2011.03.01. Freedom and happiness. Vadim Zaporozhtsev.

The title of the lecture :

Freedom and happiness. Vadim Zaporozhtsev.

Date: 2011.03.01.

Where: International Open Yoga University

Brief description : the most Important questions on the topic “Freedom and happiness”. How to relate the concepts? Where “hiding” our happiness? Does happiness from external factors? As the axioms of yoga answers these questions? All of this will be discussed in this lecture.

Read The Text:

Today, March 1, 2011, my name is Vadim Zaporozhtsev. I taught yoga. We are in cultural center “Enlightenment” next to the metro Novoslobodskaya, and this lectures of the International Open Yoga University. All information on our sites openyoga.ru, yogacenter.ru, happyoga.narod.ru. Files and movies in our store – shop.openyoga.ru .


We continue the theme of “Yoga and freedom” and today we are waiting for the the following relatively large reservoir, which reads thus: “Freedom and happiness”. How to relate these two concepts. Before we begin to consider these points, let’s we’ll remember where we left off in the previous lecture, we had time to discuss. Help us in this adrenaline button.


MOJO, Marina Fedorova, TRI band, full-time student, the curator of the course “Hatha yoga”: the lecture of February 22, 2011 we talked about yoga and freedom, yoga and desires. I had heard and remembered the following: you warned us that even if the conditions MOYU limit us in our freedom, then you need immediately to work with it and think if we need such a restriction.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: But desires are like this?


Marina: It was the first part of the lecture, and the second is directly about yoga and desire.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: So good it desires, or not? Contrary to desire freedom?


Marina: speaking globally, the desire is a good springboard in order to gain absolute freedom, and by themselves, the desire – probably, this is a manifestation of ego. But, on the other hand, if you do not wish to be free, then nothing will.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: That is the wrong question, the question is, what desire, what is desire, how they arise, what key are performed. That is, indeed, a series of desires can become a path to the attainment of the highest freedom, but also a series of desires can become a very large trap, when, with one series comes a new, impossible. That is, the question remains open. Anybody want to add anything, from those who were in the previous lecture?


Svetlana, a passive participant: We touched on this question of what desires are divided into illogical and they must be ruthlessly discarded on logical and sverhbogatye. And with their desires, we must work so that our every new step, every execution of a desire to expand our freedom and the freedom of others. The only way we will grow in his development. And remembered the axiomatic principle no wish is given to a person apart from the strength to carry it out.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Yes, good point about what desires are different, desires are stupid, logical, sverhbogatye, and if in your own words, you want to have this desire that when the execution was performed much more than others, and hypothetical desires. You know, like in the classic expression of desire higher and the lower will follow. Good to have such desire to fulfill their small desires to be automatically performed. Still there is a wish to complement?


Pavel Saprykin: I want to talk about how desire can deprive us of our freedom. Something we want, we bound to that. We think about it, wasting energy. How to avoid this negative moment? I will illustrate this with the example of bowling. Such a heavy ball, throw it and it rolls along the track. The track is long and it rolls quite a long time, this ball. One person threw the ball, is happy, enjoys life and is not going through. And the second is worried, even tearing his hair, how his ball will roll. As the balls roll the same way, and maybe the result will be the same. One person passed out from this process, he knows what the result will be, and he is pleased with any result. And the other person is experiencing, how many pins he knocked down, he spends his energy in vain. A more promising model is the first.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: that is, to do their best and to enable the universe to finish all the things that you can do. Rejoice life. And desires is what does?


Paul: Well, we wish the ball to hit the target.



Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Wonderful, wonderful. Let’s recall the previous lecture. In General, freedom and desires – is not such an obvious subject, as it may seem at first glance.

MOYO, group 3, Julia, curator of the course “Yoga of love” and Kriya yoga”: I in the previous lecture was listening to the recording and did not hear of such an important moment for me (perhaps listen), is the motivation of our desires. For what we wish. For yourself or for someone else. There is such a situation that all the desires of our ego can be infinite. Today we want Zhiguli, Mercedes tomorrow, the day after the plane. But if we commit our desires to something higher or not yourself, then you can draw a parallel with yoga of love, the person receives an enormous happiness and satisfaction much greater than when some material benefit for themselves charbotel in life. And today’s topic is “Freedom and happiness”, I think it will overlap.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: anyone Else?


MOYO, Michael Elkin, Eka group, full-time student, the curator of the course “Mantra-yoga” and “Types of yoga”. At the beginning of the lecture was a very significant remark. You have called us to question his path in yoga and its role in the International Open Yoga University in the event that if for any reason you leave the reins or, for example, will disappear in an unknown direction. There was a moment.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: was what? And, it’s a reminder of that. Anyone else?

Elena, passive participant: We talked about the fact that all desires must be fulfilled. If a person wanted to, wanted something for a long time, all be fulfilled.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Yes, friends. There is one insidious-precovery moment desires. They all, without exception fulfilled. Think about it. Any even fleeting desires sooner or later will come true. And now, in the moment when it begins to fail, you may find that you want something completely different. And desire, as the tractor will go on you wished, now get a fascist grenade. And the question arises, where is the position that all desires are fulfilled? How do we know?


MOJO, Michael, group 3, full-time student, the curator of the course “Yoga of Union”, “Yoga of love”, “Tantra yoga.” Such a position is axiomatic, because we have absolute free will. Due to the fact that we polishable, and desire – this is the expression we get the result desire.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Who would have adjusted a little bit? Nobody comes? Friends, even in the name of our lectures – freedom. We with you free. We are made in the image and likeness of the absolute. What does freedom mean? Freedom means everything will be as we wish. Or in other words, omnipotence. It follows then, that we are endowed with omnipotence, but it manifests itself, maybe not to the same extent that the absolute, and is limited to the degree of ignorance of ourselves against ourselves. Therefore, directly proportional to the extent of our samosoznanii, we are implementing the provision that we are free, and, therefore, omnipotent, and, consequently, any our will be fulfilled. Well, here is the compensation due to the fact that we still do not fully realize ourselves, and we are not strong enough to desire instantly fulfilled at the time of its formulation, there is a small shift in time, it is also the law of karma. And it turns out that this formed a queue that lasts for life or from life to life. In fact, all of our karma is a culmination of our desires. Once there was desire more good, in the sense that with their implementation we are well, and our freedom, at least, not decreasing. And desire was questionable. Receiving them, we find ourselves in the situation that we don’t like. But, in any case, my friends, all wishes come true. That’s why we have to be careful what you wish for. There is such an obscene joke, but I’ll risk undermining your reputation and tell it to you. Was the young man who was very concerned about his manhood. He caught a goldfish. And asked her to have his manhood was, literally, to the ground. Then fish his feet and cut. Understand what is the logic? Sometimes we so desire voleizyavleniya without thinking, which automatically leads to a series of events leading us to the fulfillment of these desires, but then we are not happy about this request. Desire is a very dangerous thiIs there anyone willing to add?


MOYO, Gregory, passive participant. Another important aspect I wanted to mention. In addition to the fact that there are desires for yourself, provide a resource for his body and for his spiritual growth, but all the same his so-called altruistic desires. For the happiness of others. So, all the desires which are directed on itself, and those directed to other, outward, they define, I think, a spiritual level of a person. Than he is spiritually higher, the more altruistic he desires not for themselves but for the benefit of others. Here, of course, the main thing – do not overdo it.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: And not to die of hunger. Anyone else? If you have questions, it’s time to ask them.


MOYO, Anne, group 4. What is our desires, and our fears attributed to the desires?


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Friends who took the time to think about how desires relate to the fears?

MOYO, Gregory, passive participant. Fear is primarily protection, developed by evolution, the survival instinct in real danger, causing physical destruction. This is a powerful innate instinct that allows us to survive, that is, in fact, very positive.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: And how is it connected with desires? Who else wants to say?


Svetlana, a passive participant: I believe that fear is the desire not to have something.


Olga, MOYO, group 4, site curator “Wikilove,” theme “Yoga visualization”. I thought about that desire, and fear is our Association. And it all depends on the ability to break from our dependence on desires and fears. Fears is a negative Association, and with the help of desires we can release your prana.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: this is Great, who else?


MOJO, Andrey Kulikov, group 4. I think that fear is the flip side of desire, and desire is the flipside of fear. Because as soon as we valishvili to emerge, we began to want something to look and how to act. Based on this, we had some desires and fears. For example, I was a hare, and I was polishable to run faster, because I had to run away from the wolf. But before that, I was more than a simple creature. I evolved, more exercise, and I had more fear because I didn’t understand what the wolf, I was crawling like a worm, I had a vague idea about yourself. The more I revealed, the more I had fears, desires, and so on. Apparently, man is the crown…


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: …creation…


Andrew: …some kind of evolution, and at this stage we will have to monitor this trend and work with it independently, and not chaotic.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Yes. Friends, we have no time, need to start the next topic. Let me try to dispel doubts. Remember the axioms and the fact that each of us is free, but each of us is, because of original freedom, without preset knowledge. And we, roughly speaking, are in the dark. Our I is our manifestation, primarily in the form of prana, which forms the body. We being in the original ignorance begin to consider himself their appearances, or their bodies. In the first step of our I believes himself of his prana, and after in the evolution of prana creates a more and more complex body, our I begins to consider himself already these bodies through which prana circulates. But, anyway, creeps in this factor: we feel what is not really are. Well, the next step absolutely clear, logical and obvious. If we consider ourselves not what are actually a number of very interesting nuances. We begin to seek things that helps our manifestations, and start to avoid anything that disrupts or infringes on our manifestations. Cases where we strive to ensure that helps our manifestations, our bodies, our prana, we call our desires. And when we are struggling to avoid a few of the manifestations of someone prevented or infringed, we call fears or aversion, and, in fact, produced such a dual power of carrot and stick, desire and reluctance. And if we analyze the concept of “fear” – fear can be seen as our understanding of that there might be something unwanted. In either case, the concepts of desire and reluctance, and fear, only possible until you think you are not what you are, the higher self and its manifestations, or, in particular, their bodies. This circumstance, when we consider what are not, but his manifestations, is called selfishness. Everything becomes absolutely clear. Our I free, our I can be and desire, and disgust, that is, unwillingness, and associated with many adverse emotions, feelings such as fears and so on. But all of them are possible only if there is reason for them is our ignorance. Ignorance of what we really are, or ignorance, speaking in the key of our lectures, that we are free. In this sense, each step towards the realization of their freedom, it is the awareness of freedom and the proof that some real actions and deeds leads to the fact that our ignorance reduces, reduces our egoism, and the desire, not fear no longer define our further steps. This time series of our desires, which arise and do not know the end, or succession of fear when you’re only one fear is to be finished – then there is another fear, in the final sense can be defeated only gaining true knowledge about what we are, or gaining awareness of our nature, the nature of freedom, the nature of omnipotence.


All friends, we move on to the next topic which is: “Freedom and happiness”. But, before we get to the subject, we press the adrenaline button and someone will remind us yoga decision algorithm.


MOYO, Anastasia Mikheeva, 3 group, curator of the course on pranayama-yoga. The algorithm is as follows. The first thing we remember that we are absolutely free. Next, we are reminded of their duty. After that, the 1st and 2nd principle of yoga. If we hold fast methods – but also the 3rd principle of the yoga. If all this didn’t help us, and we are in confusion, then turn to the authoritative testimony to the person whom we respect, maybe it’s our teacher. If that does not work, we turn to the last point – listen to the people around us.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: And then?


Anastasia: once again We are reminded that we are absolutely free, and based on all information available to us make free choices.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Yes. Yes, friends, you have to understand that yoga is not a system of rigid prescriptions and recommendations, where in a first step, freedom and the final step is freedom. And even such a wonderful algorithm is not a program that completely determines every step you take, but just an attempt, using the experience of ancient knowledge, not to make those mistakes before you have already done a huge amount.


So, the next man will praise himself.


MOJO, Marina Kim, group 3, curator of the course “Jnana yoga”. I have during the week there was an interesting conversation about yoga. Very enthusiastically told, all eyes were burning


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: that is, managed to convey the inspiration from yoga. Bravo! Friends! By and large, the only inspiration we can push the boundaries of yoga, everything, otherwise, it will be imposing. And the next person will perform a yoga pose and will smile as he feels, that is, experiencing the joy of doing, or the joy of overcoming yourself. Remember: yoga is, first and foremost, joy. If no joy, what kind of yoga, this violence on themselves. Therefore, indirectly test whether eating joy, trying to smile in one or another position, preferably a hard one.


Sayyora Basov, group 4, comes out and performs a yoga pose.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Hooray! Great. And now we move on to our topic. So


Happiness and freedom.


Who willingly wants to speak?


MOYO, Anastasia Mikheeva, band 3, course facilitator for pranayama-yoga. I visited the idea that our higher self as the absolute, is in a state of happiness, joy, pleasure. So when we have life is an event, which we feel happy, we can take it as a glimpse of the absolute, or as the glimmer of our Higher self, Respectively, this perception makes us more free. Or we can bind to this form, which we think brings happiness is or some particular person or some event, or work, or something to which we are bound and his freedom to lose.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: so, friends , sounded the view that this is, in General ,two different concepts – freedom and happiness. Who else wants something to say?


MOYO, Gregory, passive participant: In physics, there is such an effect, to oblige the magnetic field should the coil to move along, be sure

moving. This is partly the same effect as if the person drowned on the Titanic and they pulled him out, and he’s HAPPY in this moment. Despite the fact that

he was a billionaire, he has this condition used. Ingredient no difference, but when they pulled him out – there ingredient. And here

he had HAPPINESS. Here is also poor, he won the lottery a million dollars. It is at this moment happy, next year it will be

less happy, in ten years it will be in normal condition.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: what about the Freedom to relate?


Gregory: In General in any way.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Right. Who else wants something to say?


MOYO, Julia full-time student, group 3, curator of the course “Yoga of Love”, “Kriya yoga”: How a person can say, on the one hand,

whether he is happy. He has some knowledge. We can go here, to listen to lectures, and to feel happy. Somewhere

our freedom is increased, but if to take by and large, in my understanding of YOGA AND HAPPINESS is not something that we are HAPPY, and that

HAPPY are those people who are around us. There are people who have been through this that went away happy, and meeting

home lack of understanding, not having the knowledge to calm or to bring, or to act according to circumstances, aggravated the situation, where the knowledge that we

supposedly there received, which can only be obtained through experience. Accordingly, as to associate with freedom? Happy to be in

absolute understanding is possible not only in the understanding, when we are happy, but when we increase the freedom around them. We are doing

people happy, therefore we are increasing their freedom.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: …complicated! Well, well. Who else wants? Yes, please?


MOJO, Pavel Saprykin, group 3: I once studied with friends, we discussed what happiness is. This concept needs to be clarified. It

some momentum: we first happy, then unhappy. Or is this some kind of integral value? And came to the conclusion that we need

integral value. That is here we are happy that we were okay, then we had something bad. Then we were good again, but it is important

to be positive, that’s average value. Drugs … we can eat them, and we will be very good, and then we

lose. The body will collapse and all the brains will burn


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Everything is very vital.


MOJO, Pavel Saprykin, group 3: so we can do something good, but if wrong, then the disadvantage will be much greater. And

the integral value will go into minus. And we need to it up.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: And with Freedom how is it connected?

MOJO, Pavel Saprykin, group 3: now We analyze the freedom and happiness, I decided to clarify the concept of happiness. In General, you can put

the sign of equality.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Here’s a point of view. You can put a sign of equality. Anyone else any thoughts?


MOJO, Kulikov Andrey, group 4: I believe that Freedom and Happiness are absolutely independent from each other things. The fact that by definition

The fact that we are free, we can be as unhappy and happy because we are free. If we want to be miserable, then I’m free

can be miserable! The more I have of freedom, the more I want to be more miserable.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Interesting point of view sounded.

MOJO, Valery Taranov, group 3, part-time student, Bishkek: From the point of view of axiomatics, our higher self is absolutely free, and is

the same condition of happiness as the absolute. So initially we are absolutely free and absolutely happy. The degree of freedom and degree

happiness should be correlated: the more freedom, the more happiness. That is, we approach it the absolute value of how much



Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Even some who point of view? Please?


MOJO, Isaeva Olga, group 4: I wanted to add to the statement of Valery that, indeed, our natural state of our higher

I – the state of happiness and freedom. And our wrong ideas about ourselves that make us unhappy and unfree. And coming in

the state of happiness, we grow closer to our higher self, We feel it, realize it. That is, in a state of happiness, we are expanding

their freedom.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Here’s a point of view. Who else what? Come on, friends! I want to push this topic to coach you, to get

you memorize some things in yoga can be very fast, we do it. But for us it is more important that you learned how to do it

self. So you were able to block yoga to enable you to rely primarily on their abilities. And so

it is imperative to be able to ponder, to discuss. It is imperative to be able to consider the issue from different points of view. Extremely

it is necessary to strengthen your intelligence.

MOYO, Anastasia, the fourth group: I would like to add to the words of Andrey Kulikov. He expressed that happiness and freedom are concepts

different. I disagree, happiness and freedom… I put an equal sign. The only thing I can agree with the scheme, which drew

Paul, that man can arrive in poor condition, and happy, and he is voleizyavleniya. But my personal opinion is: I

can go into depression, suffering, some experiences, but if someone would come up and ask me: “Nastya, are you happy?”, I answer,

YES. Just at the moment I don’t feel I feel nothing. Tomorrow I’m going to feel so much that I’m going to scream. But

as I now understand that I am a happy person. Well, let’s say, the mood in the doldrums, on the side of less, but I don’t want

to scream, but that doesn’t mean I’m not happy?


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Here’s a convoluted thing happened.


MOYO, Michael Elkin, the group ECA, the curator of the course, MANTRA YOGA and Types of Yoga: I am absolutely sure that it is impossible to be happy

being proprietary, I would put the concept of HAPPINESS to a higher level than the concept of FREEDOM. Freedom is one of the conditions


Vadim Zaporozhtsev:So what comes first, HAPPINESS or FREEDOM?


Michael Elkin: HAPPINESS, and then Freedom.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: I remember that was a film in the 60s, it was removed, one was called “Moscow – Cassiopeia”, and the second seems to be “Teens in

Of the universe.” The plot was the fact that young men were thrown into space to a planet where there was intelligent beings types of people, but invented

robots. The robots began to help them in life. Helped, helped, and then decided that we should make everyone happy. All living

creatures caught, and all surgical intervention into the brain has started something to sew, something to cut, something they did, and it was called

OSCHASTLIVLIVAYA. The picture rises before my eyes – Happy Idiot. Is it free? Is it free

happy your idiocy?


Albina, passive participant: I believe that happiness is a matter of our choice. The more we loose, the more we understand what we

want, the more we can become aware of happiness. Accordingly, when we achieve absolute freedom, I believe that happiness is, like, too

will be ABSOLUTE.

Vadim Zaporozhtsev: someone Else didn’t say please.


MOJO, bayazitova Irina, group 4: My opinion is that the concept of freedom and happiness, they are equivalent. That is, in absolute value they

merge that together. Still need to define the concept of happiness that we put him in. True happiness, it leads to freedom.

Imaginary happiness we may feel that we are happy is a temporary state that leaves us, we feel more dependent

more from something. This imaginary happiness. True happiness – it leads to freedom.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: this is the view that true happiness leads to freedom.

Let’s do that, I will ask you next lecture where literally anything to get the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. So we

before discussing a particular term, defined with its definition. To understand how in the modern world interpret this or

different concept. It will be interesting.

Why is it important? For the simple reason that yoga has its roots in India, where all these topics were discussed and developed in more

recent times in Sanskrit. In more ancient times by the Vedic language, such language, from which then occurred Sanskrit.

Of course, there are the conceptual units. And always occurs when you migrate to the West a well-known difficulty as their particular term

to translate from Sanskrit into Russian. Unfortunately, the nuances of words are totally different. What we call in one word, and I think that is

adequate translation, in fact it is a scanty attempt to interpret. In fact, one of the most serious problems. How will she

be resolved in the future – I don’t know. Because the abundance of Sanskrit scares people, and terms in European languages bring turmoil and confusion.

Probably will be a long process of establishing a common conceptual field, the General dictionary. In General, as is already happening. Our

it included the concepts of yoga, karma, mantra, bhava and so on.

But, nevertheless, we are faced with the problem. What is happiness? Who’s ready to speculate on this topic?


MOYO, Julia, group 4: I think we, each of us instinctively aspires to something. And he is committed to the highest freedom, but he still can,

not aware of this. And so, at some point, people interpreterpath happiness in their own way. That is, some moment of freedom he picks, but

not aware that it is freedom that he seeks her. And he calls it HAPPINESS. That’s what makes him good. Some kind of equivalent.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: That is, any thread that must lead us. Very interesting reflections! Happiness is something that we

survive intuitively every day. We intuitively imagine that it is and it’s closer to us than the understanding of FREEDOM. To term

freedom we still have not enough brains. But with the concept of happiness easier. And there was the view that using the concept of happiness we can

to approach the concept of FREEDOM.


MOJO, Anna Macina, full-time student: I would say that for me, happiness is a boundless JOY. I’ll follow the previous man,

through happiness and feeling of freedom. That is, at a time when we are in happiness. And while experiencing happiness and endless joy,

we feel freedom. Already with the moment to capture this feeling of freedom and to develop it, increasing happiness and joy in your life. It

suppose, is the process of understanding.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: That’s right. So let me pick up: there is another term. Is there a difference between Joy and Happiness? Maybe

be Joy without Happiness, Happiness without Joy? Well, again let us return to the definition of Happiness. In fact, what is



MOJO, Michael, band 3, course facilitator of the Yoga Alliance, Tantra yoga, yoga of being in Love: I’m here about Michael. When we unhappy, we can

be not unhappy, and this is the condition of the us is also closer to freedom. We do strive for happiness initially. And happiness, if

we’ll start closer to the conceptual bridges, for example, that FREEDOM, then there is BHAVA, then HAPPINESS as. And unhappiness – it gives

we understand intuitively that we are not where we should be. The fact that there will be happiness and we seek it, in order to find freedom

a consequence. That is the happiness indicator.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: That’s the point. If there is happiness, there is the concept of unhappiness. and on the difference of these two concepts, we can

to find a path toward FREEDOM.


MOJO, Marina, group 4: I believe that happiness is a concept beyond the logical and kindness. To describe him is very difficult. Happy loving couple

free as birds, fluttering. That is, it is interrelated. Happiness sverhdohodno.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: the view that Happiness is the concept sverdlovini. Interesting point of view.


MOJO, Evtukhovich Galina, group 4, full-time student: I liked saying the Marina. I want to add that happiness starts from us

inside. Without this inner spark we can’t build around or something else. It is something boundless.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Well how about infinite? Remember, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a short story “Gooseberry”, where uncle grew gooseberries and here

he understood his happiness is very limited, very specifically, in very tangible terms. You can’t say that, thinking about it, he

was thinking about something else, like happiness.

But we in the direction of leave. Someone, please define what happiness is.


MOYO, Anastasia, group 2, curator courses lifestyle yogis and Yogini ancient times, Nyasa yoga, the yoga of teaching: I think that the concept of

Happiness, like freedom, can be divided into two concepts:

1 is true happiness. 2 – it is alleged.

For an imaginary happiness, we can say temporary, I’ll take something when we got something, when he fulfilled our desires. That is, we

feel the joy as long as our thing, and no one took it, or until it does not become boring. To continue this happiness evaporates like

if it was not, and it is possible even not to remember.

True happiness is when we feel him glimpses of a higher or the fact that we opened higher. I think the example of our lives is

BHAVA and LOVE. And when we don’t have the word “IF” and when our happiness is not on what not on what not based.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Interesting point of view sounded, friends. What a bunch of very curious, first, that happiness is happiness alike. And in

Second, that happiness is divided into the profane, an associated note with the wishes and designs of desire. And there are some not

mundane happiness that does not exclude the fulfillment of desires, but does not depend on desires. Very interesting point of view sounded.

But the definition of what?

Kulikov Andrey: Irina Salamatina sent us a large dictionary:

Happiness is the highest life satisfaction, a sense of deep contentment and joy, test anyone.


MOJO, Saprykin Paul, group 3: I am very fast, but 3 for the definitions of dam:

1. mathematical

2. linguistic

3. medical

Math is the amount of positive emotions throughout life, or even makes sense to consider in the course of all lives to

enlightenment as the integral of positive and negative emotions.

Linguistic now. In the past people lived in communities of different goods was not enough. Even the emotional. It was very difficult. And PART,

have got some part of joy in people. Someone cast, maybe they have something wrong done, they could be excluded from

community. BASTARDS word comes from the fact that was chased away from the community people and they lived in the dump.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: reminds Me of this anecdote is that the word OFFICE comes from the word.


Saprykin Paul: And now medical. You can measure the level of endorphins, serotonin in the blood. You can freeze in serotonin, it for

positive emotions or endorphins responsible, as at the moment, the level of which is high. Accurately measure for medical

how much happiness


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Okay. Who else wants to say?

MOJO, rams Valery, 3 group, part-time student, Bishkek: I would like to give a transcript is not si minute of happiness, but to

removed. Over the winter I forgot what day of spring we have this year for such days was. Fall into such an abstract mood. Here

perhaps the level of hormones plays a role, we are here with the medical side to watch will not. But the feeling is that something

extraordinarily wonderful happens. It’s like one side. Already with age are beginning to understand that such States are momentary

do not fall. For example: new toy appeared you’re happy. And yet such ordinary phrase “if you want to be happy be”. He

try to tune into what the wave and fall into this state. And behind all this there is something higher. And as we are talking about a spring day, you

something sverdlovini caught. If you do it in this state to get in tune with the wave, you realize that you’re really happy.

Your happiness is not what is not limited, you in this state go


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: okay, I’ll try to summarize some of the factors that come external, they have as starter

machine, start the engine of happiness, which, in fact, that starter does not. That is, natural phenomena such as spring, or

some circumstances of life, when something comes, fulfillment of our desires – they can serve as a kind of impetus to the emergence of

this feeling that we call happiness. But, strictly speaking, if we then heed that feeling, we realize that they

the external sensations are not affected. And this is just the key that helps us to access that in principle we have. We are with you

come to this interesting point that the concept of happiness, whether it is relative happiness, which was spoken, or some higher

condition – this is actually a question, as it was caused by this condition, not the issue of this condition. Yes, indeed, if there is a series of desires,

which are executed, then we begin to experience such a well-known feeling which we call HAPPINESS. Similarly, when we suddenly

we reach the highest spiritual heights, and an outwardly life remains the same as it was, we kind without relying on these external factors, also

find YOURSELF in this STATE, which taste similar to what it was from the fulfillment of desire, but here it is not caused by

the fulfillment of that desire. Moreover, as was really said, in such States as LOVE … today is the first day of spring

“even a stub in spring day a birch dreams become… And the highest state of Love when the very idea that the object of love, as

yoga teaches us love, just is in the universe, causing a wave of euphoria and happiness. Here is not what kind of factors are generally out of the question.

No matter that people near and far, your he a husband or a stranger, but the fact that such a miracle is in the universe, makes

you a wave of happiness. Suggests that the roots of the concept of happiness is rooted in some very, very high area.

But let us return to the subject of our lecture. With freedom, how it is linked?


MOYO, Anne, group 4: I believe that our happiness depends on how we Rita how we harmonious universe. And, because the

more Rita, more freedom, happiness depends on freedom. About joy, I thought that happiness and joy is still different things

because we can rejoice and be happy.


Vadim Zaporozhtsev: Can be happy and rejoice in this happiness. Or, as Ostap Ibrahimovic Bender: “this sort of happiness, Yes


Friends, time, unfortunately, we have come to an end, so, not answering the question, how is the FREEDOM and HAPPINESS we move the discussion

in the next lecture. I invite all to reflect carefully, with a sheet of paper, with pencil in hand, draw, comprehend

weigh. Like ancient yogis and yoginam that opened once the ancient knowledge. What was once made can be made

us here and now. If you think that there is a fundamental difference between you ancient yogis and loginame you very seriously

err, there is no difference. We are all made on a single sample, and all that once has been opened, can be rediscovered by you.


This concludes today’s lecture.



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