really a continuation of the theme Nyasa yoga. And perhaps this is what helps us to stay in Russia on a good spiritual level. Even during the war in the run-down courtyard I had a bath. Sauna with a broom – it’s kind of compensation tactile sensations that we do not become covered by a crust of selfishness.

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